smoker's perceptions of e-cigs

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Full Member
May 30, 2009
Nashville, TN
Are there any non-smokers here like myself (or smokers for that matter) who has had any difficulty convincing someone to make the switch to vapor? My Mother passed away on June 18th, 2008 from lung cancer caused by smoking, and I'm mentioning the e-cigarette thing to people I'm around that smoke. So far everyone has been easily receptive. I switched my Aunt over, her daughter seemed interesting, and my sister's best friend seemed interested. They seem to like the idea of "You can't get cancer from this" the best. Nicotine itself is harmless; it's the carcinagins in the smoke that cause the cancer. Sure, it'd be nice for people to quit all together, but with this they don't really have to. They can use it to either quit, save money, cut back, or to get a nicotine fix without getting cancer. Has anyone else had good success with the vapor revolution?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2009
North Yorkshire UK
Are there any non-smokers here like myself (or smokers for that matter) who has had any difficulty convincing someone to make the switch to vapor? My Mother passed away on June 18th, 2008 from lung cancer caused by smoking, and I'm mentioning the e-cigarette thing to people I'm around that smoke. So far everyone has been easily receptive. I switched my Aunt over, her daughter seemed interesting, and my sister's best friend seemed interested. They seem to like the idea of "You can't get cancer from this" the best. Nicotine itself is harmless; it's the carcinagins in the smoke that cause the cancer. Sure, it'd be nice for people to quit all together, but with this they don't really have to. They can use it to either quit, save money, cut back, or to get a nicotine fix without getting cancer. Has anyone else had good success with the vapor revolution?

Wow I wish more non-smokers thought like you Zarathustra, most non-smokers only see vaping as being pretty much exactly the same thing as smoking.


Full Member
May 30, 2009
Nashville, TN
Wow I wish more non-smokers thought like you Zarathustra, most non-smokers only see vaping as being pretty much exactly the same thing as smoking.

Sadly most people are ignorant. Ignorance is bliss, yet still they aren't happy. If I can see the benefits of e-cigarettes, and my mother died directly because of smoking, then anyone should be able to. The e-cigarette has unlimited potential whether it be a stop-smoking aid, a non-cancerous smoking alternative, or simply a money saving avenue people can take.

What it all boils down to is the the government doesn't want people to stop smoking. That's their ultimate cash cow. If vaping catches on, and people stop smoking... whoops; there goes their money. It's a shame is what it is.

The only thing that should potentially be regulated is the eLiquid. Lord knows what goes into that stuff. They should leave the e-cigarettes alone.

Vaping can save people's lives. That's how I look at it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 27, 2009
Republic of Boulder
Zarathrustra, I'm sorry for your loss. In fact, no, I've had no issues convincing others to switch. I've been looking for something like an ecig for years -- I got started smoking when I went to college (I needed the legal stimulant when I was working 22 hour days, which is another story entirely) but I never liked cigarettes. I tried using patches, gum, commit tablets (which came closest to satisfying me) but there's both the physical craving and the manual habit that those never quite satisfied (the fidget, and in the case of patches, the slow release...) Had vaping been available, I would have been a vaper from the beginning.

Everyone -- smoker and non-smoker alike -- has been intrigued and interested in the device, in the flavors and to be honest, the geek factor. (But then again, I am mostly friends with geeks because I am one.) Plus there's an element of rave-chic: we all like the blue LEDs.

I have not had a single negative reaction, even in super-duper-anti-smoking Boulder (where somebody can walk down the street with a ...., but light an analog and the lynch mob forms...)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 29, 2009
United States (Utah) SLC
I vape outside at work on my breaks with the smokers, and I mostly just get funny looks, and questions. But the smokers look at my 510 as a threat. They call it my "fake cigarette" and continually ask me if I have "caved" and smoked the real thing yet. I have also had a few problems getting people to convert, and I can't see why. All of my friends smoke, all of my siblings smoke, my husband and I used to smoke. (we now only vape) So I have tried to get our family and friends to convert. I always get the same reaction though. "Its too expensive!" I always laugh, and try to use facts and numbers to show that its not, but with no luck. They see spending $6 a day on cigarettes as a better deal than $55 up front for an e-cig. I have actually purchased multiple kits, and given them to my sister and grandmother, hoping they would use it without fearing the cost, But they only used it for a few hours, and then lit a cigarette. I honestly don't get it. And Its not like Im giving them crappy devices, I only use the manual joye510 (best type IMO) But they still wont stop smoking. I want to give up on trying with them, but there HAS to be a way to convince them, right? Hell, Even if vaping is more expensive... Can you really put a price on your health? AND being able to indulge in your addictions? Sheesh...

Vicks Vap-oh-Yeah

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
West Allis, WI
Zarathustra - I do appreciate the sentiment you have regarding our PV's, and find it refreshing to have a non-smoker that's not myopic (looks like a cig, smokes like a cig, etc.) I'm not posting this to trash you....but I have to adjust a few of your misconseptions...

They seem to like the idea of "You can't get cancer from this" the best.

Nobody knows the long range risks of vaping....that's part of the controversy. Is it logically safer than inhaling burnt carbon matter into your lungs? Yes. You can't get cancer??? Unknown.

Nicotine itself is harmless;

Again, not true. Nicotine is addictive, that makes it somewhat of a risk to use, and it is a toxin - too much WILL kill you. Not harmless!

Has anyone else had good success with the vapor revolution?

Now, to get to the spirit of your post....I have had differing reactions...2 people I work with decided to try the PV, both hated it, and went back to analogs... one is still working with hers, the other...meh...

Of the other smokers in my building - they wanted to "see" it, but are not yet ready to go to using it, for various reasons, citing cost, unknowns, legal issues, in short, typical wind-n-pi$$ reactions for "new and scary, I'm out of my comfort zone."


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
Please, don't anyone take for granted that e-cigs are harmless
What nicotine is not, a carcinogen.
It is toxic, poisonous if ingested in high levels....40-60 mgs will kill you, your pets, your kids. That's about a teaspoonful of 24mg/ml juice, less than that if your nic density is higher. Please be careful about storing juice, and spills on your skin should be washed immediately. Do not expose your children to it, even on just your fingers. Or let your pet lick your skin after contact with the juice. WASH it off. It will absorb through your skin. It kills bugs!
Nicotine is highly addictive: it is rightly unknown if the substance itself is addictive OR if it is added to any other substance makes that the addiction. This is a question long been posed by cigarette smokers, is it the nicotine or is it other things in the cigarette we are addicted to. Either way, the nicotine-laden neuron receptors in your brain will make you feel euphoric when nicotine is in the blood system. Overdosing will make you feel giddy, or increased heart rate, sluggish, "out-of-focus", stomach cramps or nausea....stop ingesting immediately, symptoms will subside unless other physical conditions intensify danger. Cut down the level you have been using.
Nicotine is known to raise blood pressure levels, by constricting blood vessels. Smokers always have known the red blotches on a smoker's face are capillaries under the skins' surface that become occluded, blood does not flow easily through the tiny things, clotting can take place, making it look like your nose is red or purple, under-eye black circles, and across the cheeks and general "ruddy" looking skin. My "mask" is nearly gone!, but I always looked tired because of bloated stagnated circulation in my skin. But do watch your blood pressure, especially if you are pre-disposed to high BP, heart problems, lung problems, poor circulation (diabetes) PAD, COPD,etc.. This is not a joke, e-cigs are from 100 - 1000 times safer than cigarettes, but don't fool yourself into being complacent about the nicotine. And make sure others know it as well. Ignorance about this is surely not blissful.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Fort Meade, Maryland
yes, I am having trouble convincing people how great these are, my mom smokes a pack a day for 20+ years and I was telling her I quit, and switched to e-cigs, she just shrugs it off.... oh well. I hope when I see her next she will think differently. Our friends think they are dumb and have claimed to try them. I seriously seriously doubt it. oh well. AND now my husband is giving up on them because he doesn't like how they taste.. ugh.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2009
yes, I am having trouble convincing people how great these are, my mom smokes a pack a day for 20+ years and I was telling her I quit, and switched to e-cigs, she just shrugs it off.... oh well. I hope when I see her next she will think differently. Our friends think they are dumb and have claimed to try them. I seriously seriously doubt it. oh well. AND now my husband is giving up on them because he doesn't like how they taste.. ugh.

have you tried mixing your own flavors? what kind of flavors does he like, I would have no problems with sending u a mix (not a big one i dont have money to throw away :p ) I am particularly fond of once i get into mixing if that might help im all for helping people quit smoking, my dad actually had a heart attack last year and after trying everything else i finally found e-ciggs and i love them


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
My husband did the same thing, not interested at all. BUT: when I stopped smoking cigarettes, so did he. Hasn't had one since early March. We gave away our RYO tobacco, and I had a stockpile! Taxes, you know.
But he has always chewed, and of course we're not going to get that away on a bet. Nor would I want to. But that addage about is nicotine the addictive, or is whatever it's in addictive. I really have a suspicion about that, because I had NO Trouble walking away from cigarettes. (3 packs a day!) That in itself is kind of suspect, isn't it. Yah, I love my Janty Stick!! I especially love how so many awful side-effects are GONE. NOTHING!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 22, 2009
Arkansas, USA
Please, don't anyone take for granted that e-cigs are harmless
What nicotine is not, a carcinogen.
It is toxic, poisonous if ingested in high levels....40-60 mgs will kill you, your pets, your kids. That's about a teaspoonful of 24mg/ml juice, less than that if your nic density is higher. Please be careful about storing juice, and spills on your skin should be washed immediately. Do not expose your children to it, even on just your fingers. Or let your pet lick your skin after contact with the juice. WASH it off. It will absorb through your skin. It kills bugs!

My young dog (15 months old) took hold of my new bottle of 24mg Johnson Creek Tennesse Cured, bit off the top (dropper part) and got most of it in her mouth and some on carpet, leaving 1/4 juice in the bottle when I was out walking my other dog. She threw up then she was okay. I freaked out and kept an eye on her all night, but she was fine, happened over a month ago. She lived! Of course I am being very careful now.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
Kate, I think your post "Please, don't anyone take for granted that e-cigs are harmless" is fantastic and should be stickied.

I didn't know about the red splotchiness as being caused by the smoking.:oops: I always thought it was another lovely trait I inherited from my mother. Then again, up until a few years ago she was a smoker. Huh, go figure.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Fort Meade, Maryland
have you tried mixing your own flavors? what kind of flavors does he like, I would have no problems with sending u a mix (not a big one i dont have money to throw away :p ) I am particularly fond of once i get into mixing if that might help im all for helping people quit smoking, my dad actually had a heart attack last year and after trying everything else i finally found e-ciggs and i love them

I don't have the time to make my own, I have a 19 month old and a 4 month old, I barely have time to refill my carts during the day LOL I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to mix my own.. I am getting really into this stuff, but I don't have proper place to store it all yet. Just having 2 teeny bottles of e-juice is freaking me out. I have them above the fridge in the cabinet with stuff pushed in front of it, if my kids are capable of getting on top of the fridge and getting into the cabinet, and opening it up.. then... lol I think I have more serious problems. But ANYWAYS, I am not sure what he would like, he was smoking marlboro smoothes .. I wouldn't put it past him that he is still smoking.. :( He is the one that came up with this e-cig idea.. he has the red bull flavor right now and isn't crazy about it.. we both dislike the carts that came with our 901s (they are labeled just tobacco) and I have watermelon.. he doesn't really like that either. I think he would enjoy a menthol or coffee maybe? not really sure... he is gettin on my nerves though! too picky! :p I love both the red bull and watermelon, and even mixing them!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
Bryn and Christina, thanks, may be a good idea to stickie. I am a little alarmed at the cavalier way people seem to think more about the "throat hits" and their PV's, etc., and safety has to be on people's mind also. You have one lucky dog, Bryn. If she had tipped her head back I doubt if she would be here. They can take a lot but it's a good thing the juice is really crappy tasting by itself. That would have scared me to death. Thanks for posting, both of you.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 12, 2009
Madison, WI
I bought several e-cigs to give to family members almost everyone in my fathers family smokes. My Dads girl friend has damage to her lungs from working with resin in a stamp factory she has only 25% usage of each lung. She took 2 puffs off of the one that I got her and said, "They make me nauseous, well you can say I did not try." then hands it back. My Dad did not even bother to open his he said, " if she is not going to quit I see no reason for me to."

My Aunt says, "Well if I did not have any real cigarette I could see how this would help, but I can afford to by real cigarettes." My Uncle says, "Talk to me in a week or two." I told him I have not smoked in over a month. He looks at me says nothing then turns around and walks out side to smoke.

I give up.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 6, 2009
My mom actually introduced me to them. Gave me her's. LOL Said it was good but as good as the real thing. It was a Npro and it was pretty good but it's not even comparable to a 901 with passthrough or a 510 manual switch. Now, the flavors!! So many and sooooo good. While she's out of town, I bought her a 510 to try and a bunch of 3ml bottles. Going to mix her a batch of samples to see what she likes. She's has COPD and on an oxygen machine ..DOH and hasn't quit regular smokes.

Now she's retired and lives on the computer playing World Of Warcraft. LOL not kidding...80 druid and level 80 shaman. Think the USB passthrough with some 36mg juice will do the trick to bring her around.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
NorthEast Kansas
Most people don't get it, at least around here. Midwest.. Some of my close friends have started to use e-cigs and are starting to see the effects,,ie not needing to smoke analogs.

My mom uses her penstyle some but still smokes, she's scared of the hi-strength juice, I think if she stepped it up she'd see the effects.

I see it as a problem of age and disposable income. A person has to be young enough to not be set in their ways, and open to something new. It is frustrating though. I pretty much won't even elaborate as to what it is anymore. Like "what is that?" "Uh it's mine!" I figure it's not worth the time.

The first time I saw someone use an e=cig, actually a video on this forum, I was sold, I would have paid $100-$120 for one right then and there.

I don't know if I'm a spoon or a sucker, or smart enough to know a good thing when I see it...
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