Struggling vaper and Swedish Snus. Ramblings.

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Aug 31, 2012
Maryland, USA
Been vaping for a month and a half now. During that time the longest i have been able to go without a stinky has been two weeks.

After smoking a stinky today, i did the usual vaper thing and started ordering (haha that's mostly me.) Ordered wta juice and stronger 36mg juice (which i'm now sure is going to be too strong, i beleived my 24 was too strong 18 too strong, 12 okay. But i was vaping a lot; chasing that fix. So the juice i ordered is probably too strong, unless i cut back on vaping, which i hope i do... but i'll fix it with mixing if needed. 36mg 'might' come in handy during smoke breaks at work though, seems the more alternatives the better anyway.).

But now the exciting part, the Snus! Swedish Snus.
I went to a semi-local cigar store and after barreling through the smoke stink (about a dozen guys smoking cigars watching football game in this place) i purchased general white portion mint and general white portion mint (un-tested so far). I plopped the white mint in my upper right gum. Wow that first part was strong, then it subsided and i left it in there. My headache, fuzziness, fog, craving, desire, want, edginess, irritability, annoyance, struggle.... it all started to subside (better than the cigarette had done a few hours earlier). I left it in for over an hour; i could definitely tell it still had potency to it... dare i say it almost felt too good, so i removed it. I think i will look into the mini's.

So i do of course have the safety questions, the health concerns, which i will research and come to my own conclusions on. Mostly i just wanted to say wow that stuff works. My biggest concern is that all the people i've known to use chew had terrible teeth/gums/oral cavities.... from quick research skimming it appears this isn't the case with this swedish snus. Or at least it is an improvement.

If wta juice comes close to snus, i'll be off 'tobacco' completely finally. If it doesn't, i will be 'snus-ing' whenever i get the bad withdrawal feelings, and juice doesn't hack it for me. I knew it wasn't just nicotine i am addicted to.... 25 years of inhaling smoke as fast as possible couldn't possibly lead to dependence of only one chemical. I would like to get off tobacco for sure, i would like to get off wta's and whatever junk i seek, i would like to get off of nicotine. But for now being off the stinkies is my goal, and with all of the great alternatives to use, i think i can do it now. Weird because i had tried replacing smoking with chew (and every other alternative) before; so the e-cig must be an important stepping stone on my quest to clean up.

So it seems my state (Maryland) doesn't allow Snus to be shipped to it... if any one knows a way around this so i can get my Snus cheaper, let me know here or by PM, thanks. Well actually, maybe $7 for a tin (24g) is an ok price???? i don't know, sounded high to me. Looks like online it's about $4.50 so with low->moderate use... i guess i won't care. But i would like to get some weaker and smaller Snus.

I do feel that this is cheating, not really fixing the problem, not quitting, just switching.... but it's better than returning to stinkies, i hope; heck anything has to be better than the stinkies right?. I do feel that what i used was too powerful for me, as now, having been about half an hour after removing the Snus... i'm getting a smidge light-headed. But it feels so much better than i did the last few days, chasing and craving. My biggest problem with vaping has been still having that dependence on being in a place i can vape... and usually i would also have been able to smoke in the same places. I don't see there being any real limits to location for Snus-ing; and the 'terror' associated with not being able to vape (same terror as not being able to smoke).


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Oct 5, 2009
I will leave the research links to someone who has them. I do know that I have read them and decided on using snus because it is risk management. I am addicted to nicotine, and I choose to get it through low risk snus vs. high risk cigs. We have all been where you are, and came out the other side with a snus under our upper lip. Some of us use snuff, and some of us still vape. The key is finding what works for you with the lowest risk you are willing to take.

Are we cheating? Meh... Maybe we are. I don't care. I'm happy.

I'm not sure what to do about getting snus shipped to you. I live in Wisconsin, and Northerner/Getsnus won't ship here. Snus central will. I have an order coming tomorrow morning in fact.

We are here to help, and we will if we can. Please ask any more questions you have, and welcome to the other side of the tracks. :laugh:


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Apr 22, 2009
Madison, WI USA
I can't help you with the Maryland situation. You might want to go over to the Snuson forum. I know there are a few people from you state that show up on the forum that may be able to help. I to live in WI so have the same issues as Skrymr.

As far as health goes snus has much less of a negative effect on gum issues then chew. It has even less cancer issues, and that means none for snus users, and because swedish snus does not use sugar there are no serious oral issues. Actually it's a good deal less then smoking which can and does cause oral diseases of all kinds.

The minis are a good choice for less nicotine but there is the problem in that you only get 20 portions per can instead of 24. I use the roll you own portions method using loose snus.

General does have loose snus in 42 gram cans. It cost the same as the minis that has a total of 10 grams per can. The down side is there are not a lot of flavor choices if you want something outside the traditional bergamot or straight tobacco flavored type. Not mint in loose. It's very economical though. If you can get loose where you are even at $7.00 a can it's still not to bad. I pay about the same amount in WI, but at snuscentral, even with the shipping cost and if boughten in bulk (I normally get around 6 rolls at a time), it's still not to bad.

You are right in that swedish snus has the goods. There is no doubt about that. I fondly remember the first time I did swedish snus after struggling with e-cigs. I felt completely satisfied and satiated. Two days after I had my first swedish snus I quit a 40 year smoking habit and never looked back. The fact that I can do it anywhere at anytime (except for the dentist) is just an added bonus.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
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    You already have some good advice from the previous two that posted. I would also check with snuscentral to see if they would ship to you. I am one of the ones that uses snus regularly but also still vapes. I will be curious to hear your thoughts on the wta liquid. I use it myself along with snus and regular liquids. I seem to need both snus and vaping to keep me level. I think that the vaping thing takes care more of the mental and hand to mouth habit that I didn't get over from smoking. I started out with the mini snus for the first couple months and then graduated to regular, strong, and extra strong snus. I use whatever strength that I feel like I need at the time. It's nice to have so many different options.


    Ultra Member
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    Apr 22, 2009
    Madison, WI USA
    Stubby, have you ever tried Thunder Frosted? It is a mint, and comes in Los. I like it a lot more that General Mint because it seems to have less salty mint flavor. The fact that it is ES is a bonus for me also.

    No strong stuff for me. I only do regular strength snus so nothing greater then 8mg. I actually tried Offroad Frosted in the past and placed in among the two worst snus, the other being Goteborgs Rapé No2. They are the only two snus cans I have ever thrown out.

    There is one flavored loose I do like and that is Nordstrommen Brandy Alexander. I also like Oden's Kenel occasionally but have been unable to get it for a long time as snuscentral doesn't carry it.


    Full Member
    Aug 31, 2012
    Maryland, USA
    I guess $7 isn't bad. I like to get things locally if it isn't a ripoff, and like to support small businesses when i can. So no big deal on the shipping thing. If i end up snoosing a lot i will then look into shipping to save a few bucks i guess.

    I forgot to grab the Snus out of the fridge this morning (25 years of smoking and 25 years of skipping breakfast..) and i sure did want some around lunch time. So i vaped like crazy and made it through the day; no cigs. Worked inside all day (HVAC) and worked ot too, so 11 hours without nicotine ingestion (one break time and one lunch time... crazy vaping). Now that i'm home i got my upper lip soaking, feeling better already.

    I will look into the minis for sure, 20 minis i hope to last me 10-20 days (haha yeah right, and i also said i won't do wheelies when i got a four wheeler too), but by plan minis should be good for me.

    I only got the mint because that was all he had (mint and mint dry... what's the difference?). I don't mind the taste of it, the salt is okay but a little overbearing at first. This time i rinsed it in water real quick, looking to dull the salt a bit; but i don't think that worked out...

    I will definitely report back on the wta juice. I have my fingers crossed on that stuff, but won't know til middle of week when it gets here.


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 23, 2009
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    I'm with everyone else here. I vaped for six months and couldn't give up the half dozen smokes I was still using. However, coming off a 43 year 2-3 PAD habit, that wasn't terrible. Howver, by that time I wanted to totally stop smoking. My first impulse about snus was just what you'd expect after being brainwashed about smokeless. I spent a good month talking to people here and googling the web.

    I finally jumped in with a good sized order from Sweden not even sure I'd like it. After placing the order, I found the Camel snus in a convenience store and bought a can. It was sweet, not quite to my liking, but the "want" disappeared. My shipment arrived before I finished that can. I'm now 2 3/4 years down the road without a single drag on a cigarette. I've had a few occasions where the demon said I wanted one, but they went away after a day or so and I always have a tin of snuff around in case I need a little something extra.

    Come on over to the What's Under Your Lip thread. I almost this one because the regulars are always hanging around there. If you go back a page or two, look for my posts on BuySnus. They're having an anniversary sale in Oct. where I ran a test run to see cost. I forget the numbers right now, but for a years supply for me, It would have cost around $2.40 a can (six rolls of ten cans per roll). I normally use 4-5 portions a day and they stay in until they become tasteless or I just want a change. Unlike most on here, I'll sleep lipping a portion (I get the best dream "life" when using them.

    If you're interested, check with them to see if they ship to you. If not, I'm in PA and maybe something could be worked out. PM me.


    Ultra Member
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    Apr 22, 2009
    Madison, WI USA
    Unlike most on here, I'll sleep lipping a portion (I get the best dream "life" when using them.

    I don't go to sleep with a portion in, but if I wake up I need just a little something (sign of a true addict I know!). I always keep a RYO portion bedside that is about the size of a mini. Sends me back to dreamland...... and what strange dreams they are.

    John Castle

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    Sep 12, 2012
    Tempe, AZ
    Gotta say, I've also tried snus (I'd go so far as to say that just about anybody and everybody here has, though I won't put money on that guess.) and I found Swedish Match Lab #06 to be truly awesome. Currently, there are half a dozen packs of Northerner Boost sitting in my fridge waiting their turn to accompany me through a day of writing.

    Between those and Halo Longhorn 24mg, I believe the Marlboro Black 100s have gone the way of the bin for good.

    I concur with rothenbj: Sleeping with a portion in (though not of the Boost, of course) does result in some amazingly vivid (and slightly demented) dreams. Always a fun little trip to take when the mood strikes.


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    Sep 19, 2012
    Bundarra NSW
    I bought a couple of rolls (Catch White Blackcurrant Long, Oden's Licorice, Thunder Extra Stark Frosted) and although I love them, there hasn't been much of an urge to use snus at all. Surprising since I'm a 45-year 3 PAD smoker and only gave up a fortnight ago.

    Seems like the 24mg/ml e-juice I bought is doing the job admirably.


    Vaping Master
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    May 21, 2009
    Has anyone tried Polish Snuff? About 6 months back I was starting to get some tobacco cravings so asked my brother who was in Germany on business, to pop into a tobacco shop and post some Swedish snus to me - here in Tokyo. What arrived a few weeks later; was Polish snuff lol. I didnt have the heart to explain the difference, so thanked him politely.

    I had no idea how to use it, but had vague memories of once seeing an old man on a train, (when I was in my teens) pinching a small portion out of a can, placing it on the back of his hand and holding one nostril closed, taking an almighty sniff. Then sneezing. So I tried that. Gee! What a rush lol.

    Anyway, is that correct or not?
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    Full Member
    Aug 31, 2012
    Maryland, USA
    I will definitely report back on the wta juice. I have my fingers crossed on that stuff, but won't know til middle of week when it gets here.

    Haha i quoted myself haha. anyway....

    The wta juice did the trick for me.
    Use it once or twice, every day or three when i get those cravings.... or that weird feeling. It straightens me out.
    Haven't touched the snus since. No stinkies. Just an occasional wta mini-session, usually in the mornings.
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