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Apr 10, 2009
The eVic was obviously marketed for e-cigarette users and not Vaper's plain and simple. Vaper'e tend to go to the extreme or close to it in a lot of cases. This does not do that. Joye doesn't make dual coil atty/cartos that I know off hand. They made a device that works with their equipment. The run of the mill e-cigarette user will be using a 3 ohm atty or carto and only vaping at around 5-6 watts since that is what they are used to with standard eGo's.
For a device to not go at least to the 6 volt range is not going to work here for most people. The MID looks promising if you do not have to use that tip they have on it and looks more like it was made for Vaper's and not e-cigarette users.


Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2011
Tennessee :-)
The eVic was obviously marketed for e-cigarette users and not Vaper's plain and simple. Vaper'e tend to go to the extreme or close to it in a lot of cases. This does not do that. Joye doesn't make dual coil atty/cartos that I know off hand. They made a device that works with their equipment. The run of the mill e-cigarette user will be using a 3 ohm atty or carto and only vaping at around 5-6 watts since that is what they are used to with standard eGo's.
For a device to not go at least to the 6 volt range is not going to work here for most people. The MID looks promising if you do not have to use that tip they have on it and looks more like it was made for Vaper's and not e-cigarette users.

I can only agree with a couple of your points.

Interesting to find out that after nearly 2 years analog free, I'm not a vaper.

You forget the key --- We are vapers -- whether it be a blu, a darwin or an i hybrid.

So I'm a lightweight, in more ways than one. lol I like the E-vic because it is lighter in weight. If the tube gets dent or scratched to an annoying state, I can skin it myself or pick up a new tube for under $10. I like to know status of my battery. I like to see the ohms readings. I love the changes to 1.1 so I can monitor my vaping by Watts instead of VW. I don't use dual coils and rarely an RBA. I could do without puff statistics.

And, I know I am far from alone.

Oh, I'm sure I'm extreme on some things --- but that's another story;)


I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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Jan 25, 2011
The eVic was obviously marketed for e-cigarette users and not Vaper's plain and simple. Vaper'e tend to go to the extreme or close to it in a lot of cases. This does not do that. Joye doesn't make dual coil atty/cartos that I know off hand. They made a device that works with their equipment. The run of the mill e-cigarette user will be using a 3 ohm atty or carto and only vaping at around 5-6 watts since that is what they are used to with standard eGo's.
For a device to not go at least to the 6 volt range is not going to work here for most people. The MID looks promising if you do not have to use that tip they have on it and looks more like it was made for Vaper's and not e-cigarette users.

Hardly, Skyway. I'll be agreeing with tearose on this. Users of e cigs normally vape on cig-a-like 510 batts, Kr808s, as well as Egos. Anyone investing in an eVic would most likely be known as a vaper. Vapers don't necessarily go to the extreme. They do however, goes toward enthusiast, and hobbyist, and collector. I fit into one or more of those cats.

I'm not quite sure what the reference to dual coils is about. From my sometimes limited knowledge, they provide a harsher and more stressful environment for a device, tho some of us do love them. When vaping on a device like the Darwin, or an Opus, or a Billet Box, just as examples, it is pretty much well-known and established that the "better" vapes, the more "advanced" vapes will be had with a higher resistance carto/atty. I'm not sure I would agree that everyone reaches for the 6 volt range.

It's interesting the division between e cig users and vapers. I think most of that division really is about hobby/lust/desire/must haves, etc. Tearose nailed it in saying that we are all vapers. We don't indulge in smokie stinkie stix.

The eVic has certainly turned into quite the controversial mod! And to be quite frank, I'm not sure why. No matter it's intended audience, it's really quite a wonderful and innovative device and I vape happily with it. If someone else doesn't like it for whatever reason, that's fine. Hopefully they will find one they do like and we'll all vape happily ever after. ;)


ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
It's interesting the division between e cig users and vapers. I think most of that division really is about hobby/lust/desire/must haves, etc.

I don't distinguish between vapers and ecig users. I have them divided up into vapers/ecig users and modders.

Anyone merely using a hardware piece as designed, with whatever limitations are built into it, is in the 1st category. You are simply using a product. No different than using an electric toothbrush or toaster.
Making the product do more, or different, than what it was designed to do brings us into modder territory.

The eVic has certainly turned into quite the controversial mod! And to be quite frank, I'm not sure why.

Perhaps because, for what it is, it is on the verge of being somewhat over-priced, IMHO.


I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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Jan 25, 2011
I don't distinguish between vapers and ecig users. I have them divided up into vapers/ecig users and modders.

Anyone merely using a hardware piece as designed, with whatever limitations are built into it, is in the 1st category. You are simply using a product. No different than using an electric toothbrush or toaster.
Making the product do more, or different, than what it was designed to do brings us into modder territory.

Perhaps because, for what it is, it is on the verge of being somewhat over-priced, IMHO.

But you can get your name on it... :facepalm:


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Dec 8, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Hardly, Skyway. I'll be agreeing with tearose on this. Users of e cigs normally vape on cig-a-like 510 batts, Kr808s, as well as Egos. Anyone investing in an eVic would most likely be known as a vaper. Vapers don't necessarily go to the extreme. They do however, goes toward enthusiast, and hobbyist, and collector. I fit into one or more of those cats.

I'm not quite sure what the reference to dual coils is about. From my sometimes limited knowledge, they provide a harsher and more stressful environment for a device, tho some of us do love them. When vaping on a device like the Darwin, or an Opus, or a Billet Box, just as examples, it is pretty much well-known and established that the "better" vapes, the more "advanced" vapes will be had with a higher resistance carto/atty. I'm not sure I would agree that everyone reaches for the 6 volt range.

It's interesting the division between e cig users and vapers. I think most of that division really is about hobby/lust/desire/must haves, etc. Tearose nailed it in saying that we are all vapers. We don't indulge in smokie stinkie stix.

The eVic has certainly turned into quite the controversial mod! And to be quite frank, I'm not sure why. No matter it's intended audience, it's really quite a wonderful and innovative device and I vape happily with it. If someone else doesn't like it for whatever reason, that's fine. Hopefully they will find one they do like and we'll all vape happily ever after. ;)

The majority of the people that have a problem with the evic are the ones that do not own one lol... Just saying


I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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Jan 25, 2011
Good choice, TCasualties. I am thinking about selling one of mine... only because I have two of them.

The one thing that is not mentioned frequently about the eVic is the weight. It is SO light!! And I appreciate that alot. Sometimes I just don't feel like vaping from a brick.


Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2011
Tennessee :-)
I have no problem with that Tcasualties. It's a great mod with a very good record. Love mine.

New Toys are fun. Some gals collect shoes. Not me, I have a mod for most every occasion!


Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2011
Tennessee :-)
I think you made a prudent choice. I doubt I will ever even think about selling my Provari. It's been a wonderful and reliable device for well over a year. These new toys have some fun and useful features and are cheaper, but have no track record. And, it seems a new great sounding VV/VW is coming out every week. 200 people will say how it's better than the Provari and 500 will say--So What, I'm happy with my Provari.

Yet, much to my surprise, I became one who enjoys new toys and enjoys having a selection.

You also did good by choosing a Silver Bullet, imo. Also a sturdy reliable device that will most likely be part of your arsenal for many years.


Vaping Master
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Nov 2, 2009
I was on the fence as well, the Evic or a Provari, I started researching the Evic more and more, the first thing that killed it for me was the cut off at 95 deg F, it's hotter than that most summer days here in KS! Then the stability issues with voltage, another was dropped 3' and the top popped off, another burnt the screen?
I'm hard on things, VERY hard on things! I wanted something I could drop, have roll down the drive way, use around welders etc....... The Evic wasn't the choice for me!
I still think it's a great concept, and I think in a bit of time it will be a great unit, but right now it seems it was rushed out before being finished and tested properly. It's sad it has to be this way though, it doesn't do much for credibility.
I want to like the Evic, I still recommend it to people that aren't hard on things and in no hurry.
Am I bashing it? Maybe, but it didn't fit my needs and I'm happy I didn't get one. So I can get something that doesn't work for me and be unhappy, or something that works and be happy, then refer to this for people that I think it will work for.
Just saying, we don't all hate it.


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Dec 6, 2011
Well I have a ProVari and love it and I bought my wife an eVic. I must say I like the eVic and will be buying one for my self. I rebuild atomizers on DID tanks and VW is the way to go for rebuilding. I like that I can set my wattage and swap my tanks with out thinking about re calculating my voltage. If you want to vape at 5 + watts then buy a ProVari it will never let you down. But when you get in to building atomizers and making your own juices you will look at the tools differently.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Senior Member
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Aug 22, 2012
My eVic works like a charm. I don't need to go past 5 volts, and I don't use dual coils. For me they are more trouble than they are worth. I can get a nice vape with a Vivi Nova or my Genesis and I have not had any problems. People are tearing this thing apart, but the fact is, its a good PV. I've had Egos and Lavatubes and this is miles better by far.
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