Steeping Eclipse and others and choking on vuse.

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Nov 2, 2014
Hello all,

I received so many juices today and I'm totally excited.

BUT, bad news is that my cartomizer bit the dust (or the atomizer?). I ordered a Genitank Mega last Tuesday and it STILL has not arrived and I had paid extra for priority mail! But that's another subject in itself. I'm vaping a vuse from the gas station right now and I absolutely hate it, but it was this option or grabbing a pack of Marlboro Reds. It was a hard decision, seriously.

But, I took off the tops of my Eclipse by Space Jam and my Honey Flue Nut by Backwoods Brew and I'm going to let them go topless for 24 hours. I read on a website this dissipates the alcohol out of them (if there is any?) Heck, I don't know.

I'm going to try the Eclipse first thing when my new Genitank comes in the mail (hopefully) Monday. How long should I let the Honey Flue Nut steep before trying it?

I hate getting 4 juices in the mail and not being able to try any at all. :(

Thanks a million,

Edited to add: Why is there a 2 max limit on the Honey Flue Nut from Backwoods Brew? Is it because they run out super fast or is it a marketing tactic? Just wondering...
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Moved On
Sep 3, 2014
Glad you got your juices! Hope you love them :)

They should be good to go right out of them mail (at least SJ Eclipse, which you know I've tried).. I doubt either of these juices have alcohol in them, especially SJ. But some say steeping also helps the flavors kind of meld.together, and even come out stronger (or mellow out for certain flavors).
..... so steeping might still help. And yes, the normal steeping method is - shake the bottle up good, than let it sit with the cap off for 24hrs or overnight, In a clean place. Than close it up and keep it in a cool, dark place. Some people shake the bottle again every few days or every week, and take the cap off again too. For some flavors that you buy fresh mixed (usually from a store or right from the juice company), some.people say it needs to steep for at least a week or 2 for the juice to its full potential.

People's opinions vary on how long It takes to steep juice up to it's best potential (if that makes sense): usually between 2 to 6 weeks. And that also varies from flavor to flavor.. some people even like steep their liquid for months+. Me personally, I don't pay too much attention to steeping. Yes it does make a difference for some flavors; but for most of my juice I just give it a good shake when I 1st get it, shake it before every use, and keep it in a cool/dark place.

Keep in mind when you order online and get it mailed to you, the bottles may have been sitting in a store, box, or factory for weeks already. But airing them out a bit and steeping can help for some flavors.. Hope thia helps!!
Sorry about your cartos, I think you will like your Kanger tank. Have a good vape!


Moved On
Sep 3, 2014
Btw, I've only tried Eclipse once, right after I got it a few weeks ago. But it's sitting with the cap off now. Im about to try it again, I'm hoping the vanilla and caramel will come through stronger after steeping, and wouldn't mind the tobacco mellowing out a bit,

I got this flavor in 6mg for my dripper, but I'm thinking I might've liked it better in 12mg for my Aerotank.. Oh well, I don't have any other 6mg tobaccos


Ultra Member
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Nov 2, 2014
Btw, I've only tried Eclipse once, right after I got it a few weeks ago. But it's sitting with the cap off now. Im about to try it again, I'm hoping the vanilla and caramel will come through stronger after steeping, and wouldn't mind the tobacco mellowing out a bit,

I got this flavor in 6mg for my dripper, but I'm thinking I might've liked it better in 12mg for my Aerotank.. Oh well, I don't have any other 6mg tobaccos

As soon as I try these juices, I will PM you and tell you all about them if you want. But they'll be off of a 24mg not a 6mg, so that might not help. I bought the 30ml of Eclipse just on your review but I usually buy the 5-6 ml bottles to try out before I'm going to purchase a 30ml. Another 30ml that I love that I originally bought in a small bottle was eVo's Maraschino Tobacco. Really good stuff.

Have a great day and I'll talk to you later!
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