Unusual New Ruyan Patents ?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2010
While reasearching the Ruyan patent (# 7,832,410) I came upon 2 very recent U.S. patents pending and what is unusual is that the original Ruyan patent holder, Hon Lik, is not listed as the inventor. Instead the Ruyan America CEO, Alexander Chong, is the listed inventor. along with the President, William Bartkowski and the Nicotine Water (# 6,268,386) inventor, Marshall Thompson.

Has a split occured between Ruyan and Ruyan America ?

The pending patents are for a tobacco (# 20110036365) E-cigarette and a Lobelia (# 20110038961) E-cigarette.
United States Patent and Trademark Office

I let you read them a decide your opinion.


Super Member
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Apr 1, 2009
I didn't read the whole thing, but glancing through this appears to be an application to have e-liquid containing MAOIs

6. The method of claim 1 wherein the tobacco constituents comprise nicotine and at least one monoamine oxidase inhibitor derived from tobacco.

[0006]An important constituent is the monoamine oxidase inhibitors ("MAOIs"). MAOIs are naturally found in tobacco and naturally occur in tobacco smoke. These constituents are also used in anti-depressants and are widely acknowledged to be mood elevators. There are tobacco scientists who believe that the lack of MAOIs in vaporized nicotine and in certain other nicotine products most commonly used in nicotine replacement therapies as a part of a smoking cessation program--gums, patches, lozenges and sprays--is a reason for the relatively low success rate of these products and therapies, even when compared to quitting "cold turkey."

[0007]The fact that tobacco and tobacco smoke contain MAOIs is thought by some experts as the reason why there is such significant co-morbidity between smoking and certain mental illnesses, most notably clinical depression. The theory being that smokers with depressive tendencies or depressive psychopathologies smoke tobacco products as a method of self-medicating themselves with the naturally occurring anti-depressant MAOIs. And, the fact that no current nicotine replacement therapies contain or produce MAOIs explains, in part, their relative lack of success in getting people to effectively quit smoking traditional tobacco products.

[0008]Accordingly there is a need in the art for a more effective and safer tobacco delivery mechanism and methods of use for the same.

United States Patent Application: 0110036365
MAOI alkaloids in e-cig juice?
NOW we're giving the FDA something to REALLY dig their teeth and claws into

I suspect that if they could find a way to extract MAOI alkaloids from tobacco, it shouldn't be any different (legally speaking) from current e-cigarettes. However, if they are adding other chemicals that are not approved tobacco additives, they might be forced to get approval as a drug or combination device.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2010
I think that the FDA vetoed Lobelia use for Ruyan.

There was an article in the January edition of "Convenience Distribution" Magazine (pg 70) in which Ruyan America said they were proceeding with distribution of the lobelia E-Mystick and said FDA had it facts incorrect ( yes, I know FDA being wrong is hard to believe !!)

I have been waiting to try this for over a year now.........
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Ultra Member
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Jun 24, 2009
Upstate New York
If this is done from a tobacco ONLY extraction, with nothing else added, it could be very useful to a number of people for whom traditional e-liquid is not completely effective in replacing cigarettes. There is a population of people who use other reduced harm type tobacco products to fill this gap. I do not believe that there would be a problem in continuing to get traditional e-liquid. This would simply be another choice, like flavor or strength, pg/vg ratio. Just my opinion.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
I suspect that if they could find a way to extract MAOI alkaloids from tobacco, it shouldn't be any different (legally speaking) from current e-cigarettes. However, if they are adding other chemicals that are not approved tobacco additives, they might be forced to get approval as a drug or combination device.

Wasn't sure what was actually allowed to be added to cigarettes so....
The list of 599 additives approved by the US Government for use in the manufacture of cigarettes
The List of Additives in Cigarettes - Additives in Cigarettes

Intrestingly enough there's a number of flavors that ARE allowed, and this is with no flavored cigarettes??

Perhaps this list might be useful when it's brought up that flavors are evil.....

(I just picked out the obvious flavors from the list)

•Almond Bitter Oil
•Anise Star, Extract and Oils
•Apricot Extract and Juice Concentrate
•Basil Oil
•Bay Leaf, Oil and Sweet Oil
•Beet Juice Concentrate
•Black Currant Buds Absolute
•Caraway Oil
•Carrot Oil
•Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Bark Oil, and Extract
•Fennel Sweet Oil
•Fig Juice Concentrate
•Grape Juice Concentrate
•Hops Oil
•Kola Nut Extract
•Lavender Oil
•Lemon Oil and Extract
•Lemongrass Oil
•Licorice Root, Fluid, Extract and Powder
•Lime Oil
•Linden Flowers
•Mandarin Oil
•Maple Syrup and Concentrate
•Molasses Extract and Tincture
•Mountain Maple Solid Extract
•Nutmeg Powder and Oil
•Orange Blossoms Water
•Orange Oil and Extract
•Parsley Seed Oil
•Patchouli Oil
•Pepper Oil, Black And White
•Peppermint Oil
•Pine Needle Oil, Pine Oil, Scotch
•Pineapple Juice Concentrate
•Plum Juice
•Raisin Juice Concentrate
•Rose Absolute and Oil
•Rosemary Oil
•Rum Ether
•Rye Extract
•Sage, Sage Oil, and Sage Oleoresin
•Sandalwood Oil, Yellow
•Smoke Flavor
•Snakeroot Oil
•Spearmint Oil
•Thyme Oil, White and Red
•Vanilla Extract And Oleoresin
•Violet Leaf Absolute
•Walnut Hull Extract
•Wild Cherry Bark Extract
•Wine and Wine Sherry


Moved On
Jan 30, 2011
Posted by member ROSA in another thread called ADDICTION.
I think the main problem is that they add something to the tobacco to make your body absorb it faster and THAT'S what makes it so addictive. It's like freebasing nicotine. When we vape we only absorb a portion of the nicotine that we inhale - and we absorb it much more slowly.

Nicotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
QUOTE:"Technically, nicotine is not significantly addictive, as nicotine administered alone does not produce significant reinforcing properties.[41] However, after coadministration with an MAOI, such as those found in tobacco, nicotine produces significant behavioral sensitization, a measure of addiction potential. This is similar in effect to amphetamine.[42]"
Sounds like this guy wants to profit by putting us right back where we were with analogs...
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
A lot of people smoke because they are suffering from mild depression - they are self medicating. MAOIs are used to treat depression.

For people like this, e-cigarettes have "something missing" and they may end up going right back to smoking. While I was able to switch immediately, my husband was one of those who found "something missing" and couldn't give up the smokes. Once we got him some Swedish snus (for the MAOIs,) he supplimented the e-cig "smoking action" with the snus and he was finally able to give up analogs.

MAOIs in e-cigarettes would make e-cigarettes a lot more effective for a lot of smokers.

Remember - it's the SMOKE that is deadly. MAOIs and nicotine aren't what causes disease and death. We all smoked (now vape) for different reasons and MAOIs may play a higher role than the nicotine for some smokers. If you are using e-cigarettes to wean off nicotine, then you may not want MAOIs, but the MAOIs really only effect the people who need them.

Check out: Wisconsin Vapers Blog - Enjoying a Smoke-Free Life: Tobacco Prohibition and a Law of Physics
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Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
In researching my response to the two articles in Utah I got curious about how much snus I was using compared to the number of cigarettes I couldn't stop smoking after I started vaping. For those of you that are newer here, I used to smoke 2-3 packs a day that went down to 6 cigs a day after I started to vape, but couldn't stop altogether until I bought Swedish snus.

Apparently there is .8 grams of tobacco in a cigarette and I was smoking half a dozen cigarettes which was about 4.8 grams of cigarette tobacco a day. I have constantly remained at 4 to 5 portions of snus a day which is 4-5 grams of tobacco and I rarely use my PV and normally at very low nic levels.

For me, it's obvious that the nicotine wasn't what I needed from smoking. It was more just the habit and those other tobacco alkaloids that I needed. If they could be exstracted from the tobacco as part of the nicotine, I'm sure more smokers would find vaping much more satisfying. Although, quite frankly, I wish I'd found Swedish snus years ago.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 27, 2010
Fresno Ca. USA
Does that mean that I am crazy or deluding myself? Because I can't seem to go below 8mg in my e-liquid without getting depressed, and I'm not using snus or anything else at the same time. I've tried a few times now, but it hasn't gone well. I did try to use snus at one point, but it was awfull IMHO, way too salty in taste and made me feel sick and I still got depressed.
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