The FDA a {RICO} Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization and vaping

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Aug 28, 2020
Nevada, USA
Is the FDA a {RICO} Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization ? - The vaping problem explained as I see it.

Is the FDA a {RICO} Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization ? Is it in fact not working for the people of the United States and in fact working only for special interests that could not care less about the health of the American people? Is the current vendetta against the proven less harmful vaping alternative for tobacco use based on a corrupt receipt of money from corrupt organizations such as Bloomberg Philanthropies whose war on anything tobacco or nicotine related is not based upon science but rather a corrupt group whose only desire is to assert their will, even if their will is dangerous to public health?

Has the FDA {Food and Drug Administration, aka the Food and Death Administration} consistently denied the science and evidence of a safer tobacco product to satisfy special interests that promote the return of ex-smokers to smoking or to use alternative anti-smoking drugs promoted by the Pharmaceutical industry - And how much are these multi-trillion dollar a year industries paying the FDA to rule their way?

Does the current attempt to ban all flavored vape products really have anything to do with young users - - or is it in fact based upon a corrupt bias that is bought and paid for by corrupt organizations such as Bloomberg Philanthropies and corrupt politicians that are also bought and paid for by corrupt organizations such as Bloomberg Philanthropies ???

Also consider, that the FDA is and has been a corrupt division of government for a long time - Working for special financial interests such as big pharma - In '90s they were going to make all vitamins and dietary supplements subject to prescription use only - Apparently the supplement industry was bigger and stronger and had more people than the vaping industry because our nationwide petition drive worked and we got congress to pass legislation to block the FDA's corrupt attempt to regulate vitamins and supplements. The FDA bullies lost that one - Too bad the smaller vape industry can't come up with the super lawyers it needs to fight and win !

Again I ask: Should the FDA be charged under The RICO statues and disbanded as a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization ???


"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
We wish. We've ceded (too?) much power back to the federal government, which is antithetical to our origins, spirit, and the very nature of our everything.

It appears to be too late to turn back now, at least to my eyes. I hope that's not the case, obviously.


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Aug 28, 2020
Nevada, USA
We wish. We've ceded (too?) much power back to the federal government, which is antithetical to our origins, spirit, and the very nature of our everything.

It appears to be too late to turn back now, at least to my eyes. I hope that's not the case, obviously.
But sometimes even they step over the line and the mantra "I'm mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore" comes to mind.

I've been studying this as it has been unfolding. If we can prove the FDA accepted influence of special interest groups, which of course they have - They have to explain and prove the impartiality of those groups as it pertains to vaping and public health - And prove there was no influence peddling via economic payoffs both over and under the table.

Hell we know the groups from Big tobacco to big pharma to Bloomberg and his so called philanthropies
- Now show just once or twice how it is money, not public health that they really care about and its game over
- Then and only then will we get the rest of the public interested - When we can show the real threat to youth is not addiction to nicotine - No the real threat is the addiction to power and that "absolute power corrupts absolutely"! Prove and demonstrate the incestuous relationship between the FDA and certain special financial interests - than we can win !


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Jun 28, 2016
the Universe
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ECF Veteran
Aug 28, 2020
Nevada, USA

How many threads do you need to basically repeat the same old, same old Rant?

Could have kept it all in your original thread, here: The real reason the FDA must control Vaping - No its not Public Health

Here is your 2nd one where you repeat all the same stuff: IS FDA BANNING VAPING?

And this bothers you? - Then why read anything I post?

The other two posts have achieved over a thousand views in a rather short period of time
- Apparently some people like reading what I have to say.

Michael Bloomberg probably does not read but his shills are probably all over the internet and I imagine if they could they would stop me from posting - Maybe they will but I'm old and would still rather die fighting.

It used to be smokers rights I fought for - Yes, that too was a losing cause.
Vaping, which I actually do and prefer, seems like a better cause.

So as long as I can and special interests don't censor my posts I will keep up what you call a rant !!!

And to sum up this rant I quote:

"...........Well, I’m not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get MAD! I don’t want you to protest. I don’t want you to riot – I don’t want you to write to your congressman, because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write. I don’t know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you’ve got to get mad. (shouting) You’ve got to say: ‘I’m a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!’

So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell: ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!'.........."

- American playwright, screenwriter and novelist Sidney Aaron “Paddy” Chayefsky. {from the movie "Network"}
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  • Jul 17, 2009
    Your continuous ranting here is a waste of energy. If you believe the FDA is so corrupt, go do something about it. Rant to the press, your congressman, someone who can do something about it. We are in the same helpless situation that you are, and listening to your rants, not just on threads you start, but in a lot of your posts, in general, is getting tiresome.


    Vaping Master
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    No matter what any of us believes is really going on behind the scenes the problem remains proving it so convincingly that courts who also have their own agendas cannot simply dismiss the proof.

    I honestly do not think we can win at this point. All the decks are too heavily stacked against us and we have proven over the years that we cannot pull together enough to form a cohesive battle front.


    "Vert De Ferk"
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    Dec 17, 2011
    Not to mention that with liberty literally flowing down the drain steadily, I think it would be tough to organize the resources and support that would be required with such an issue.

    It kills me, but we've got much bigger problems right now.


    Supporting Member
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    Jun 28, 2016
    the Universe
    The other two posts have achieved over a thousand views in a rather short period of time
    - Apparently some people like reading what I have to say.
    :rolleyes: I wouldn't go that far. People reading posts does not equal "likes". Actual ratings of "like", "winner" and "agree" could equal a like. Check your posts.

    As to your quote... you've made the choice to live your life angry and mad. That speaks volumes. Choosing to stay, and live, in that place is a complete waste of energy.

    Many here have moved far beyond those waste of time emotions. They've stocked up for life. And moved on, to living, and hopefully, enjoying their lives. Try it, you might actually like it. Just trying to help you. :)


    Super Member
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    Aug 28, 2020
    Nevada, USA
    Many here have moved far beyond those waste of time emotions. They've stocked up for life. And moved on, to living, and hopefully, enjoying their lives. Try it, you might actually like it. Just trying to help you. :)
    I understand your point - Let me further elaborate on mine.

    The 'control freak' mentality governing the 'tobacco nazis' of today is much worse than any addiction to say something like tobacco - Something that can be satisfied.

    It started with cigarettes cause lung cancer - Now 'they' know cigarettes cause everything else
    - And second hand smoke is a first rate bio hazard?

    Vaping was an anomaly - a tobacco product that seemed of little harm - But the fact that it was addictive is all they needed.

    You enjoy vaping and have a lifetime supply - great!

    But in the tobacco nazis war you are not ever supposed to enjoy tobacco - And after they outlaw vaping completely they will realize it is still around - that some people have a lifetime supply - And they will show you evidence that children are still getting their hands on it.

    Next step is to declare this dangerous product as a class one narcotic and outlaw all possession
    - - come up with some draconian penalties including jail time for possession.- Already the case in India, a nation with a very high death rate from cigarette smoking that of course outlawed vaping.

    So I'm glad you have a lifetime supply - maybe you should not tell anyone about it?


    "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

    - Pastor Martin Niemöller {1892-1984}
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    "Vert De Ferk"
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    Dec 17, 2011
    I understand your point - Let me further elaborate on mine.

    The 'control freak' mentality governing the 'tobacco nazis' of today is much worse than any addiction to say something like tobacco - Something that can be satisfied.

    It started with cigarettes cause lung cancer - Now 'they' know cigarettes cause everything else
    - And second hand smoke is a first rate bio hazard?

    Vaping was an anomaly - a tobacco product that seemed of little harm - But the fact that it was addictive is all they needed.

    You enjoy vaping and have a lifetime supply - great!

    But in the tobacco nazis war you are not ever supposed to enjoy tobacco - And after they outlaw vaping completely they will realize it is still around - that some people have a lifetime supply - And they will show you evidence that children are still getting their hands on it.

    Next step is to declare this dangerous product as a class one narcotic and outlaw all possession
    - - come up with some draconian penalties including jail time for possession.- Already the case in India, a nation with a very high death rate from cigarette smoking that of course outlawed vaping.

    So I'm glad you have a lifetime supply - maybe you should not tell anyone about it?


    "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

    - Pastor Martin Niemöller {1892-1984}

    The fight that needed to be fought was fought, back a few years. Given the relatively tiny size of the industry at the time, everything would have had to gone perfectly for vaping to come out okay.

    Without going into (now valueless) details, everything didn't go perfectly.

    The machine is strong, and like it or not, it has won. There will be vaping, but the best years (fun, knowledge, & progress) are behind us. It was GREAT to be dancing while the music blasted, but the music has softened considerably.

    Some are stocked up, and will vape with that. Others will vape whatever is available, which will likely be more similar to tobacco cigarette choices than to all that we once knew.

    If you feel so strongly, why not hire a lawyer and get on with it? I couldn't care less if you keep posting, but I find it unlikely that it will provide you with the victory you're mentally pursuing with each post.

    I saw an ad on TV. Maybe they call help.



    Vaping Master
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    Aug 28, 2020
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    If you feel so strongly, why not hire a lawyer and get on with it? I couldn't care less if you keep posting, but I find it unlikely that it will provide you with the victory you're mentally pursuing with each post.
    I have no commercial interests in vaping at all - But as stated in the following new video from RegWatch here are some players that do - As one of them states that as depressing as this new kill the vapes ruling is - It is even more depressing that he doesn't see the rest of us getting angry
    - Maybe as we celebrate 20 yeaars after 9/11 - A couple of days ago on 9/9/21 the Vapopaclypse has struck
    - 3000 killed on 9/11 - Now how many ex-smokers and smokers are going to die because of it ?!?!?!
    Look at the FDA and you can see terrorism sometimes comes disguised.

    #RegWatch #VapeNews
    RECKLESS REGULATOR | FDA Leaves U.S. Vaping Industry Mired in Chaos | RegWatch (Live)

    Join RegWatch for a special live episode to unpack the reckless behaviour of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in its decision to delay authorizations of nicotine vaping products for controversial companies such as Juul. While issuing Marketing Denial Orders for millions of products manufactured and sold by thousands of small businesses operating in the U.S. market. *Guests: Amanda Wheeler, Exec. Dir., Arizona Smoke Free Business Alliance & President, Rocky Mountain Smoke Free Alliance / Dimitris Agrafiotis, Exec. Dir. Tennessee Smoke Free Association / Phil Busardo, Vape Evangelist Only on RegWatch by Streamed Live: September 10, 2021 Produced by Brent Stafford


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    Jun 28, 2016
    the Universe
    - Maybe as we celebrate 20 yeaars after 9/11 - A couple of days ago on 9/9/21 the Vapopaclypse has struck

    - 3000 killed on 9/11 - Now how many ex-smokers and smokers are going to die because of it ?!?!?!
    Look at the FDA and you can see terrorism sometimes comes disguised.


    Bringing 9/11 into this is disgusting. Tasteless.

    Alluding to the FDA as a terrorist organization is also disgusting.

    Ever think of taking a vacation and like, I don't know, going out to the country and going fishing for like a year or two? I think you need a break. Seriously.


    "Vert De Ferk"
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    Dec 17, 2011
    I have no commercial interests in vaping at all - But as stated in the following new video from RegWatch here are some players that do - As one of them states that as depressing as this new kill the vapes ruling is - It is even more depressing that he doesn't see the rest of us getting angry
    - Maybe as we celebrate 20 yeaars after 9/11 - A couple of days ago on 9/9/21 the Vapopaclypse has struck
    - 3000 killed on 9/11 - Now how many ex-smokers and smokers are going to die because of it ?!?!?!
    Look at the FDA and you can see terrorism sometimes comes disguised.

    #RegWatch #VapeNews
    RECKLESS REGULATOR | FDA Leaves U.S. Vaping Industry Mired in Chaos | RegWatch (Live)

    Join RegWatch for a special live episode to unpack the reckless behaviour of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in its decision to delay authorizations of nicotine vaping products for controversial companies such as Juul. While issuing Marketing Denial Orders for millions of products manufactured and sold by thousands of small businesses operating in the U.S. market. *Guests: Amanda Wheeler, Exec. Dir., Arizona Smoke Free Business Alliance & President, Rocky Mountain Smoke Free Alliance / Dimitris Agrafiotis, Exec. Dir. Tennessee Smoke Free Association / Phil Busardo, Vape Evangelist Only on RegWatch by Streamed Live: September 10, 2021 Produced by Brent Stafford

    I know RegWatch very well, and have been around the block a few times. There was more than enough anger to go around (myself included), and actually played into the "not perfect" scenario that I mentioned previously.

    At some point, reality becomes clear. Sad as Hell, but clear.

    Again - vaping is far from my biggest concern at this point. I wish it WAS the biggest, but some stuff happened, see, and...

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