Still Researching

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Full Member
Jun 3, 2010
Since you said you are using the kr808 don't listen to people talking about taking stuffing out or dripping.

The kr8 is a cartomizer design and works very well. A good cartomizer will last a bit over half a pack of cigs, or maybe a bit more. Your usage of 25 carts to replace about 10-15 packs would be about the same as I found.

For refilling you have 2 really good options. If your carts have a hard plastic end on the mouthpiece end, then the end is glued on. With these its easiest to use the condom fill method. If the end is a softer rubber, then its easy to pull it out and fill by simply dripping new juice right in there.

In the case of the condom method. Fill using the condom till juice starts trying to come out the other end. Then put the cap with the plug back on the battery end of the cart and put the cart in something where you can spin it around to force all he juice toward the battery end. Then fill it even more and do that again until its plenty full.

To know if its completely full blow gently through the cart. If it gurgles its full. Get a paper towel and blow just a bit out just enough that it stops gurgling.

A normal cart can hold about 35 drops of juice and the newer carts can hold 50 if you fill them this way.

Thanks much for your time and effort.


Full Member
Jun 10, 2010
im currently running the volcano (l88b) its small and batteries arnt worth ..... I'm upgrading myself but im going to a 510 because they are so versitile. From what i've read there are a ton of things you can do with a 510 and many sights have atomizers/carts/blanks/passthroughs etc. You get one 510 model it aint doing it for you ok buy parts from somewhere else see if that pans out. Now a 510 isn't the only model like this but the cart life i think holds about a ml of liquid and lasts a while and the battery life is almost double the size of my l88b. I'm currently looking at the reVolver Gemini and the Volcano Magms not sure which one im getting yet but i think a 510 model would benefit me much more.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2010
Honolulu, HI
Decided, unless I’m convinced otherwise, to try the KR808D-1 from CigEasy. Might eventually have to try all the top ranked products.

Hey Alii! The KR is a great choice. Regarding your next statement, trying "all the top ranked products" would not be necessary, imo. I say this after reading all of your posts, and it appears that cost effectiveness is quite important to you.

If you order the KR and you're totally happy with it... as MANY ecf members are... and it's fulfilling ALL of your needs, then why would you "have" to try something else, within the context of cost effectiveness.

My suggestion (and this is what I did), to forgo the potential of being w/o a pv if something craps out, don't wait till the end of July to use up your old carts before you upgrade (I had 15 preloaded carts left, but good thing I ordered cause my atty quit one day before my 510 arrived).

Order the KR and keep your old pv and carts as a backup. With this upgrade, you'll be able to actually DO all of the things you're researching, i.e., dripping, refilling, cart mods, etc. Can't beat 1st-hand knowledge, right? When I got my 510, it opened up a whole new world of experience for me... the KR will do the same for you, I know it.

I was initially burned by ads... don't try to analyze them, they're all a bunch of hype. Just listen to the wisdom of ecf members who have 1st-hand, real-world experience with the hardware, juices, accessories, and vendors. I was taken by a "free trial offer", but that's how I found ecf. Since then, I've only followed their wisdom and it has not steered me wrong, not once.

My analogs averaged over $8/pack. But you know what, based on what I have experienced and 20/20 hindsight, I would vape even if it costed twice what I was spending on analogs (45 yrs, 1-2 pk/day).

So watch out for the ole "information constipation." Jump in and order your KR and start foolin around with it. Who knows, you might be teaching the vets a few tips and tricks.

Sorry for this long post... just talking from one "old dog" to another. lol.
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