Tank system problems

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I recently purchased an atomizer with two tank sections each with its own bottom coil. Tank Size: tanks are 1.5 ml each so between the two tanks I guess that's the 3ml ? Tanks tanks stack

I checked it out before using it and everything was seated correctly. Added the e-liquid. Allowed the tank to sit for about 10 minutes and primed it with about 10 hits before placing it on the battery.

The problem is that no matter what I do, I get no vapor through it. I have taken it a part and can see that both coils are functioning by dry burning it and seeing them light up.

I bought this because I wanted a tank system that would hold more then 1.6ml for longer vaping without refilling, used a bottom coil and had the atomizing power of dual coils.

Although I am an experienced vaper I never saw a tank system like this until my local retailer started carrying it and its not sold under a name (just comes in a bubble pack) so I can't direct you to a picture/advertizement). I am just hoping someone knows f what I speak. I cannot for the life of me figure out why I am not getting any vaper out of this. Does anyone have any idea of what I am obviously doing wrong... or what I maybe missing when checking it out for what could be causing the problem.

Thank you in advance for your help.


ECF Guru
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Apr 20, 2011
Without see this tank or knowing what mod you are using it with it is hard to diagnose. I would check the ohms first to see if you are getting the reading that you should. Next I would check the voltage your mod is set at. If it is too high your mod may not be firing to protect the coil from frying. If the voltage is too low you won't get vapor. But since you are an experienced vapor you probably have already tested these things. Other than that I've got nothing. I hope you find the answer.


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010

Is this your clearo? This is a very strange device, and I have no idea what to tell you, other than it should--on paper-work just like a bottom coil device...

I recommend a Kanger T3 or T2 (if you prefer top coil). They work just fine and if you want more power, increase the wattage you're vaping at (dual coils require twice the voltage of single coils to achieve similar power--I never recommend them).

I would take that double decker back to the store and ask for instructions--or an exchange!

Good luck!
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