Trustworthy stores for Australians to order from?

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Shae McAualy

Full Member
Jun 9, 2015
Hey guys/gals. So i've been vaping for a few months now, However Australia has some sort of law about selling nicotine products aside from cigarettes, so any stores within Australia only sell 0mg juices. I have been using 2 websites so far.

Vaper Empire, they don't sell a lot of vapes only a couple of clearomiers, but they have a huge range of flavours, only at 10ml though, they are a UK based company but have their juices manufactured in China. Although they do throw in a couple of free bottles with big orders.

The other is vape Freaks an Irish company, not sure where the product is manufactured. They sell 100ml bottles for a good price and the shipping isn't too expensive, but they don't have a big range of flavours.

So does anyone know of any good trustworthy stores that ship to Australia for a good price, with a decent selection of flavours? Preferably with different sizes available.


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ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2014
Milan to Minsk
Im in AU for a few months each year. I do a number of things when I'm here:

Firstly + 1 for Giant Vapes - great selection and service.

I have a shipping service (I use Shipito but there are others). The annual subscription works for me about $50 IIRC but you can try it out for 10/month. I use it for lots of US vendors and EU as well as they have an Austrian address. A shipping service is good for buying stuff that vendors won't ship outside the U.S. or EU and buying stuff from multiple vendors and consolidating into one cheaper shipment.

In the U.S. use the Nevada address and you don't pay sales tax. I'll order juice from various vendors and consolidate into one shipment - then send it off to wherever I happen to be.

If you send direct from each US vendor to AU separately it costs a min of $25 for each order - it's like USPS's flat rate international fee. But with something like Shipito I send multiple packages to one location and consolidate into one package and send from there. Always works out cheaper and I get it much quicker as well depending on which carrier is send it with.

Mark your shipment as a gift in your customs declaration form - but be accurate about what you are sending eg 2 x 30 e juice. I've not had a single issue ever with juice or mods coming over from the States ever. Never tried to send lipos though so I can't speak to that.

Another vendor I recently found was The Vape Shop NZ in New Zealand. NZ doesn't have any nicotine restrictions so they can sell ejuice. They sell most premium brands and the prices are fair (NZ dollars so it's about 5% cheaper in AU conversion) - I picked up Charlie Noble, Telios and Nicks Blissful Brews in my last order. Costs $9.50 (I think??) for the cheap shipping option and takes 6 days to get to AU. There's an $18 option which is like 3 days or something.

Crunch your numbers. Having a NZ vendor is good for those emergency juice orders and with the dollar sliding it might be more cost effective to use them.
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