Sort of Taryn Spin but using your arms?

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Full Member
Jan 23, 2011
I don't know if this is a true tip or not but a Taryn spin is basically attaching your cart/cartomizer to a lanyard and spinning it, effectively replicating a centrifuge. Correct?

Well, as I try to find the best way to fill my cartomizers, (trying the condom method, popping the cap and placing drops at a time and letting it soak in, till the predetermined amount of drops), I didn't really have a lanyard to do the spinning so I did the next best thing.

I held the cartomizer in my hand and spun my arms round and round like a windmill. Yes, it's funny but when I looked at the cartomizer the liquid absorbed itself into the filler and I dropped some more, did a spin again and you can actually see the top of the filler be wet from the drops I put in and then when I perform the windmill (should try it with some music, hahaha), you can see that the top of the filler is dry again. I kept repeating it till the top of the filler is no longer dry from my Windmill dance. seems to work. Instead of being patient and waiting for the drops to absorb itself onto the filler or attaching it to a lanyard and spinning the landyard, I can fill a cartomizer in a matter of seconds.

Fill, spin arms, fill, spin arms, fill, spin arms.

I know this seems funny but it is working.

My question is, any cons to this? I haven't seen anything bad about it and I know that filling cartomizers isn't rocket science but I'm curious if there is anything I'm really affecting negatively by doing this?


Full Member
Jan 10, 2011
I honestly have no idea, but I had the same issue when I wanted to try the spin thing, so I put the little rubber cap back on and tied some thread to it. works really well MOST of the time... the rest of the time it slips off and goes flying across the room at about 90mph... I'm actually still missing one carto that got away from me that way. Oopsies :/ anyway I decided I'd justr let them soak in nice and slow :p


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ECF Veteran
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Jan 26, 2011
Milford, CT
I actually blow into the top of the carto. Most of the air goes through the middle hole, the rest pushes down on the liquid dispersing it into the carto. T actually works and have yet to blow the liquid out of it. Or another way is put it between my two hands and do the motion like your starting a fire with a stick. That works too lol


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 17, 2010
Kansas City, KS
One person said to shake it like a pen out of ink, which could also be likened to shaking the mercury down in an old-fashioned thermometer. I have tried this, and tried spinning with a string attached to a plastic syringe tube, which worked pretty well. Both methods did cause stress to my old joints, shoulders and wrists in particular. I then bought a six-inch sandpaper-backing attachment for my electric drill, used contact cement to firmly glue on four "condoms," the latex caps on cartomizers, spaced for balance. This worked very well, except maybe too well. The effect was to spin the filler material to the extreme outer end of the carto, like the spin cycle of a washing machine plasters the clothes to the side of the laundry barrel.

Also keep in mind that unless the outer end of the carto or cartridge is sealed, juice will seep out the outer end, so it becomes an exercise in futility... you're losing juice out one end, then replacing it, then losing it, then replacing it... Even the latex cap is not going to keep every drop of juice inside at high G forces.
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