Sub ohm vaping issue

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Full Member
Mar 13, 2010
Hampshire, uk
Hi All,

So I thought I’d give sub ohm vaping a try but I think I might be doing something a bit wrong.

I purchased an iStick 50 w and an eleaf Lemo 2 running at .6 ohms and as suggested filled it with 0.6% eliquid.

However even when using it a just 4 volts the vape is harsh and hot which makes me really cough. Also I’m not get much in the way of clouds, in fact I get far more on a normal atty. I even tried it on 0% nic juice but had the same result.

So a bit confused as to what might be happening as in all the reviews I’ve watched all seem to rave about it.

It might be I just can’t take sub ohm, but I thought I’d ask in case anyone had any suggestions.




Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
You may just not prefer the vapor produced by a sub-ohm setup, there are many of us that don't.

A few things to check, be sure your wicking is providing juice to the coil fast enough to keep it damp, not singeing the wick. Check that the airflow is open enough to help cool the coil for the power you're applying. Try your setup at a lower voltage or wattage, might suit you better.

Vaping is adjustable enough to allow you to find the temperature and vapor quantity YOU like. A good review is only applicable if your vaping style matches the reviewer's.

Personally I prefer a lower wattage vape with a slightly higher resistance coil. I get more that enough cloud and flavor for me, my sweet spot. It's successfully kept me off the smokes.
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Oct 8, 2013
New York
I agree with Stosh. Anytime you feel something is off, troubleshoot as many things you can before deeming yourself not able to handle high power vaping.

After looking over the wick, making sure it fills the coil and reaches the deck, you can adjust your airflow and power to suit your needs.

I will say that if this is your first time trying this style of vaping you may need to take the draw differently than before. Higher power will require you to draw at a faster rate to cool the coil, hence why the airflow can be opened up. Try drawing quicker, if you don't you can get lower vapor production and a hot hit.

It's a different type of vaping and may or may not be for you. Good luck!
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