so tell us something about you

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Mar 5, 2013
Hey nauts! I was looking over super xs shootin the shizz thread, and i was thinking, theres ALOT of people who arent so comfortable in front of a camera, but who do alot of awesome stuff around here. We know almost nothing about each other, but we jump at the chance to help out and give advice. So i figured... Maybe we could say something about ourselves, get to know each other better.

Ill go first
My names john and im 25. I play guitar and bass and i love to play video games, especially rpgs. I used to be an alcoholic and heavy ... smoker, in addition to abusing over the counter drugs(mostly robotussin) and lots of prescription ones(percs, vicadin, xanax, qualudes... Basically whatever i could get). I smoked 2-3 packs of stinkies a day, and i needed at least 2 large monsters(the energy drink) and a pot of coffee to even function. And now here i am. Sober and happy to be alive at all and feeling so very lucky to be a part of this group of individuals here.

Now its your turn:D
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Ultra Member
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Jan 10, 2014
West Texas
Hey nauts! I was looking over super xs shootin the shizz thread, and i was thinking, theres ALOT of people who arent so comfortable in front of a camera, but who do alot of awesome stuff around here. We know almost nothing about each other, but we jump at the chance to help out and give advice. So i figured... Maybe we could say something about ourselves, get to know each other better.

Ill go first
My names john and im 25. I play guitar and bass and i love to play video games, especially rpgs. I used to be an alcoholic and heavy ... smoker, in addition to abusing over the counter drugs(mostly robotussin) and lots of prescription ones(percs, vicadin, xanax, qualudes... Basically whatever i could get). I smoked 2-3 packs of stinkies a day, and i needed at least 2 large monsters(the energy drink) and a pot of coffee to even function. And now here i am. Sober and happy to be alive at all and feeling so very lucky to be a part of this group of individuals here.

Now its your turn:D

Congratulations on your success and getting to this stage in your life.
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Ultra Member
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Jan 10, 2014
West Texas
Grew up in a very small town in Texas. Played every sport possible. I retired from the USAF after 22 years. I am 48 and I collect guns and REO's. I reload as a Hobby and have run out of room to store ammo. I hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors. I was lucky and landed a great job in the energy industry after my military career. I have 4 children, 3 grandkids and I am addicted to my wife who I adore. We are having our 25th anniversary in March.

Now it is time for my annual dose of commercials. Enjoy the game!!!


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Mar 5, 2013
Grew up in a very small town in Texas. Played every sport possible. I retired from the USAF after 22 years. I am 48 and I collect guns and REO's. I reload as a Hobby and have run out of room to store ammo. I hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors. I was lucky and landed a great job in the energy industry after my military career. I have 4 children, 3 grandkids and I am addicted to my wife who I adore. We are having our 25th anniversary in March.

Now it is time for my annual dose of commercials. Enjoy the game!!!

Congrats on your upcoming anniversary.takes real love to make it that long in these times. Thanks for sharing

JC Okie

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Jul 2, 2010
Tulsa, OK
hi, John. I'm Jan. You sure have packed a lot into 25 years. I'm from a different age: I was barely getting started on all my vices and bad habits when I was 25. :lol: I'm a retired school teacher, a mother of two grown kids, and a grandma of two awesome grandkids who are 5 and 7 years old. I smoked for 40+ years and have been vaping now for four and 1/2 years; four of those have been with REOs.

Since I retired, just a little over a year ago, I have been pretty much doing nothing in particular -- and enjoying it very much. My daughter and her family (my grandkids) live about a two-hour drive from me, so I burn up the turnpike frequently to go visit them. I hang out here in Reoville a's one of my favorite places and these are some of my favorite people.


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Oct 29, 2014
Names Mark, grew up in a small town in PA with many hills and woods.. i have been into riding/ racing quads and sports shooting/ archery. I have since sold my ATV's but plan on getting another in a few years. I had a Yamaha Banshee and my biggest mistake was getting rid of it. Nothing beats the sound of a 350cc 2 stroke motor flying through the trails. God that thing was a beast.
I work at H.H. Brown which is a shoe manufacturing company, i cut all of the leather materials for boots. All the brand name boots out there, I cut around 1,500 feet of leather per day. I actually enjoy it, very much. Not to mention all the free leather I can get! REAL leather.
I have an amazing women whom I love dearly and a wonderful daughter names Ella, she's only 5 weeks old! But she's great. Well, that's enough from me, lets hear about some more of you!
Take care.



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Jun 6, 2014
I'll participate, I'm Danny and I'm 23. I was born in Alaska, my father was stationed there for the Air Force when I was born. We moved around once a year until he retired and we settled in Alabama where I have lived for the last 14 years. I used to be big on playing music ranging from Piano, Guitar and I was a percussionist in middle school and high school. The reason why i got into vaping was because of dipping which started in high school. I was never a guy to party or anything, I was more of a loner that stuck to myself and had my friends online. Who would've thought 9 years ago I would meet a friend that I'm still friends with today and actually engaged to. Well it'll be more official when I can get a ring, but we've discussed it and consider ourselves to be. I plan on trying to get dual citizienship and moving up to Ontario then later on to British Columbia since that's where she wants to go. I have a brother and sister, but they're kind of "not" part of the family now. I haven't talked to either of them for about 6 years now.

When I was 18 I joined the Army and went to Fort Knox Kentucky. About a year into my career I was medically discharged which I hate every single day. I'd give anything to be back in and be able to serve 20 years like I wanted to do. I was 19D Cavalry Scout. A lot of you know I do videos on YouTube, which originally started out as I was shy. I couldn't even say "hi" to someone in person and YouTube has significantly helped with that and now I can actually talk to people. I currently go to college where I was going for cyber forensics but I later changed it to general AA. I'm using my GI Bill to assist with it.

That's pretty much it, that's way more than I had anticipated to type up for this. Have a great day y'all and looking forward to reading everybody else's response.

Sloth Tonight

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Jun 25, 2014
I'm Tim, or Sloth, or Scydivalice, take your pick ;) I turn 28 in just under 2 months. I smoked at least a pack a day of unfiltered rolling tobacco since 18, with a few breaks along the way (until I relapsed each time), until a little over 7 months ago when I discovered vaping. I've had many vices including some fairly hard drugs, but have overcome those vices (less...vaping? LOL). I don't even drink alcohol, never liked it, yet it's the only thing I ever got in legal trouble for (drinking underage).

My favorite things to do in life are hike and play bass. I've got 2 basses - a 5 string acoustic and a 4 string fretless electric. Been playing bass since I was 14. Played in several bands, genres ranging from trip-hop to dark caberet to King Crimson-ish rock. I've spent about a year of my life living in the woods - either backpacking or working for non profit trail organizations seasonally. I grew up in TN but left for many reasons as soon as I graduated college. Now I live in the northwestern Adrondack Park, working as innkeeper of a smallscale resort. I live with a wonderful woman, better than I could ever ask for, and a doggy and crazy cat. I hike and snowshoe every chance I get, and I am in the process of getting and setting up a semi-decent home recording setup so I can begin creating music again.

Vaping has changed my life. REOs made it possible for vaping to do so in such a convenient and reliable way.

Rock on Reoville, you're fantastic people. See ya around.


don't need no dang title..I'm queen of the world!
ECF Veteran
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Dec 5, 2009
Lower Mich.
Well, we have The Real Us picture thread, the "Smoke EM like you stole Em" video thread , the one Russ just started a while back, the video one,...and now this.......
Ya'll are getting kinda personal:laugh:.....

and I'm not tellin'!

( Actually, I've lived a long time and it could turn into book-size....never knew when to shut my mouth after it opened....)
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Mar 5, 2013
Well, we have The Real Us picture thread, the "Smoke EM like you stole Em" video thread , the one Russ just started a while back, the video one,...and now this.......
Ya'll are getting kinda personal:laugh:.....

and I'm not tellin'!

( Actually, I've lived a long time and it could turn into book-size....never knew when to shut my mouth after it opened....)

Aww... Cmon... :)


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Jan 28, 2014
West Virginia
Hello Reoville, My name in Mike, and I'm 42. Grew up here in the hills of West Virginia where Coal Mining is a way of life. Wanted something else, so at the age of 21, I started a career as a professional truck driver, driving coast to coast for 11 years logging in just over a million miles. Really no life but was an experience. After 11 years of the road and being married to a great gal, I gave up my driving career when we had our first son. I found a job with a PA based company that performs underground directional drilling practices. So for the last 10 years I've been drilling underground for Gas, abandoned mines, and dewatering. My second son was born in 2007 and in 2013 was diagnosed with Asthma. At that point the 2-2 1/2 pack of Marlboro reds since out of high school came to a stop. Started vaping with the latest and greatest and then about a month ago I found Reo's. Anyway's there is a little about me, and I look forward to reading about you. Peace
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Senior Member
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May 7, 2014
West by God Virginia, USA
I'm a proud mama (you know the one who doesn't shut up about her kids and how wonderful they are) of 2 fine young boys 10 &12. we do whatever is in season. ATVs & dirt bikes , camping, fishing, hiking, hunting (they don't, this is my "me time"), archery- I shoot hoyt they shoot diamonds, cycling, rafting, snowboarding and whatever sport they're playing at the time.
I collect knives. I have a few more Damascus blades on the way. can't wait, use to collect guns now I just talk everyone around me into buying them,
I only dance when I'm drunk and my guitar is collecting dust but I don't play very well anyway. I love to mow the yard and hate to vacuum. I still find time to go see a good play, but can't sit still long enough to watch a movie, I love to hear someone other than me play the violin and dulcimer, and I can't help but turn the radio up for ACDC
My boys are the reason I started vaping. It was their idea, so everytime I find something new to buy I tell them its their fault and its coming out of their allowance. My oldest says when I get old he will wrap my coils and buy my juice as long as I never smoke again. My youngest tells me i'm old now, lol.


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Jul 12, 2012
Ontario. Canada
I am 39, married to my high-school sweetheart. At 18 I was diagnosed with cancer and she stood by me. We married young and now have 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls the youngest girl is 6. When diagnosed with cancer( spread to lymph nodes around lungs amongst other areas) I quit smoking for a while but while being locked up in the hospital with an iv I picked it up again ironically.... At the time the hospital had a smoking area in the basement. Strangely enough it was usually filled with Doc's and nurses
Life is good. I enjoy hunting and fishing. My main interest is archery hunting which includes all forms: recurve, compound and crossbow but I enjoy gun hunting during our very short season as well. I live for deer season but turkey season is a close 2nd and I feel most at home in the woods. You get to experience some pretty cool sights while waiting for the woods to wake up. My music tastes tend to lean more towards the heavy side. I love classic chevs and on a clear summer day I really enjoy cruising in vintage metal
I have been a mechanic for some time. I worked for a smaller shop for 13 years and then teamed up with my wife's brother and started our own repair business and have been doing that for close to but not quite 10 years. We have grown to accommodate 2 employee's. We are not rich but we get by ;)

oh yeah, I love reo's! vaped a few different things but nothing compares to the reliability of the reo.

Tony Spectacular

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Jul 8, 2013
Ok, I'll play.

Oi, folks. I'm Tony Spectacular (yeah, really!). I'm 38, married to the most wonderful woman that I've ever met (and trying my damndest to deserve her), and finishing up my final semester in my second bachelor's degree. Nursing this time. Last time was IT. Network security, to be precise. See, I made the mistake of confusing aptitude with a calling. Had no idea what to do with myself, so I went with what I was good at. Turned out that I HATED the work, so I bailed. It probably didn't help that out of school I worked for the Evil Empire (yes...that's right. Comcast. Please don't judge me.). But I guess I'm skipping ahead in the story a bit. I didn't go straight to college after high school. I was actually homeless for ~6 years. Not on the streets, exactly. I was a rave promoter. At first I was just traveling with likeminded people, catching showers and sleep where I could (college dorms, back in the 90s, were HELLA easy to charm your way into, and always had hot water in those gross communal shower rooms), but eventually graduated to 'prestige' status, meaning that I got flown around the country and put up in fancy pants hotels. As you might guess, I did WAAAAAAAY too many drugs during that time. I think that I'm better off for having had those experiences, drugs included. I know myself much better than I would have otherwise, having plumbed my depths and all. It's good to know who you are at both extremes, if you catch my meaning.

So anyway, I graduated from 'the scene', and then it was off to school, then COMCAST (I hope you heard the Emperial March just then. I meant it as I typed.). It was every inch as wretched as you might think.

Jebus...typing this is bringing back such a flood of memories. I'm going to spare you all of the romantic entanglements (though some of them really have defined...or at least honed me) and try to keep to the narrative.

So, one day I decided that enough was way too much, and threw it all up in the air. Feck it. I cannot and WILL not abide this nonsense any more. So I wandered off again. Back to the hand to mouth life. I waited tables, I bartended, and then I ended up a bike messenger.

Hoo BOY! Man, I would recommend that life to anyone in their late teens or early twenties who has the constitution for it. Camaraderie for MILES. Literally. I can still go anywhere in the country with my bike and be welcomed as a brother. There is truly nothing on this earth quite like Messlife. I could regale you with dozens of stories about alleycat races, debauchery, car v. cyclist disasters, and really, truly EPIC parties, but I guess those too are stories for another day.

Stay on track, Tony. Stay on track.

Anyway, after figuring out sound engineering and running a live music venue in my basement for a few years, I graduated to running monitor sound and barbacking for one of the major music venues in Philly. Rhymes with Eclectic Packtory. Back then, the family of venues associated with my home venue were multitudinous, and one of them was a particularly spacious outdoor jawn. That particular venue had an AWFUL annual Memorial Day event called 'Jam On the River'. Yes, 3 days of jam bands. Kill me. I'm inclined to apologize if you are into that sort of music, but I'm not going to. Because you have to realize that working those events is the. very. worst.

So anyway, I was living down in deep south Philly, catty corner from my cousin. I had worked that festival 7a-1a Friday and Saturday, and 7a-3a Sunday. Humping kegs and ice, running my whole as$ off the entire time. Rode my bike home after the show, exhausted as any man has ever been after a weekend working in the sun, only to face a significant dilemma. See, my cousin's birthday fell right around Memorial Day, and since he and most everyone we knew worked in bars and clubs and such, he held his birthday party/bbq on Memorial Sunday. Sundays are usually a workable day for people in 'the industry'. So I've been getting beat up by the work and the sun for a weekend, and all I want to do is to pass directly the eff out. I arrive at the corner of his house and mine. I stand over my bike for what has to be a solid 5 minutes. Looking up at my apartment, then over at his house. Back. Forth. I want nothing on this earth so much as to be in my bed. But his house is right over there. That's my family, and it's his birthday. How could I not go? But Jebus Price, I just want to be in bed. Ah, eff it. I can go in for one burger and one beer. I'll be home in 15 minutes, having discharged my obligation to my family. I ran up, stowed my bike in my apartment, and headed over.

This, friends, was the best decision I ever made. It really and truly freaks me out to this day how these seemingly inconsequential decisions can have such a profound effect on our lives. Had I opted for sleep instead of my cousin's I shudder to think how my life would have turned out.

Because during those ten minutes I planned on being there, SHE came through the door.

Man...I have 'known' more than a few women in my life. But when I laid eyes on HER...

I was done for. I had never been smitten like that just based on the first glimpse. WhoooWEEE was that an amazing woman. I was hers from moment one.

She took a whole lot of convincing, but I was hers from the door.

But I put the work in, and I won the woman.

Long story short (Ha! Short? You're kidding yourself, Tony),

So anyway, I kept working in bars and eventually realized that hand to mouth would simply not do if I was to be the partner the SHE deserved. But I absolutely would NOT go back to the IT chair. I needed to do something worth doing, not just pimping my mind out to the devil for a couple of bucks.

But what?


Oh...hey...I'm good in a crisis...what about EMT school?

So I did. And I (if ou'll pardon the phrase) KILLED it. First in my class, got a great (relatively) job right out of school, and immediately started climbing the ladder. Got moved to an ALS truck, and was very proud of my achievements, but then I realized how low the ceiling is in EMS. If you're not willing to go into Management, you're going to cap out in both pay and responsibility pretty quickly. I don't handle being sedate very that sort of circumstance I'm both unhappy and I realized that I had to make a different move. I lucked into getting an in with the hospital which was affiliated with my EMS company, getting to move into a sort of nursing assistant role. It's not exactly that, but it'll do for the narrative. And from there, since I can't ever sit still, I started working towards being a nurse. Which, as it turns out, is immensely fulfilling. Like, I was all full of balls, middle fingers, knees and elbows (but on the inside all kinds of pathetic ennui) until I found this path. But now, I have the best partner that anyone ever had (sorry, jerks. She's MINE!), a new career that is more than a job, but rather is a true calling that has no limit to its horizons, I'm a homeowner, and I'm winning the game of life.

Oh, and I smoked a pack a day for 25 years, found ejawns, quit smoking in a day, and have been a happy vaper ever since, ESPECIALLY after having found REOs. I preach the word of Squonk diligently to any vaper who'll stand still long enough to listen. But you already knew that, and that wasn't what this post was supposed to be about anyway.

So hey...If you managed to get through all of that, then good on you! If you rolled your eyes at the wall of text, then maybe you shouldn't have come in to the narrative thread.

But anyway...hi! I'm Tony, and I'm really glad to have met you.


Super Member
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Mar 5, 2013
Ok, I'll play.

Oi, folks. I'm Tony Spectacular (yeah, really!). I'm 38, married to the most wonderful woman that I've ever met (and trying my damndest to deserve her), and finishing up my final semester in my second bachelor's degree. Nursing this time. Last time was IT. Network security, to be precise. See, I made the mistake of confusing aptitude with a calling. Had no idea what to do with myself, so I went with what I was good at. Turned out that I HATED the work, so I bailed. It probably didn't help that out of school I worked for the Evil Empire (yes...that's right. Comcast. Please don't judge me.). But I guess I'm skipping ahead in the story a bit. I didn't go straight to college after high school. I was actually homeless for ~6 years. Not on the streets, exactly. I was a rave promoter. At first I was just traveling with likeminded people, catching showers and sleep where I could (college dorms, back in the 90s, were HELLA easy to charm your way into, and always had hot water in those gross communal shower rooms), but eventually graduated to 'prestige' status, meaning that I got flown around the country and put up in fancy pants hotels. As you might guess, I did WAAAAAAAY too many drugs during that time. I think that I'm better off for having had those experiences, drugs included. I know myself much better than I would have otherwise, having plumbed my depths and all. It's good to know who you are at both extremes, if you catch my meaning.

So anyway, I graduated from 'the scene', and then it was off to school, then COMCAST (I hope you heard the Emperial March just then. I meant it as I typed.). It was every inch as wretched as you might think.

Jebus...typing this is bringing back such a flood of memories. I'm going to spare you all of the romantic entanglements (though some of them really have defined...or at least honed me) and try to keep to the narrative.

So, one day I decided that enough was way too much, and threw it all up in the air. Feck it. I cannot and WILL not abide this nonsense any more. So I wandered off again. Back to the hand to mouth life. I waited tables, I bartended, and then I ended up a bike messenger.

Hoo BOY! Man, I would recommend that life to anyone in their late teens or early twenties who has the constitution for it. Camaraderie for MILES. Literally. I can still go anywhere in the country with my bike and be welcomed as a brother. There is truly nothing on this earth quite like Messlife. I could regale you with dozens of stories about alleycat races, debauchery, car v. cyclist disasters, and really, truly EPIC parties, but I guess those too are stories for another day.

Stay on track, Tony. Stay on track.

Anyway, after figuring out sound engineering and running a live music venue in my basement for a few years, I graduated to running monitor sound and barbacking for one of the major music venues in Philly. Rhymes with Eclectic Packtory. Back then, the family of venues associated with my home venue were multitudinous, and one of them was a particularly spacious outdoor jawn. That particular venue had an AWFUL annual Memorial Day event called 'Jam On the River'. Yes, 3 days of jam bands. Kill me. I'm inclined to apologize if you are into that sort of music, but I'm not going to. Because you have to realize that working those events is the. very. worst.

So anyway, I was living down in deep south Philly, catty corner from my cousin. I had worked that festival 7a-1a Friday and Saturday, and 7a-3a Sunday. Humping kegs and ice, running my whole as$ off the entire time. Rode my bike home after the show, exhausted as any man has ever been after a weekend working in the sun, only to face a significant dilemma. See, my cousin's birthday fell right around Memorial Day, and since he and most everyone we knew worked in bars and clubs and such, he held his birthday party/bbq on Memorial Sunday. Sundays are usually a workable day for people in 'the industry'. So I've been getting beat up by the work and the sun for a weekend, and all I want to do is to pass directly the eff out. I arrive at the corner of his house and mine. I stand over my bike for what has to be a solid 5 minutes. Looking up at my apartment, then over at his house. Back. Forth. I want nothing on this earth so much as to be in my bed. But his house is right over there. That's my family, and it's his birthday. How could I not go? But Jebus Price, I just want to be in bed. Ah, eff it. I can go in for one burger and one beer. I'll be home in 15 minutes, having discharged my obligation to my family. I ran up, stowed my bike in my apartment, and headed over.

This, friends, was the best decision I ever made. It really and truly freaks me out to this day how these seemingly inconsequential decisions can have such a profound effect on our lives. Had I opted for sleep instead of my cousin's I shudder to think how my life would have turned out.

Because during those ten minutes I planned on being there, SHE came through the door.

Man...I have 'known' more than a few women in my life. But when I laid eyes on HER...

I was done for. I had never been smitten like that just based on the first glimpse. WhoooWEEE was that an amazing woman. I was hers from moment one.

She took a whole lot of convincing, but I was hers from the door.

But I put the work in, and I won the woman.

Long story short (Ha! Short? You're kidding yourself, Tony),

So anyway, I kept working in bars and eventually realized that hand to mouth would simply not do if I was to be the partner the SHE deserved. But I absolutely would NOT go back to the IT chair. I needed to do something worth doing, not just pimping my mind out to the devil for a couple of bucks.

But what?


Oh...hey...I'm good in a crisis...what about EMT school?

So I did. And I (if ou'll pardon the phrase) KILLED it. First in my class, got a great (relatively) job right out of school, and immediately started climbing the ladder. Got moved to an ALS truck, and was very proud of my achievements, but then I realized how low the ceiling is in EMS. If you're not willing to go into Management, you're going to cap out in both pay and responsibility pretty quickly. I don't handle being sedate very that sort of circumstance I'm both unhappy and I realized that I had to make a different move. I lucked into getting an in with the hospital which was affiliated with my EMS company, getting to move into a sort of nursing assistant role. It's not exactly that, but it'll do for the narrative. And from there, since I can't ever sit still, I started working towards being a nurse. Which, as it turns out, is immensely fulfilling. Like, I was all full of balls, middle fingers, knees and elbows (but on the inside all kinds of pathetic ennui) until I found this path. But now, I have the best partner that anyone ever had (sorry, jerks. She's MINE!), a new career that is more than a job, but rather is a true calling that has no limit to its horizons, I'm a homeowner, and I'm winning the game of life.

Oh, and I smoked a pack a day for 25 years, found ejawns, quit smoking in a day, and have been a happy vaper ever since, ESPECIALLY after having found REOs. I preach the word of Squonk diligently to any vaper who'll stand still long enough to listen. But you already knew that, and that wasn't what this post was supposed to be about anyway.

So hey...If you managed to get through all of that, then good on you! If you rolled your eyes at the wall of text, then maybe you shouldn't have come in to the narrative thread.

But anyway...hi! I'm Tony, and I'm really glad to have met you.

Awesome man. More than i expected, but just the kinda stuff i was lookin for. Nice to meet you tony


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Oct 17, 2012
Blacksburg, Virginia
Hi I'm Tracey and I'm addicted to nicotine :facepalm: I learned to smoke at the age of 13 in the designated smoking area at my high school. I smoked for 35+ years with 8 of them trying to quit. Always failed, once I took the first puff, it was over. I was smoking again. This time with vaping it's been a little over two years and I failed once...on a trip to see the MIL...I bought a pack out of frustration and a broken tank. I smoked four, that was last June. The difference is I never continued smoking as in the past. I got out and got a new tank and continued vaping....about 3 months ago I threw the pack out....I never wanted them and that was the difference. Grew up in small town Blue Ridge Mountains, work at a university (Virginia Tech....we know what that is famous for) married, one daughter, two mutts, three grandpuppies.

I like to ride motorcycles. I have about 50,000 miles under my seat and several states.....funnest thing was riding back from MA on the New York expressway, in the rain, during rush hour. NOT. :) My riding took a back seat a few years ago when my grandmother passed, my daughter was diagnosed with cancer, my 22 year old nephew passed away from a heart attack, and two close first cousins taking their life, the other from smoking. My priorities are different then when I was riding all those miles...but they were miles of smiles and this could be the year I make a strong come back instead of just a short ride to let her run.

Fun reading about everyone!! I forgot! My only devices are two REO's....I imagine I'll always be faithful to the REO, it's done so much for me.

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Sep 20, 2014
Valdosta, GA, USA
Hi, my names Marshall I'm 33 about to turn 34 this coming Saturday and I'm a Reonaught/Metalhead/local REO guru. I am from a small town in Texas too (Brownsville, Tx) to be exact. Some of my hobbies are playing bass guitar and acoustic guitar (I have two basses, a five string electric Ibanez SRA305 and a four string electric ESP F-104 that I built) and I have an old Fender acoustic. I also really enjoy fishing (fresh and especially saltwater - which is what I was brought up on). I like working on trucks and enjoy shooting guns. I use to race RC cars, but have since gotten away from that. I only have a Traxxas Slash and a Traxxas boat left now that me and the kiddo play with.

I'm currently serving in the USAF, I'm a Technical Sergeant and have a little over 15 yrs under my belt. I've got this one last hill to get over and then I'm looking toward retirement (can't wait!). My job in the Air Force by trade is a Jet Engine Mechanic, but I'm currently holding a position as a flight line expediter. I basically come in to work, figure out what's going on after that day of flying, see what needs to be fixed and direct my small group of guys who work for me to the maintenance that's needed that night. In my Air Force career I've worked on F-15C/D/E's in England and Alaska and I've worked on A-10A's in Arizona and currently working A-10C's here in Georgia. My Air Force career has taking me to England, Arizona, Alaska, and now Georgia (been here now for almost 8 years). I've been all over the world and have deployed four times, three of those deployments have been to Afghanistan. Some of the places I've visited or traveled to include. Iceland, Turkey, Qatar, Germany, Africa, Italy, Scotland, Spain, Russia, Carney Islands, Azores, Canada, Mexico, and some other places I can't think of.

When I left England to move to Arizona, I married my wife Melissa (who I was dating on and off/engaged too while she was in college and I was in England) the long distance relationship was tough but we made it work and got married in March of 2003. We are both from the same town and went to the same high school, but we never dated while in school. We have been married 11 years (12 this March) and I couldn't be happier, she is truly the love of my life. She's an amazing woman and has stuck by my side supporting me every step of the way. We have one awesome son, he's 8 years old and in the second grade. My son is also the love of our lives, and together we couldn't imagine our lives together without him, he is truly our blessing.

Melissa is a Reonaught as well, but she doesn't post or frequent the forums. She always looks at me and goes really, or let me guess, your in Reoville again when ever she sees me typing on my phone. Anyway, we were both avid smokers and had quit after my son was born, but that was short lived and we both picked smoking back up a few years later. It wasn't until last August when a buddy of mine convinced me to try vaping instead of smoking. I ended up buying an itaste mvp2, I used it for about a week and then tossed it and bought my LP grand. I haven't looked back since, what made me turn to the REO was my co-workers at work who have owned them for at least two years before me. Reo grands are the prime choice and majority of vape gear most of us use at work. I think it's because of how durable the grands are, I've said this before our grands don't look pristine, but they hold up to the abuse we put them through and get used everyday. Many of us only have one grand with no back ups, so again ours have to stand up to the abuse and work everyday. Anyway, I look forward to meeting many others I speak with on here everyday, I don't have the longevity most of the other reonaughts have but I feel I've mastered the art of sqounking and know a thing or two about grands. If anyone ever needs advice or help with their mods, hit me up I'll be glad to help where I can. Take care everyone.

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Aug 18, 2013
.....More than you ever wanted to know:

Good Afternoon fellow REOnauts. I am James. (I also go by Kevin, my middle name) I was born December 19, 1961, and raised in Murray, UT. Growing up in the 60's / 70's was AWESOME! I am so glad I didn't have all the crap todays kids have. (I would be even lazier than I am now). lol. My passions include Art, Music, Reading and Cooking. For art, I enjoy doing large Pointillism's, Scratchboard, Watercolors and Computer 3D Modeling and rendering. Music: my favorite is Classic Rock. I also like Alternative, Classical and some Jazz. I do not care for top 40, Pop or Rap. I love to read Stephen King, Clive Cussler, Edward Abbey and so many more. I LOVE to cook. My favorite foods include Thai, Chinese and Mexican. (in that order).

Work related: In high school and after, I worked at a golf course. BEST job EVER! Outside all day. Sunshine. Big machines <TimAllenGrunt>. After that, I was in Banking Operations for 10+ years. I wanted a change so as I love art and computers, I went to school and got an associates in CAD and have been doing that ever since. One job I had was a Project Designer for a firm that designed Cleanrooms for computer chip manufacturers. I got the opportunity to do a lot of world traveling, spending most of my time in Scotland, Hsinchu Taiwan and Penang Malaysia. After the semiconductor market crashed, I have been doing Residential ever since. I currently work for an architectural firm in Park City, UT as a Residential Designer.

After being born and living in Utah for 35 years, I moved to Seattle. I was there for 11 years and LOVED it. I miss Seattle and can't wait to get back. I met my wife in Seattle. She had a 9 year old daughter at the time. A year later, I legally adopted her. She is my sweetheart! She is currently married and living in Sacramento. She and her husband are in the USAF. She gave me my very first Grandson a little over a year ago and I have a Granddaughter on the way in a couple of months! WOOT!

As I mentioned, I am married. We have been together going on 17 years, married for 15. My wife is on Disability due to a pituitary adenoma mis-diagnosis 5+ years ago. She actually had a sever case of Sinusitis. Thinking it was a pituitary adenoma, the doctors pumped her full of large doses of anabolic steroids for about 4 months where my wife now suffers from 'Steroid Induced Psychosis'. No, it is NOT fun! So, in a nutshell, I get to spend 9 hours a day working (with commute) then go home and cook, clean, laundry, etc. It is very stressful BUT you know what? I love her so much. She is my Girl and I took vows to be there for her and to take care of her. Life is what you make of it.

I LOVE cats. We currently have 3. Moochie, is my buddy. he is the one in my avatar. He is going on 14 years. Cat number 2 is Kitten. We never gave her a name lol and she is 16. Our latest addition is a 2 year old micro-hell demon called Mia. I actually think she also has bi-Polar. lol.

Dislikes: I hate head games, phony people, TV, cell phones, micromanagement, humidity, pea soup and brussel sprouts.
Loves: The smell of rain, thunderstorms, gardening, music, food, my family, old movies, art and REO's lol.
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