vaping indoors or in cars

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Have not noticed any residual smell at all in house or truck.
I have noticed a residual film from the vapor but only in drinking glasses.
I have found myself completely addicted to playing with my vapor lol.
If I fill a glass with vapor and leave it, it does leave a film in the glass.
Other than that, I have not noticed any other residue.


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May 5, 2014
Decatur, GA, USA
I was in a car today with 2 other people and they could smell my vape. One is a smoker that asked me about vaping. Hopefully she will start vaping and cut down on smoking and maybe even quit.
I wasn't chain vaping or producing a lot of vapor. Just a mouth draw every now and then.

With this same lady playing golf and riding in the same cart she could smell my vape. Asked me what flavor it was as she said it smelled fruity. It was a blend of a few liquids.


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Apr 4, 2014
Lansing, MI USA
After smoking Marlboros in my car/basement for many years my kids and wife are thrilled with my switch to vaping. No more ashes or stink. After a couple of weeks my wife went out and cleaned my car. Now I get asked "What are you vaping" when in the car with family. I'll say "Apple Kiwi" and their response is "That stuff smells great!". The wife says my basement man cave now smells like someone lit an incense in the last day or so, instead of it just reaking.


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Jul 12, 2013
Carlsbad, CA
My next door neighbor has a nose like a bloodhound, and will whine about seeing a smoker a block away. Seriously ... :confused:

I have stealth vaped strong menthol juice at his front door, and made sure that a bit of vapor drifted into his living room. After a few minutes, he asked me if I had "another one of those breath mints" ... :D

Had he seen the PV, the fake coughing and hand waving would have begun ... :rolleyes:

This same neighbor has been a passenger in my car many times. I vape constantly in the car, and smoked in that same car for over a year, until about a year ago, before I met him. He has never commented on any odor, but will yell at anyone smoking in an adjacent car at a stop light (its embarrassing :oops:) ...

I personally dismiss most complaints about "vaping odor" to a childish need to extend the persecution of smokers to a new group of victims. I do not randomly comment on the various aromas (good or bad) emanating from my fellow travelers in life, and fairly expect them to exercise the same restraint ... :thumb:


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Mar 20, 2014
I never smoked in my house, couldnt stand the stale cigarrette smell myself and didnt want to subject anyone else to it. My car has always been a smoking area though; I spend two hours a day in it, no way I was not going to smoke there. It really floors me that other people cant smell the vapor since I can taste it so well.

Anyway, is there a residual smell or residue or other reason that has kept you from vaping inside and particularly inside a your car??

I tend not to vape indoors in public places simply out of respect for those around me. I never smoked in my house but I do vape inside it now. My cars... yes I smoked there and I always hated the stale smoke smell. Now that I vape in them... I love the smell of the juice coming out the vents.

A place that I won't vape? Inside my parents house when I go visit. Again - respect.
The only smells that I notice when we are vaping are quite pleasant but do not seem to linger long. Our clothing does not smell either. There are 4 of us that vape in the house, each with his or her own flavor going on. If anyone is in contact with an analog user though, you bet I can smell it and make them wash their clothes asap. This is coming from an ex 3 pack a day girl too. lol
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