The KR808D-1 vs 510 Debate: Dead Horse?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Perez-uzza to this day
After much testing and comparison I recently took the opportunity to post my conclusions in a couple of recent threads, one on juice ( ), one on e-cigs, and a follow up posting my recommended first order package.

Through following comments on these posts and getting responses I’ve learned a lot about the preferences of others and wanted to start one more thread on this lest I be accused of simply being a subjective fan-boy for the KR. For one thing, somebody followed my advice and bought a KR and then posted what I considered to be disappointing results, partially due to the juice and supplier used, but also partially because of the way the KR really performs.

So, I want to clarify.

KR vs 510:
I VAPE AT HIGH VOLTAGE – I use either a 5 Volt Prodigy with an 801 to Cartomizer or 510 to Cartomizer adapter, or I use a KR USB Pass-thru. The vast majority of the time my Cartomizer doesn’t even have the plastic tip on it – I just leave it open and drip all the time to keep it wet. I use quality juices (no Ruyan/Dekang – at least not straight – I use a lot of Nobacco, Ms. T’s, Tasty Vapor, and some Decadent and ECOpure). By this means I always have stellar performance in what I consider to be the three primary performance factors, in order of importance to me: Flavor, Vapor, and Throat Hit.

I do NOT say that the 510 does not perform well in any of these areas, in fact I think the 510 is a star (even more so at 5 volts). As far as my narrow mind is concerned it is the only other e-cig out there besides the KR. I’m using up my stock of 801s (& RN4072s) and 901s (& RN4075s) with no intent to ever restock because if I want a ‘normal’ type atty instead of a Cartomizer for whatever reason, then I prefer a 510. But, with my habits described above I do prefer the KR over the 510 by a pretty decent margin (and with my habits described above the other Cartomizer options like GreenTech don’t compare to the KR any better than a 901 compares to a 510).

The big downsides for me on the 510 are convenience and the troubles all ‘normal’ attys seem to suffer from (performance slowly going downhill over time). Many folks say the 510 is more convenient than the KR because it is easier to pop the cap and refill. Maybe I don’t get it because the KR is easy enough to refill, and I get five attys for the price of one 510 so it just seems simpler to pop and fill five cartos than to fill one atty five separate times. Or maybe it is that refilling is just a back up plan for me anyway, as I said, the vast majority of the time I just leave it open and happily drip away without having to remove even a whistle tip, and in that case, you have to re-drip a 510 about every 4 drops or so while you have to re-drip a KR about every 8 drops or so to keep it wet.

BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT…here is how to fail with a KR: all you have to do is expect to get the performance I describe above when using a pre-filled (probably not full) carto on a standard 3.7 volt battery from a discount supplier. It ain’t gonna happen. Especially if you throw in cheap juice and one of the old 5-second cut off batteries. If I lead anyone to believe otherwise I apologize. I still use this set up for portable convenience quite frequently, or when I just want that small battery size feel, but it just is not the same thing as how I like to vape as described above. If you want an instant big hit off of a portable battery you will probably be better impressed with a 510! The 510 often makes a great first impression due to the larger hit with a shorter drag from a new atomizer. Is the 510 battery life short? Yeah, it takes power to produce that hit, but if that is what you are looking for then I would say shorter battery life is probably a better compromise than sub-par performance.

Me, I want a premium experience and have found that for me it is direct dripping a KR at 5 volts, so I am more than happy to stick with a KR (or two at a time) at 3.7 volts when I need a little unit. Does that mean the 510 sucks? No! I love the 510. I just love it second because of the way I use.

Many thanks to Kent C, Ryum, Meltmanbob, and the V4L forum frequenters for their comments in my other threads – whether you are an old timer or a noob I’ve picked up a lot of good info and perspective from you guys and hope to see more feedback here. I’m blowing a big cloud of Ms. T Honey in your face right now; it is an expression of gratitude.



Dog Lover!
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 27, 2009
Now you've gone and said the magic words......"dead horse". I'll have to drag out the avatars. It's your fault, you're making me do it!! haha, I beat you, OTD.


Thanks again Uzzaperez, you and Kent C have been very helpful and insightful!! As I mentioned before I'm not all to happy with my set up but i think it's a lot of things all playing off of each other. I was not aware you were using the KR at 5v, I probably missed that somewhere but I was pretty set on the KR for a number of reasons and I know I still have a lot to mess with before I come to any final conclusion about anything other than I would tend to agree that the pre-filled Dekang carts have crappy flavor.

I read a thread or post somewhere that stated that pretty much the only common standard ecig battery that runs at the "rated" voltage of 3.7 is the KR, the 510 measured in at just over 3v.

My re-evaluation of my situation has led me to think that more vapor would probably give me the more feeling I get from a drag off an analog. I'm going to try to order some PG and VG in a good brand from 0 nic to 24mg so I can try and pinpoint what aspect give what effects for me. I do not like the "throat hit" I'm getting as it feels very concentrated and straight back in my throat instead of a full smooth feeling that never hits just one particular spot but rather goes through my respiratory tract evenly and deeper. I can't tell if that tingly feeling in the back of my throat is from the nicotine or the PG not sitting well with me and all of the flavors have a mild nasty burnt after flavor. I've looked in the cartos and they look pretty much the same as when they were brand new. I've even tried dripping some of the strawberry liquid I have in with the menthol and the grape just to see what the difference was and I haven't noticed much.

Anyway thanks again!! All of your info has helped give me ideas on where to go next or what to look for etc.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Perez-uzza to this day
Now you've gone and said the magic words......"dead horse". I'll have to drag out the avatars. It's your fault, you're making me do it!! haha, I beat you, OTD.



I love the smiley whacking the horse in the...the parts. Anwyay, I PM'd Meltmanbob whatever tips I had left in me. I think it is time for me to take a break from being vocal and excessively verbose on the forums. The Guru's out there have it covered.
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