THE Banana eJuice Thread

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2013
I like banana flavors. The problem I have is that most of them don't give me much of a throat hit, even the ones with 50% PG. I'm not sure why that is.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie from Flavorz by Joe was one of the very first juices I bought when I started vaping. Great flavor, not much TH.

This sh#t is bananas from Fuzion I also like a lot, but again not much TH for me.

Velvet Cloud Vapor's Monkey Business is also good. But being 100% VG, it understandably has a weaker throat hit.

I tried the 2 banana flavors from The Plume Room and so far I'm liking the Banana Mint Milkshake more. I like that it's a little brighter as opposed to the creamier Banana Pudding. The Plume Room juices seem to have a better TH than the others I've tried, but I've only vaped a small amount to sample so far.

I got some Purple Pieman from Fuzion, but I haven't tried it out yet.

I think I have a few banana flavored bakery flavors around I haven't tried yet, as well.


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Aug 18, 2013
Anytown, USA
I sampled "Batderp Blend" made my Derp Sauce. They sell it at Giant Vapes. I keep talking about this company...I swear I don't work for them! They just gave me a bunch of samples and really loved them. I think it's the only place you can buy Derp Sauce. The Batderp Blend tastes like banana runts candy. Supposed to be a hint of berry in there and there is something else, but all I can taste is the delicious banana. Yum. Was my first foray with a banana juice, and I was very pleased. :)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2013
Ohio USA
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