so tell us something about you

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Vaping Master
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Mar 11, 2011
Vape Canaveral, FL
I am Richard. Just turned 40 this past September. Happily married for 12 years, have two awesome daughters, 11 and 8. Work for a State agency finding people jobs. I love metal, vaping and beer. Lived in NJ for 30 years and down here for 10.

My first mod was a REO Grand. I have had about 30 different mods since then and I am now back to one.....a REO Grand.

I also love ECF and all it's members, especially one dude named Redeyedancer. What a guy! Made quitting smoking possible. A God in every way. Sorry to inflate your head, Rob. I know you're not that kind of guy, but it's all true.

I spend a ton of time on ECF and if I could open my own vape shop (the right way), I would in a heartbeat.

Talk to you all later.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2010
Cmon rob, i know you were a mason once upon a time.. And that you rock on guitar.... And thats about it. Oh, and the greatest mod maker on earth, cant forget that:D
ok ok I love home made pizza I am a pizza junkie . I tried my hand at concert promoting once in my early twenties lost my shirt on that adventure

Tony Spectacular

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Jul 8, 2013
ok ok I love home made pizza I am a pizza junkie . I tried my hand at concert promoting once in my early twenties lost my shirt on that adventure

Haha back in my concert industry days we kept a framed copy of Hunter S. Thompson's (in)famous quote up in the catering room:

“The music business is a cruel and shallow money
trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and
pimps run free, and good men die like dogs.
There's also a negative side.”

Mrs C

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Aug 27, 2013
My name is Amy. I'm a mom of 4, gramma of 3. Hubs and I have been married for almost 11 years and together for 15. I am daycare for my 19 month old grand daughter. I was born raised and spent 48 of my 51 years in Indiana.

In my free time I like to read and putz around in the kitchen. I learned to cook from my grandmother who was almost 80 when she finally allowed a microwave in her kitchen.

In my 8 months since moving to Reoville I have become a Reoholic. Numbers 7 & 8 are soon to be arriving to join the family. The hubs (a never smoker) has given up asking when a package shows up with name on it. He's happy I no longer fill the house with the stench of cigarettes. He does complain about me smelling up his truck with the aroma of peanut butter cookie, not because he doesn't like it, but because it makes him hungry :laugh:


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Jan 28, 2014
West Virginia
My name is Amy. I'm a mom of 4, gramma of 3. Hubs and I have been married for almost 11 years and together for 15. I am daycare for my 19 month old grand daughter. I was born raised and spent 48 of my 51 years in Indiana.

In my free time I like to read and putz around in the kitchen. I learned to cook from my grandmother who was almost 80 when she finally allowed a microwave in her kitchen.

In my 8 months since moving to Reoville I have become a Reoholic. Numbers 7 & 8 are soon to be arriving to join the family. The hubs (a never smoker) has given up asking when a package shows up with name on it. He's happy I no longer fill the house with the stench of cigarettes. He does complain about me smelling up his truck with the aroma of peanut butter cookie, not because he doesn't like it, but because it makes him hungry :laugh:
Congrats on that mini Cocobolo! It was hard to pass up.


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Nov 19, 2013
Sinking Spring, PA, USA
Hi everyone, my name is Dave. I just turned 40 three days ago. I'm a single dad of two wonderful daughters, who are now 20 and 18, which I took custody of about 6 years ago, the best years of my life! Been married twice and a failed engagement a third time. It's not me, I swear!
Born in Pa, moved to Hatteras, NC when I was 13. Joined the Navy right out of school, served 6 years as a Nuclear Electrician on a fast-attack submarine.
After the Navy, I started working for an electric utility company in PA, currently the Supervisor of Training for Transmission Operations. My group trains power system operators on, basically, keeping the lights on, so we have power to charge our batteries!!
I enjoy snowboarding, hiking, or anything active outdoors. I am a decent cook (my dad is a 'retired' chef), and I love to grill & smoke, I have two charcoal grills and a kamado style cooker. I follow the Primal/Paleo way of eating. Super spicy foods are my favorite, using super hot chilies. I'm also a hobbyist woodworker with a small woodshop.
Started smoking when I was 13, I've quit twice for 3 years each using medication, been stinky-free since Thanksgiving 2013, thanks to vaping & ECF!
I started vaping with a cheap ego style, that didn't cut it. Found ECF, did some research, led me to a ProVari, and then I quit the analogs. Later purchased a Saber Touch VV for dripping, kinda got sick of the hassle of dripping, came to REOville! My ProVari and Saber(in the classies atm) have seen ZERO use since getting my REO.


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Jun 1, 2014
Bedford, TX, USA
Hi Reonauts. My name is Linda. It's been great reading about all of you so I felt compelled to share a little about me. I'm actually more of a lurker...shy, I guess.

I smoked for 49 years, tried every "quit" method, none worked. Then I was introduced to vaping by my sister (also a Reonaut, Ms.Cruzer). That was May 2014...and haven't had a stinkie since. For a couple of months I went through ego, itaste vv, mvp etc. I spent a lot of $$ until sis sort of dared me to try a Reo. I bought my first, metal mini 2.1, from the classies and knew I was HOME. Since a couple of Woodvil 18490's have joined the crew. I know for certain that I'll never ever smoke again that to Rob and these great mods. Looking forward to adding more to the crew in the future!

No kids for me. I always joked that my sisters contributed my share LOL, So I have fur kids, 4 small dogs at the moment. I've also participated in dog rescue (Brussels Griffon like my avatar) and all of my current animals are from local shelters. Love cooking, being retired and lazy, and VAPING of course and Reos.



MKUltra Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
Hush your mouth young man :) No Larper here. Full contact heavy armor. :)

Very cool, Wayne. I've got a buddy who's big into the SCA. If you've ever been to the big meet up in central BC, chances are you've run into him on the battlefield.

He's only recently gotten into the heavy stuff - mostly a swordsman, and got his white scarf a few years back.

Rhapsodies Fire

ECF Guru
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Oct 18, 2010
Bow, WA, USA
Very cool, Wayne. I've got a buddy who's big into the SCA. If you've ever been to the big meet up in central BC, chances are you've run into him on the battlefield.

He's only recently gotten into the heavy stuff - mostly a swordsman, and got his white scarf a few years back.
Yes, we've seen him around over the years, Wayne fights in similar circles as he does (heavy & war archery)....the white scarf is quite the achievement. In fact, the SCA just added a peerage for Rapier to go into effect later this year. Which means that those who are inducted into the order, have reached the pinnacle of their field. The White Scarf is akin to a white belt that a knight (heavy fighter) wears.

I'm Lisa, Wayne's Lady :blush::laugh: I am also possibly the luckiest woman alive to have won his heart. We both come from heartbreak and never wanted to get tied up in a relationship again. We went to great lengths to scare each other away....well, that lasted for about 2 years before we got married. Since then it has been a wild ride and a lot of work. I get it now that love is the easy part in a marriage, there is a lot of work involved too. But it is work we are happy to do together, through good days & bad; every year is a new adventure with new challenges. We are both still growing up and evolving as individuals and a team, and I don't expect that to ever change.

We have a dynamic family.... His family is massive, including his 5 children and 9 grandkids, countless uncles, aunts and cousins. My family is tiny in comparison, with only a mom, dad, brother and my spitfire daughter. Sort of a lopsided, kooky Brady Bunch if you will. We are currently dealing with a child at home and caring for elderly parents, so the road gets bumpy from time to time. Looking forward to a sense of some point, though I'm not going to hold my breath. :laugh:

We are publishers, we own our own pair of magazines. We both come from the construction industry before it tanked along with everything else and I found my calling in design. We built a house in 2014 (our first home and hopefully our last) so we could care for my father in law. We now live in the forest not far from Chuckanut Drive in Bow, WA. For fun, I like to read, hike, take pictures, immerse myself in nature and I'm still figuring out the rest. Have a lot of exploring yet to do. I'm an artist at heart, and have dabbled in painting, drawing, printing, lampwork glass, sculpture, photography, pyrography and so much more. Grew up playing the piano, viola, drums and singing. Have a mandolin that is still calling to me though. I recently gave up on hiding the frosty top I'm growing, so even though I'm 40...I don't even pretend I'm not. Hahaha. I earned each and every silver strand fair and square.

Wayne nearly broke the bank trying to find a way to get me off the stinkies....we've had (up until the last year or so) nearly every vaping device through our house. But it was because of the Reo, that I was finally able to cross that line and win the battle against the beast. I'll be smoke free 5 years in 6 months and I owe it all to Wayne and Rob. 26 years of smoking 1-1.5 ppd from age 11 all went up in vapor with their help! And the reason I joined ECF is to thank Rob and support him in any way I can....what was seemingly impossible, became a reality through him. Yes, there was much effort on my part, but I didn't believe I could do it, until I had a Reo in my hands.

Anyway...I'm thoroughly enjoying this thread! Thank you so is great to get to know more of you! :)
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Apr 27, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Wow.. I love threads like these! I have really enjoyed reading all of the stories...

Ill throw a little history down for you, but I have to warn you; Eloquent is something that I have NEVER been accused of being!

So, I was born and raised in WI... Lived and grew up in the suburbs of Milwaukee. Yes, the beer thing is true... its not alcohol, its what you drank when you were sick of I met my wife in 1990 and bought a home in Milwaukee in 92. We were married in April 93 and after 25 years together (22 of them married) she still loves me. That must be it, or she just hasn't figured out how to escape yet! Ill go with the love part:)

In 1995 had a horrible accident at work and ended up crushing my right arm in an offset litho printing machine. They wanted to amputate but since we were so young they tried to save it. Save it they did! 8 surgeries and a few years of occupational therapy and it's as good as it is going to be. I wont be a concert pianist (never could've been) and I lost my golf swing completely (no wrist) but its not bright and shiny and I don't have to polish it. I am happy with that!

My wife and I battled with infertility and tried going through a ton of money trying to get pregnant. We finally decided that adoption was a good solution for us and we adopted our baby from the capitol of Siberia in Jan 99. He is one of my 3 great loves. He is 17 (in a couple weeks) and is turning into quite an upstanding young man. Oh man, the stories I could tell...

Shortly after returning from Russia we were done with winter in WI.. so we packed it all in and moved to AZ (along with my wife's parents - they couldn't stand being away from their only grandson and were ready to retire anyhow)

In 2002 we were considering adopting again and started looking into it. My wife was diagnosed with a Melanoma and in order to take the meds had to take a pregnancy test. Low and behold.. POSITIVE (how the hell did THAT happen?) Our youngest was born in May of 2003. He is the second great love of my life.

So, a little about my hobby life... I tend to jump in head first. I have been into control line model planes, Electric RC racing, little league, woodworking and now vaping. Woodworking and vaping are really the only hobbies that I am still involved in. I do a ton of woodworking project and even made a queen sized loft bed for my eldest son to give him a "man cave" in his room.

I smoked for 28 years.. Everything from Pall Mall straights and Lucky strikes to Ultra Lights. Sometimes as much as 2 1/2 PPD. At the end I was a solid PAD smoker. I started with an Ego, like many of us and bought a Provari 3 weeks later. I found Reos in Dec 13 and now have 4 of them. I absolutely love them!

So that pretty much hits the highlights and I have never talked that much about myself before!

I look forward to hearing more about the rest of you!

take care,
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