stop demonizing smokers

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Aug 23, 2014
Portland, OR
i have noticed there are some vapers/ex-smokers who seem to have forgotten what it was like to smoke. you loved it. you may have hated it as well, but you did, in fact, enjoy it at one point. when someone told you that you should not be smoking, you got mad at them. you thought (or maybe said), "it's my choice. i realize the dangers involved and have made an informed decision to continue doing this because i enjoy it. get off my d*** and shut up." we all feel this same way still about vaping. so stop demonizing people who want to continue smoking cigarettes! resist the urge to join in the non-smokers hate of smokers just because you are happy you beat that particular addiction! it's rude, hypocritical, and makes you look like a jack***. thank you for your time. windxrunner out.

EDIT: I originally said "I feel like there are quite a few vapers/ex-smokers..." That was a little over-inclusive. I have changed it.
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Ultra Member
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Dec 24, 2013
the boro, Tennessee
I don't look down on smokers. If they ask, I talk to them about vaping, but it is their choice to make..... I made my choice....

good attitude!
i look at smokers as i was just a year ago. i see them as potential candidates for an improved quality of life. i try to make sure they know there is an alternative if they are interested.


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Aug 23, 2014
Portland, OR
I primarily vape, and am very glad I am no longer addicted to cigarettes. I love my new lung capacity and my overall better level of fitness. That being said, I still have been known to smoke a bit of a cigarette from time to time. It's just nice every once in a while! I always lol when I think of the warnings on cigarettes in Japan. They say something like, "Be careful not to smoke too much. Smoking too much can be harmful to your health." For real, though. I read something once that said you could smoke one cigarette a week and your body would heal itself in that amount of time, so basically the health effects from doing it that often are nil. Might not be accurate, but that sounds possible. I mean, smoking doesn't exactly kill you, it raises your chances of getting cancer (albeit by a ridiculous amount)


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
they're a filthy, disgusting, smelly group.

and now that i realize that again, the first person i have to point the finger at is the one who refused to realize it for 24 years... me.

as for current smokers... i always approach them with vaping as an alternative for their health. if they bring up smelling (or tasting) better for their spouse or something, i'll continue the conversation. i just won't demonize them like that. they know to a certain degree already. enough people have demonized them (us) already. that's why they're (we were) defensive about it.
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