TopVapor Maple Cream Question

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Full Member
Nov 8, 2010
Hey All.

So I ordered a sampler of 5 Top Vapor liquids, including Maple Cream (18mg). Has anyone else tried this and could maybe compare it to anything else that's as good? It's amazing! Tastes like Bailey's Irish Cream as well. A little sweet for all day consumption but I'm really happy with it. Throat hit is perfect, vapor fine etc.

I've read that it's supposed to be similar to the Vanutla flavor (TopVapor) but found Vanutla to be sour, perfumey and not at all enjoyable. Bad batch? Vanutla was my biggest hope of the order and it's my least favorite.

The other flavors I received besides these two (Coffee, Banana Bread and Chocolate Fudge Bavarian Cream) taste kind of like 'scratch and sniff' from the old kids books. Coffee is ok but the others are really perfumey tasting.

I'm new to vaping and looking for a go to juice...have some RY4 on order, not super happy with the other tobacco flavors I've tried. This Maple Cream is killer...just a little too sweet and strong for an all day vape. Anyone out there get what I'm sayin' and maybe help out with a suggestion?




Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2010
Denver, CO
Based on the sweet and strong mention i'm going throw out the suggestion of cutting this with some VG. I don't know how much experience you have with playing with juices but some vegetable gycerin will typically soften the overall flavor as well as provide more vapor. Some times it works very well for me. After looking at prices for just straight vg I just go buy it at walmart and throw in a little bit if I want to lighten a flavor. I'm not a juice expert by any means but I combine the 11 buck bottles of china juices with some of the top vapor flavors and a little vg and come out pretty happy usually. caramel nut + 555 dekang and a little walmart vg is actually a very good vape for an incredibly low price. I'm actually doing halo torque 56 with about 20% more vg in it right now and it mellows a very strong tobacco flavor to perfection for me.
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Full Member
Nov 8, 2010
Thanks for the response. I do have some VG to mix with it with but I'm pretty happy with the nicotine content, TH and flavor's just a little too much of a dessert flavor. Gonna continue on the search...I'll try the 555, Caramel Nut and VG combo you like.

The Chinese liquids I ordered originally (USA mix and Flue-Cured) are incredibly harsh throat hit for me at 24mg, which is why I got the straight VG to mix with. They are fine at 50/50 mix but then the flavor and nicotine are cut in half. It might be a cartomizer issue and I have a few cleaned and drying out to test that theory.

Odd thing, I've had some straight PG liquids at 18mg nic and they are fine, but going up to 24mg makes them like twice as harsh. Is this normal? Thanks!~



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Odd thing, I've had some straight PG liquids at 18mg nic and they are fine, but going up to 24mg makes them like twice as harsh. Is this normal? Thanks!~

It will be harsher with the extra nic, but shouldn't be night and day. Any chance you burnt up your carto? I have really got to put up a tutorial about how I have been recycling cartos lately.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2010
It will be harsher with the extra nic, but shouldn't be night and day. Any chance you burnt up your carto? I have really got to put up a tutorial about how I have been recycling cartos lately.

These were the original cartos that came with Madvapes 510 starter kit. They all seem super charged or something....they pop pretty loud when I hit the manual button. The new batch of 5 seem mellower. I've got an eGo on the way and will try the PG tobacco flavors in a fresh cart or drip, as I have no atomizers atm (bought carto kit, then 5 more with the TopVapor order).

Mathew R Taylor

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ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Charlotte, NC
I also have a TV Maple - When I first vaped on it, it was weak. I sighed and let it steep. Now, perfect!! It's not clowingly sweet, and not overpowering. Still, I will dilute it with a tobacco, and a touch of VG to balance it out. Best I've found is a ratio of 4:2:1 maple, to tobacco, to VG. Best of luck, it's GOOD!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
510 Cartos crackle like a campfire when they are new, that is normal. The reason I ask is that a burnt carto has a distinct harshness to them. I can't find words to describe the taste, but after a while you know it. Just experiment a bit and see if it is in fact the carto, or the juice. Wish I could be more help.
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