Vapers Tongue - Possible remedy/prevention

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2013
Bellevue, NE
I am using SKY's posting here as reference. To begin with Tastyvap you had the gall to say something about my ignorance to HEALTH and then you stated "IF PEOPLE DIDNT EAT JUNK FOOD THEY MAY NOT HAVE VAPER'S TONGUE" and lets let this right. Its called VAPER'S TONGUE not vapors tongue. Junk food doesn't not cause Thrush which is what Vaper's Tongue is a clone of. That's like saying I have acute swimmer's ear because of the toilet paper I use....

Ohh so VAPER'S TONGUE must be in the book of pharmacopoeia! silly me, i thought it was a made up term. A Clone means to be exactly the same( Identical by definition), so your saying VAPERS tongue is in FACT... THRUSH. I know its hard to have everything you say destroyed with logic...Also junk food doesnt cause thrush, junk food doesnt cause a cold either, but eating a terrible diet your more susceptible to these things.
(this is where you mention how your diagnosis is un-preventable. ) to continue after you've said your done twice now.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2013
Bellevue, NE
And finally how in the hell are you gonna post a video about possible treatment for Vaper's Tongue when you have never had it....
uhm IDK how does your doctor family help the patients they encounter. ohh because they have had whatever the patient has had in the past ;)
good god, please keep going I love debunking your information


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Ultra Member
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Apr 7, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Just my observation, but sirtasteefresh does not seem too interested in the feedback he has gotten so far.

But this is only my opinion, and I could be wrong...

I don't think he is either which is why I'm here to help.

Tasteefresh. I just ate bacon grease from a JAR and chased it with some cheetos.. when will my vaper's tongue begin to plague me?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2013
Bellevue, NE
Just my observation, but sirtasteefresh does not seem too interested in the feedback he has gotten so far.

But this is only my opinion, and I could be wrong...
The feedback given has nothing to do with the information in the video xD bahaha
im not recreating the video without the intro, there is a link that skips the intro, therefore Feedback has been accomodated.
Not to mention all the feedback has been a flame of the first 36 seconds of a 5 minute video.


Ultra Member
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Nov 15, 2011
Dark Forest
just to follow up on a link posted on page one

Propylene Glycol
An active component in antifreeze, propylene glycol acts as a wetting agent and surfactant in toothpaste. The Material Safety Data Sheets for propylene glycol warn that the chemical can be rapidly absorbed through the skin, with prolonged contact leading to brain, liver and kidney abnormalities. The EPA won’t allow its workers to handle propylene glycol without wearing rubber gloves, yet it doesn’t stop the chemical from being used in common health care products.

Read more: What Are The Harmful Ingredients In Toothpaste? | LIVESTRONG.COM

yet we inhale it frequently...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 19, 2013
Saint Louis, Missouri
Thrush is actually a yeast (fungal) infection in the mouth, same as we ladies sometimes deal with in our nether regions, or babies dealmwith on their bottoms. It is often caused by antibiotics which throw off the natural balance of healthy organisms which live in our bodies.

Perhaps a helpful hint to offer in your video might be to eat yogurt with live, active cultures. More info here
Thrush - National Library of Medicine - PubMed Health

Edited for clarity


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2013
Bellevue, NE
Thrush is actually a yeast (fungal) infection in the mouth, same as we ladies sometimes deal with in our nether regions, or babies dealmwith on their bottoms. It is often caused by antibiotics which throw off the natural balance of healthy organisms which live in our bodies.

Perhaps a helpful hint to offer in your video might be to eat yogurt with live, active cultures. More info here
Thrush - National Library of Medicine - PubMed Health

Edited for clarity
Yogurt is terrible for you, All dairy products are terrible for you. One of the most widely misconcepted theory in nurtition.
* its pasteurized and mucus forming


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May 2, 2009
Knoxville, TN
Well i watched the whole video and heres my feedback.

You said you havent seen anything on the forums about biotene so you thought you had better get it out there now!! Are you referring to ECF cuz i did a search for biotene and got 252 results. I read through the first 5 and they all mentioned biotene.


The Philosopher Who Rides
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Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
Well i watched the whole video and heres my feedback.

You said you havent seen anything on the forums about biotene so you thought you had better get it out there now!! Are you referring to ECF cuz i did a search for biotene and got 252 results. I read through the first 5 and they all mentioned biotene.

Well he didn't say he did a search for it, he just said he hasn't seen it...

Tapped out


Ursus Praedonum
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Jul 5, 2013
The Vobbit Hole
Look, kid, you keep asking for feedback on the info in your video, the problem is, there ISN'T any info in your video. Other than informing us of your "healthy" lifestyle, the fact that you've never experienced vaper's tongue, don't really know anything about vaper's tongue, but it probably makes your mouth dry, so try this mouthwash for dry mouth. If I didn't know any better (and I don't) I'd say this whole asking for feedback thing was just a big troll. Oh, and about your other posts? Don't ask folks for their opinions if you don't want to hear them. And things like pasteurization are part of the reason people live past 30 nowadays, I'm sorry your trendy raw food diet doesn't truck with things like that, but downing one of the major scientific breakthroughs in human history doesn't help your credibility when recommending fixes for conditions about which the sum total of your research involved laying in bed going "Dude, try some mouthwash for that."


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2013
Bellevue, NE
  • Deleted by UntamedRose


Supporting Member
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Apr 5, 2013
OK. I gave a hint early on in this thread that should have clued the OP in that he needs to check in with ECF to be a registered reviewer. The thread has gone from bad to worse, with some of you crossing the line as far as what's acceptable behavior when interacting with other posters.

As such, this thread is done.


The Philosopher Who Rides
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
You really think ALL dairy is bad? Including cheese? I happen to agree with you about milk, but cheese is fine for a human body.

By the way, we are the only species that:
Use air conditioning.
Use combustion engines.
Use agriculture for food.
Travel by boat.
Make medicines.

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