tips on getting constant draw and kick

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hey denni. yeah i only worked out that trick (slightly cover the holes to get it started) last night and if i suck just enough for it to register it produces not bad vapour (could be better though). but yeah i meant because i had to suck so hard to get it to light up i would run out of breath way before it would start blinking. and yes i must be getting it too hot as at times i've tasted that burnt taste and wondered if i've dried out the atomiser too much. it is a bit fiddly to get it to work right. just a matter of trial and error. but for now its doing the trick, a bit of vapour (not lots), but i'm getting a good throat hit (makin me cough every coupe of drags) which is one of the main things i guess.:thumb:
Hi hopefully on correct thread, just received my new dse901, charged battery (two of them) im now drawing on e-cig and getting no vapour. It lights up correctly and not blinking but no matter what i do it isn't working please help its it a duff atomiser?

I've just ordered my first e-cig...dse901 and am really worried this ain't goin to work after reading the probs peeps seem to be having with them.:confused:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
Midlands UK
Hi hopefully on correct thread, just received my new dse901, charged battery (two of them) im now drawing on e-cig and getting no vapour. It lights up correctly and not blinking but no matter what i do it isn't working please help its it a duff atomiser?

I've had this problem and in my case I just changed the battery, the light will still come on fine but not enough juice to heat the atomiser.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 11, 2008
But that is 12 mth warranty from the manufacturer not the retailer.

The retailer, unless they stipulate a longer period, have to provide either a 14 or 30 day period for a return

that last bit might be way off though?

I could be wrong, but as it is an electronic device, they should legally under uk law come with a 12 mth warranty.

I am not a lawyer but it is hard to argue that these e cigs are not electrical devices.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
I was also getting a bit frustrated with my super mini, but I have found some techniques that work thanks to these forums, and this thread in particular.

I can't really tell if blocking one of the holes on the super mini makes any difference for me, but a slow draw definitely does! So here are my tips for the super mini, may or may not work on other e-cigs too:

1. Push the cartridge HARD into the atomizer. Not too hard as you don't want to break it, but give it a really firm push which leaves no doubt that it's in as far as it can go. I've noticed that this gives it much more consistent performance, and more smoke.

2. Slow draw! This has already been mentioned in this thread. The idea is to breathe in as slowly as possible, but fast enough to activate the LED on your e-cig and keeping it activated without "skipping". I found that doing this gives me more smoke than I have been able to get before.

3. Don't suck and inhale at the same time (or inhale from your mouth, not your lungs at first). What on earth does this mean? Well it's the same way I used to smoke real cigarettes, and I found that it gives a much better and more satisfying "throat hit" with e-cigs too. This is very much personal preference, heck some of you may already do this, but I'll describe it anyway in case someone finds it useful!
Basically you clamp your lips round the e-cig, block the back of your throat with your tongue (but leaving your nose free to breathe normal air of course!), and slowly open your mouth as much as possible by moving your jaw downwards (keep your lips sealed round the e-cig when you're doing this). It will cause your mouth to fill with smoke. Then, when you can't draw in any more smoke, you inhale it with your lungs. All of the smoke should hit the back of your throat at once, and it should give you a good hit! Another advantage with this method is you take in a less smoke overall, and I find it more satisfying.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Since making the above post I've found that the majority of people seem to inhale into the mouth first before taking it into the lungs, so ignore tip #3 :)

One thing I've found with the super mini which I don't know applies to any other models of e-cig or not, is that occasionally a cartridge may fit too loosely in the atomizer, causing it to get stuck in the mouthpiece when you remove it to change cartridge, and also causing it to not fit onto the atomizer well enough. This seems to be about 1 in 5 cartridges for me, the manufacturer could improve this model by developing a more secure cartridge fitting mechanism on the atomizer. A very small piece of sticky tape easily fixes this problem.


Full Member
Feb 23, 2009
When I got my Janty Kissbox a week ago the draw was great, now its getting weaker too and its drive me NUTS!!!!!!!

:confused: okie I kinda bored

the draw and kick is not constant , maybe due the cart I used

even I used fresh battery and fresh cart

the kick is not not constant...even if got the kick behind my thoat...
is short live


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 5, 2009
Living in a box of CelluCotton
I've been alternating between two atomizers for nearly 3 weeks now (classic penstyle from PS - what model is this thing, anyway???), and I've had zero problems w/ my atomizers. My cleaning method? Stand one up on a paper towel overnight. I might even move it around if the thought occurs to me, but usually, I just set it up to drain and dry out.

I'm having pretty great luck already. I've got one unused atomizer on deck, and a new batch of gear coming this week, so I think I should be good for at least another month or two, not counting juice (which I have a couple weeks worth).

More on topic, I think if you're looking for longevity with vaping, go with one of the big dogs like a penstyle or pipe/cigar. I'm an unabashed fan of the penstyle, and have no desire to branch out at all. My EVO backup is nice and all, but it feels like a novelty in the face of my pen. I get hits off my pen that keep me nicced up VERY nicely, and with a very generous cutoff and the biggest carts on the market, it's a no-brainer. I actually can feel the hits off my pen, while I sometimes can't even tell if my EVO is vaping at all.


Full Member
Nov 9, 2008
Did you remove the "filter" that was on the atomizer and replace it with a packaged one? The atomizers are shipped with a blank one to protect it. The packaged ones have moist fiber material in them.

Hi hopefully on correct thread, just received my new dse901, charged battery (two of them) im now drawing on e-cig and getting no vapour. It lights up correctly and not blinking but no matter what i do it isn't working please help its it a duff atomiser?


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ECF Veteran
Mar 12, 2009
Seattle, WA
Hi, I'm new here (2 days with a pink 901.)

I just discovered something on my own after reading the thread linked above. The 901 is too small for that mod but if I take the wool out of the 901 mouthpiece and stand it up loosely in the atomizer I get great hits... finally!

Alternatively, the mouthpiece that came with the device is tighter fitting than the loaded cartridge mouthpieces. I used the tighter one instead and only put the wool in halfway. Then, when I put it on the atomizer it presses against it and makes better contact.

With both of these methods I am being careful not to draw too fast and hard because I am sure I could burn the wool up and ruin everything.

I just use the quick-hit, slow-hit method everyone talks about here and it works pretty well.
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