The FDA will NOT Ban E-cigarettes

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Vic l

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
Clarksville, TN
Wow this was an interesting thread.. Makes me glad I have become a DIYer, and am probably going to stock up anyway as my friends that vape like the flavors I have made. Prob going to stock up on hardware anyway as well. Plus having a little bit of a chem background and definitely an electronics background may well come in handy. Overall will be interesting to see how this pans out. But I do agree with some of the others. The more vocal we as a community are and are willing to make this high profile. The less the evil empire will be able to do about it. Hmm maybe get some of these high profile politicians to give up their cigars for PVs (just a thought):vapor:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2010
South Florida
here's an interesting little question: what percentage of e-cig users vape 0mg juice? if it's significant, would it then make it harder for them to regulate the devices themselves, as 0mg nicotine means no "tobacco" and no "drug"? i know it's stretching, but it does blow a couple holes in their "drug delivery device" argument, at least as far as batteries and atties/cartos are concerned.


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Sep 23, 2010
Rochester NY
here's an interesting little question: what percentage of e-cig users vape 0mg juice? if it's significant, would it then make it harder for them to regulate the devices themselves, as 0mg nicotine means no "tobacco" and no "drug"? i know it's stretching, but it does blow a couple holes in their "drug delivery device" argument, at least as far as batteries and atties/cartos are concerned.

I've pretty much been saying this all along. I've never agreed with the actual device as being an issue or subject of regulation. Hell...some people smuggle drugs in cars. Should all cars be banned? A can of soda looks just like a can of beer. Do people associate drinking a can of soda with drinking a can of beer just because they look similar? This is all getting ridiculous.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2010
I have always found "Truth" to be an interesting topic of conversation because truth is a definitional word.

In court: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Why not just say...Do you swear to tell the truth?

At home: All men know the answer to the question...Do you think this dress makes me look (fill in the blank)?

The FDA has their version of the truth and we have ours.

Superman fought for "truth, justice and the American way of life." Batman used to answer the call when the Joker, the Penguin and other villains were a threat. Unfortunately, both have long since retired.

Keep your friends close and your enemies Closer.

I think we all can agree the FDA is NOT our "Friend"

Many have seen the link (below) on several of my previous posts. Others might have seen a post totally focused on the subject. A few have listened to the entire interview.

I challenge everyone who professes to be a freedom fighter for our cause (or just curious) to listen to the entire interview. Not just part 1 and 2 and say Yea, Yea I know. But listen to parts 1-7 which is the interview. Parts 8-11 the public calls in to share experiences and asks for information and direction.

A friend who claimed to be "Well informed" on the subject of the FDA called me recently after listening to the interview, he said he was "Shocked" with what he learned.

The link will open the video starting with part 1. Sit back and listen to the interview. This is a unique link because at the end of each segment the next will "Automatically" play.

Click on the link and sit back and vape or whatever and listen.

Replies with comments would be most valued additions to this thread.

Secrets of the FDA: Suppressed Information
Drug Industry, FDA and Health Issues
Jonathan W. Emord
Only attorney in history who has defeated the FDA 7 times
6 times on First Amendment grounds

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 27, 2010
I don't see how they could ban the actual ecig. I look for them to go after the nic juice. I still think that the big tobacco companies are lining their pockets just to make a huge fuss about this.

Yeah, it would be pretty hard to crush the devices themselves. I mean Raidy built an atomizer out of a few wires, a piece of stainless steel mesh, and a bathroom tile... LOL


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
It is an excellent interview. George Noory is a decent host because he doesn't talk too much. I really appreciate you giving that to us. Much of it I knew general information about. I get stories from Pharmacists all the time. Obviously, I didn't know about many of the specific cases he discussed. Hearing his examples was great information.

The Vioxx information was great. I took Vioxx for 8 months in the early 2000's. I knew general information about it but, he had specifics that were great.

I knew nothing about what is happening over in Europe. That is mind blowing. The fact that the US is eyeing it as great is just horrific.

The Bird Flu information was spot on! I was appalled when everyone was freaking out about getting the vaccine.

I like how he summed up how Big Pharma and the FDA are... ummm... joined. I wish he pushed the money aspect of it a little harder but, I think he still did a really good job. He really knows his stuff and discussed it well.

I am on Part 10 now. Some of the callers aren't adding much but, some are adding a bit. The guy at the end of 9 (and the beginning of 10 was good). I recommend listening to some of the callers if anyone else listens to this.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
If they regulate them as a drug delivery device they will ban them pending further studies like they do with all drugs. The best we can hope for is classifying them as a tobacco product.

I don't think they can ban them. There is too much precedence. The juice is the biggest worry.


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Dec 29, 2009
Yeah and if they do regulate, I'm imagining we will be stuck with something that resembles the BluCigs and NOT very satisfied at all- at least that's been my imagination working for the past 2 months anyways....... They will give us something not very effective (just like the patch and the gum) because they want us to fail at this and go back to the big, bad, money producing analogs.....just my opinion though

good opinion... mirrors mine... :vapor:


Ultra Member
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Sep 23, 2010
Rochester NY
If they regulate them as a drug delivery device they will ban them pending further studies like they do with all drugs. The best we can hope for is classifying them as a tobacco product.

I've been doing this all wrong the whole time? Didn't know I was supposed to be putting tobacco in my PV.

This misconception needs more education. Tobacco is not the only source for nicotine.

Do not hope for "classifying them as a tobacco product".

These are Personal Vaporizers. They originally came out as a way of vaping simple water vapor or non-medicinal herbs. The fact that they've morphed into an "electronic cigarette" is an after effect. Many people using "electronic cigarette" PV's are being selfish in the fact that they're concentrating on the ban of their nicotine delivery device. What about all the people using PVs for non-nicotine? Ever think of them? I bet not.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 27, 2010
JonnyVapΣ;2125622 said:
I've been doing this all wrong the whole time? Didn't know I was supposed to be putting tobacco in my PV.

This misconception needs more education. Tobacco is not the only source for nicotine.

Do not hope for "classifying them as a tobacco product".

These are Personal Vaporizers. They originally came out as a way of vaping simple water vapor or non-medicinal herbs. The fact that they've morphed into an "electronic cigarette" is an after effect. Many people using "electronic cigarette" PV's are being selfish in the fact that they're concentrating on the ban of their nicotine delivery device. What about all the people using PVs for non-nicotine? Ever think of them? I bet not.

While i want to agree, i dont think it would be smart to use that rational. After reading through Judge Leon's decision, it seems that one of many major factors that is allowing us to fall under the Tobacco Act instead of the FCDA is that the nicotine is derived from tobacco. If the nicotine wasnt derived from tobacco, we might actually fall under the FCDA which would result in a defacto ban.

The way i read it, because of how screwed up the FDA is, we kind of have to associate ourselves with tobacco in order to exist. Because, the whole goal right now is to be regulated like tobacco products instead of a drug delivery device. Removing all ties ecigs have to tobacco might not be the best idea at this time.


ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
While i want to agree, i dont think it would be smart to use that rational. After reading through Judge Leon's decision, it seems that one of many major factors that is allowing us to fall under the Tobacco Act instead of the FCDA is that the nicotine is derived from tobacco. If the nicotine wasnt derived from tobacco, we might actually fall under the FCDA which would result in a defacto ban.

The way i read it, because of how screwed up the FDA is, we kind of have to associate ourselves with tobacco in order to exist. Because, whole goal right now is to be regulated like tobacco products instead of a drug delivery device. Removing all ties ecigs have to tobacco might not be the best idea at this time.

I read somewhere on ECF that not all nic comes from tobacco. Pharmacutical grade is made differently. Correct me if I'm wrong. If that's the case, the FDA wouldn't be able to regulate it. Right?
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