Someone on Oxygen needs help

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Feb 11, 2010
Sycamore, IL
Ok, my friend wanted to know about this whole "e-cig" thing, and now his Mother asked him to ask me about it. I guess their Grandmother is a heavy 2-3 pack a day smoker and mini cigars, and she is now on Oxygen, and still smoking. Hard core, right? Hehe.

They are desperate and turned to me for advice, after listening to me babble on about this I guess this is their last chance.

The lady in question is in her 70's. Having said that tinkering around with the 510 is OUT of the question. She needs something that she doesn't have to deal with topping off, dripping, or any of the fun mod stuff I enjoy so far.

My question is this:

What would be a good choice for this type of situation? A PV that requires the LEAST POSSIBLE amount of tinkering. She's a HEAVY smoker, so she'll be drawing on this PV a LOT. So it has to wick with the speed of the demons. And it has to taste as close to the real thing as possible.

She's a hard core smoker quite literally on her last legs since she can't/won't quit.

I told my friend I'd contact the community. I love my 510 and I haven't tested any other units, so I'm reaching out to this awesome community for a literal life and death hand.

Please note, no matter the outcome I will not hold any animosity towards anyone for suggestions, but this is JUST the kind of thing we could REALLY do some greater good with.

Thank you
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Dec 15, 2009
Here and back
Don, I really feel that the KR808 (Vapor4Life) with the cartomizers are the easiest and the least "tinkering". She can have 50 cartos filled and ready to go (high strength nic from the sound of it) and just toss the empties in a bowl for a more adept person (you friend???) to refill in large batches.

I would definitely get her a PT, she sounds like she must be sedentary, and she can hook it up through a USB/AC plug. She should probably have several around the house.

The I would also get a good number (5+) of the extra long manual batteries (380) for on the go. The manual seem to me to have more TH.

Lets see what the consensus is here after a few more folks post.


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Feb 7, 2010
Morehead City, NC
How about a 510 passthrough with no in-line battery? That will give 5V that gives a good burn for good flavor on some juices. You can get a wall adapter to USB and she doesn't have to worry with batts. Get the PCC for when she has to go out and a car cig ligher to USB and that should cover her. There is a mega battery available and a mega batt PCC too. I think they make cartos for 510s so she'd be set.

I"d bet she'd love some Ms T, Tasty Vapor or Rath juices.

Ms Ts Bakery Essentials



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Nov 15, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
for no tinkering the above suggestions for the 808 and cartomizers is the way to go. definitely with the xl batteries. The pass thru is a great idea if she will be able to remember to unplug or not leave unattended.

AJ and Kez, Highping I think have hit it on the head. i love my 510, but when I don't want to tinker I cartomize!
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Feb 7, 2010
Morehead City, NC
for no tinkering the above suggestions for the 808 and cartomizers is the way to go. definitely with the xl batteries. The pass thru is a great idea if she will be able to remember to unplug or not leave unattended.

AJ and Kez I think have hit it on the head. i love my 510, but when I don't want to tinker I cartomize!

Is that really a problem, leaving the passthrough plugged in? It's a manual batt.

That btw, is the set up I have on order. Additionally, I have a wall to car charger so I can plug that in to charge my PCC ( which is USB too) when I am on a trip and away from my desktop. Don't have a laptop.


Vaping Master
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Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
Def echo the KR8 - just fill it up shove the carto on and go really. You can get a cheap version - I think cigeasy (Electronic Cigarettes from Cigeasy - Home of the Easy E-Cigarette) were doing a starter kit for around $35. Not sure about plugging in things aorund her Oxy tanks though, wouldn't like to comment on the safety aspect of that. A manual battery should be fine, but a PT, (whch WOULD be more convenient) yeah, I'd look into that more thoroughly to make sure nothing can spark or short and cause an issue.
Lots of luck to your grandmom :)


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Does she have someone with her or is she living alone?

I'll echo the sentiment of the 808. It's easy, no fuss no muss. My husband was intreagued by my 510, but simply has NO spare time for dripping/dipping and he loves those cartomisers. If she has a nurse or someone who visits her, they can clean and refill the cartomisers with a minimum of teaching, if she's spry she may even be capable of doing this herself. ANd like others said, she could just use them as intended: disposable.

As to tasting like the real thing? You may want to buy a kit and include not just carts that taste like the "tried and true" but a few extra flavored ones too.

The oxygen tank issue is a little concerning. Manual batteries (or a passthrough) are the way to go, and remind her to unscrew the cartomiser when she's done. I've had a few misfires, nothing end of the world. But it won't "go" without a cart in my limited experience. You may want to bring your concerns to either the guys at V4l (they're truly awesome) or another kr8 supplier. Ask them. Good luck and keep us posted!!


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Feb 11, 2010
Sycamore, IL
Everyone - Thank you for all your information. As the thread was receiving replies I started to look over the 808, which seems to be a land slide smash hit for this situation.

I chose this starter kit based on all the variable input.
Vapor4Life- Electronic Cigarette: Vapor King Ultimate Starter Kit

I sent an email explain the necessary terminology to his Mother to pass along to their Grandmother. Explaining how the community helped, and how everyone works together... Hell, lets face it. I was gushing :D

I suggested a few cartomizers, and also made a large suggestion to get some of the sampler packs too.

I figure we can start from there.

Thank each and every one of you for the information. I will keep posting any updates I get to this thread as they come in.

And to anyone that is still interested in posting thoughts. By all means please don't hesitate.

Thank you,


Vaping Master
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Dec 29, 2009
I think that 808d1 I think its called would be good. 2 piece set up, battery and cartomizer....

Just keep buying cartomizers and dont worry bout refilling them, it will still be cheaper for her.

This is a good thing your doing by the way!

yep, hands down this is the way to go....:thumbs:


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Feb 7, 2010
Morehead City, NC
I dont' see on Vapror4Life's pages anywhere that the batts are KR808s. How do you tell? That system appears to be a better value than my Joye 510 as the 510 is limited in voltage to 3.0-3.1 and the KR808 is a true, unrestricted 3.7. They have a very nice, heavy cord, passthrough too. I'm impressed.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2009
If she is smoking what I think you are talking about, The little cigars she smokes probably cost anywhere from 1-2 bucks. My cousin smokes them.

The cartomizer would be perfect (i dont know, their on my want list) but maybe you and some other family members could get together for coffee or a beer and refill a bunch and it would be a whole lot cheaper.....Don't ya just love run on sentences....
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