Snus Question

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Feb 23, 2010
Hitt, if you like Drew's 555, you owe it to yourself to try VS Frisco. It's a subtle, hazelnutty version of 555. BTW, I love Drew's 555, also. I'll be happy to send you a sample. Just PM me.

Caesarea, Vapor Station has a UK website, just FYI! ;) The names of the liquids are different, but the flavors are the same. They use Indian flavorings for their liquids, not Chinese, and they are really different. Much more complex, layered and smooth. For $25 you can buy ten 5 ml samples (including multiples of the same flavor, if you can't think of ten flavors you'd like to sample). You can also request different strengths than the standard 10 mg. I love their Rosewater. :shock:

David, if you'd like to try the Stonewalls, I'll be happy to send you a sample. I have Java (the only nonminty flavor I have). PM me. I don't have much unflavored snus, I like the mints and the eucalyptus, but I'll look through my stash. Let me know. How about licorice?


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
Thanks Katya,

I had forgotten the chart from that thread had Camel snus and Swedish snus. (even though I responded in relation to that very issue, lol)

As I suspected, it proves that Camel snus are just as safe (TSNA-wise) as Swedish snus. As I pointed out in that other thread, the Camel snus most likely had roughly half as much TSNA's because the Camel portion was probably roughly half the size of the General. So they are roughly just as safe.

Though, one thing to point out is that Camels certainly have a lot more sugar as opposed to the average Swedish snus, so there's that.

But yes, if I had previous throat cancer and I just had to use some sort of oral tobacco, it would be Stonewall or Ariva - as borne out by that chart.

Do you know what thread the chart was in? I'd like to take a look at it.


Moved On
Jun 18, 2010
Clermont, FL
Vaping in itself has helped me. Only problem I've had is taste. I can't find a REAL
tobacco flavor. TW's State Express in 36 mg has been one that semi fits the bill.
I might try the general mini's and dissolvables for the tough times. I do prefer straight tobacco as opposed to Mint or Menthol. I have used menthol e juice for the throat
hit, but prefer the other. I just have had a hard time with giving up the pleasures of life as I used to know it. I played guitar all of my life from 10 years old. Made a living of it in the early 70's. I had to stop playing with the cancer. They had to cut tendons in the neck and upper shoulder, limiting hand and arm strength., picking hand. Don't know and Dr's don't say if I'll ever get that back. BUT I"M ALIVE and can enjoy the memories of the days. Tobacco is a real demon. I have four sons and preached anti smoking. 2 out of four don't. Being a hippy rock and roller in the day, I experimented with other substances and gave them up many years ago without a hint of the problems related to stopping tobacco.. I believe tobacco to be more addictive than most drugs. All I know is I'm gonna do what it takes to not pick up a camel analog. Got to get back to work. Thanks for all the help.

Hope you know I wasn't trying to judge you I have had a hell of a time giving up smoking myself even with my second child on the way and my first being only 3 I have a lot to lose. I cant imagine how hard it would be to quit smoking after so much time. I hope that you find something that works for you and stay cancer free. Glad to hear you are still able to fish though cant imagine having to give up fishing and the guitar. How did you do in the tournament by the way?


Vaping Master
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Mar 12, 2009
Hey C. Where have you been hiding?

Well I warned you I was going on a low carb high protein high fat diet. It takes a bit of time to plan and prepare the meals. Seems to be what my paleolithic ancestors ate. Suits me fine. Have lost a stone already since 3 June and it's much easier to work out at the gym now. Onwards and downwards!

Really enjoying my MiniMint/Dekang combo - think I have settled into an easy routine.

Salutations to all!




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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    C, sorry for my ignorance but what is a "stone". Evidentally this diet is working for you. That's fantastic. I cut about 20lbs. a year ago and have been able to keep it off. Diet and regular exercise are definitely the key.

    katya, I do appreciate your offer on the liquid but don't want a freebie. I wonder if there is something that I could trade you for it. What kind of flavors do you like best? All of the snus I have is 8mg or higher so don't know if you would be interested in that and I wasn't sure if you are using any snuff. Let me know if there is something I might have that you would be interested in.


    Vaping Master
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    Mar 12, 2009
    Wow, C - you just sent me to Google - a stone is 14 pounds & in less than a month.

    Is there a name for this diet, inquiring minds want to know. :D

    Oops - figured you guys have pounds so you would also have stones and pounds! Bloomin' Britspeak - sorry!

    Yeh, Sunset, go to I bought the 2 books on Amazon and even a fairly incompetent cook like me can do this! There are more recipes on the website forum. Not unlike Atkins, but it develops into a more varied diet by the second phase, which we can start when we are within 1 stone(14lbs) of our target weight.

    I'm shy about quoting my vital stats in public, but the reduction in inches is even more impressive! I'm at the gym as much as possible to regain the tone I lost when ill and housebound for months last year.

    It's working well for my sister and my daughter too - maybe we have all the same family reaction to eating too many carbs. I have never bothered to diet before but this will probably be a permanent change in eating habits. It's a wonderful feeling to ditch the large clothing and go down a shoe size too! That was a big surprise. Not buying any new clothes yet - might lose more weight in the near future, I do so hope!

    Lovely cool evening here. We are having an English heat wave this week - 25 degrees Celsius sends us all crazy! Hope you saw the lunar eclipse yesterday - must have been spectacular.

    Happy weekend!



    Vaping the usual Dekang but unusually had some weekend snus with decaff tea after a long walk in the heat today.


    Super Member
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    Oct 17, 2009
    Oops - figured you guys have pounds so you would also have stones and pounds! Bloomin' Britspeak - sorry!

    Yeh, Sunset, go to I bought the 2 books on Amazon and even a fairly incompetent cook like me can do this! There are more recipes on the website forum. Not unlike Atkins, but it develops into a more varied diet by the second phase, which we can start when we are within 1 stone(14lbs) of our target weight.

    I'm shy about quoting my vital stats in public, but the reduction in inches is even more impressive! I'm at the gym as much as possible to regain the tone I lost when ill and housebound for months last year.

    It's working well for my sister and my daughter too - maybe we have all the same family reaction to eating too many carbs. I have never bothered to diet before but this will probably be a permanent change in eating habits. It's a wonderful feeling to ditch the large clothing and go down a shoe size too! That was a big surprise. Not buying any new clothes yet - might lose more weight in the near future, I do so hope!

    Lovely cool evening here. We are having an English heat wave this week - 25 degrees Celsius sends us all crazy! Hope you saw the lunar eclipse yesterday - must have been spectacular.

    Happy weekend!



    Vaping the usual Dekang but unusually had some weekend snus with decaff tea after a long walk in the heat today.

    LOL - I doubt that, that sounds like my title. But, I do have the TV dinners down pat.:D

    Thanks for all the information, now I've got to check it out. This is pretty impressive, maybe those TV dinners are my problem. I hope not or I'm in trouble.:D


    Vaping Master
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    Mar 12, 2009
    LOL - I doubt that, that sounds like my title. But, I do have the TV dinners down pat.:D

    Thanks for all the information, now I've got to check it out. This is pretty impressive, maybe those TV dinners are my problem. I hope not or I'm in trouble.:D

    Well I am always in a rush, so it used to be toast and jam for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch, lots of ordinary milk and plenty of potatoes and pasta and rice x a few decades and the end result was not pretty. So having none of those plus 3 litres of water per day is a really good thing for my body. If I plan a fortnight's meals ahead, I can do the cooking real fast though! :)

    At first you wonder what you could possibly eat if there were none of the above available, but in fact it's High protein, high fat, low carb. Cheese and olives, butter, cream and mayo and lots of meat and fish of all sorts and eggs and most of the veggies. Protein shakes too. {With lactose free milk 'cos I hate soya.) No calorie counting!
    Plenty to get the message over to the body that there is no need to store fat 'cos there is plenty of rich food available, and that it needs to get its energy from fat and not from carbohydrates. There was no wheat or potatoes or sugar where my ancestors came from. I'm back to their diet and I like it.

    I bet they vaped and had snus too!




    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Mar 12, 2009
    Thanks, C. , I just got both books and I know what I'm reading tomorrow.:D

    Gotta love this Kindle and so glad she has them out in that form.

    Wow you move fast Sunset! Remember day 3, 4 or 5 will likely be a bummer as your body changes its metabolism. After that plain sailing.




    With apologies to the OP for digressing into other health & wellness fields.
    Last edited:


    Super Member
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    Oct 17, 2009
    Wow you move fast Sunset! Remember day 3, 4 or 5 will likely be a bummer as your body changes its metabolism. After that plain sailing.




    With apologies to the OP for digressing into other health & wellness fields.

    You're right and I did think about that...I think in the future I'll PM you after I read the books and if I have an update to tell you , but glad to hear the information.

    Sort of bet, there's a few others that could be interested. Since I've quit smoking I have gained 5 pounds that doesn't want to bounce back/off. So back on topic! Thanks again!

    P.S. Glad the forum management is understanding that we went off topic for a bit.
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