Smokeless Image, Bloog, etc... battery maH discrepancies?

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Sir Vapes A Lot
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Apr 17, 2011
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Raw and scarry........ you seem to be quite positive that your "email manufacture contact" that you cannot revile to us makes the bloog and volt batts. That's fine... I have vaped many 808 batts and can say that they are all not the same. Some that claim they are the same will not even charge on the others charger.
Lets say you found the REAL manufacture that does in fact make both or a few diff venders batts "which I really doubt"
Venders have there products built to there specs AND that is a FACT. So even if it were to be the same manufacture, it doesn't mean it's the same product.

I know, I know.....false claims made by venders about the mAh.... it's just like markmf had said.....
Trivial example: A 4v battery is rated 1000 mah. The available power is therefore 4000 mwh. If you have an efficient stepdown regulator (ideal), 2v regulated output, then you could say the battery supplies 2000 mah at 2v.
Possibly something like the above would explain a difference in claimed mah.

So,... since you are internet savy, #1 google batteries and learn about them...diff types, mAh etc..and how they can be regulated
#2 buy all 808 batts that the venders carry, tear them apart and test them all with and without a carto.
#3 Then make your YouTube review. Heck, you might even get a award! "or", it might make the AFV tv show:p

Now I say that cause obviously you are not getting your answer to your claim HERE...

SERIOUSLY.... a thread stating "Smokeless Image, Bloog, etc... making false claims?" listen,... I have read just about every post you have made...... why so negative??? Please keep the NEGATIVE out.. It is highly UN-LIKED...
Good luck on the " truth to the 808 mAh claims":facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


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Jul 22, 2011
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Jun 25, 2011
Long Beach, Cali
No, Smokeless Image NEVER contacted me to find out who I talked to. Smokeless Image contacted me several weeks ago after I was commenting in the 808D forums...[/I]

And you just proved... ?

But now you're claiming some kind of contact with SI in the past, yet you still didn't think to contact them first with the [removed by moderator] assertions/accusations you post here?

Instead, again, you decided its best to try and slander in a completely pointless post based off the supposed email received from someone who may or may not have anything to do with anything at all?

Seriously, you just haven't provided anything other then some weak claim to some supposed contact with a person who, for all you know, is a counterfeiter and your desire to know the ins and outs of everything to do with very popular companies. Both of these things lead to a questionable end, as both you and the supposed supplier could very well have nefarious intentions in this situation. This is especially true when you are apparently this much of a busy-body solely to do "reviews" of products you seem not to even own yourself???

I hope you can at least grasp why one should give you absolutely no credibility at this point. You either have questionable intentions or are a complete [removed by moderator] - I don't know what other conclusion one can honestly draw...
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Sir Vapes A Lot
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Apr 17, 2011
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Jun 3, 2011
Raw and scarry........ you seem to be quite positive that your "email manufacture contact" that you cannot revile to us makes the bloog and volt batts. That's fine... I have vaped many 808 batts and can say that they are all not the same. Some that claim they are the same will not even charge on the others charger.
Lets say you found the REAL manufacture that does in fact make both or a few diff venders batts "which I really doubt"
Venders have there products built to there specs AND that is a FACT. So even if it were to be the same manufacture, it doesn't mean it's the same product.

I know, I know.....false claims made by venders about the mAh.... it's just like markmf had said.....
Trivial example: A 4v battery is rated 1000 mah. The available power is therefore 4000 mwh. If you have an efficient stepdown regulator (ideal), 2v regulated output, then you could say the battery supplies 2000 mah at 2v.
Possibly something like the above would explain a difference in claimed mah.

So,... since you are internet savy, #1 google batteries and learn about them...diff types, mAh etc..and how they can be regulated
#2 Buy all 808 batts that the venders carry, tear them apart and test them all with and without a carto.
#3 Then make your YouTube review. Heck, you might even get a award! "or", it might make the AFV tv show:p

Now I say that cause obviously you are not getting your answer to your claim HERE...

SERIOUSLY.... a thread stating "Smokeless Image, Bloog, etc... making false claims?" listen,... I have read just about every post you have made...... why so negative??? Please keep the NEGATIVE out.. It is highly UN-LIKED...
Good luck on the " truth to the 808 mAh claims":facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Hey, thanks for the polite reply. I will say that perhaps I should have written the title of the thread differently... I can see that the majority of the people posting here are fans of Smokeless Image. All I can say is, I'm just relaying what I've found out.

At this point though, I'm pretty close to just posting the manufacturer that I contacted. On the other hand, I feel like even if I do, everyone will come squawking here and claiming that isn't the real one. Sigh...


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Jul 22, 2011
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Senior Member
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Jun 3, 2011
And you just proved... ?

But now you're claiming some kind of contact with SI in the past, yet you still didn't think to contact them first with the idiotic assertions/accusations you post here?

Instead, again, you decided its best to try and slander in a completely pointless post based off the supposed email received from someone who may or may not have anything to do with anything at all?

Seriously, you just haven't provided anything other then some weak claim to some supposed contact with a person who, for all you know, is a counterfeiter and your desire to know the ins and outs of everything to do with very popular companies. Both of these things lead to a questionable end, as both you and the supposed supplier could very well have nefarious intentions in this situation. This is especially true when you are apparently this much of a busy-body solely to do "reviews" of products you seem not to even own yourself???

I hope you can at least grasp why one should give you absolutely no credibility at this point. You either have questionable intentions or are a complete idiot - I don't know what other conclusion one can honestly draw...

Well, you claimed that Smokeless Image contacted me to find out which manufacturer I was talking to and instead of telling them, I supposedly demanded they tell me their manufacturer instead.

Imagine sent me a message a month ago, as I stated and posted, because I was asking questions about the batteries being 5v batteries regulated to 3.7. I asked about this because Smoov stated on their website, that their batteries were 5v bats, but regulated to 3.7. There was a bunch of debate going on and people were saying that wasn't true or it was impossible.

Imagine contacted me in a PM and provided clarification about the batteries... So I'm not really sure what you're trying to get at here? You twisted it around and made it seem as if Imagine contacted me today, about the manufacturer I talked to in the last 5 days, and that isn't the case.

No one is trying to slander anyone. But if SI, Bloog, Smoov, etc... are claiming a higher mah on their batteries when they really aren't, then they should correct their advertised specifications.

If you feel I haven't provided anything other than a weak claim, then... ok? What else do you need from me? At this point you're just being rude and attacking anything I've said.

I clearly posted the email correspondence from the manufacturer. There's nothing more I can add to that to satisfy you. So really, you should just move on at this point and ignore anything further in this thread. You're hate mongering isn't exactly doing wonders for your reputation either.

People lie, and that includes businesses who want to make more sales. To ignore anything else other than what a business says, would be foolish and naive. I would think people would be more interested in finding out if there is any merit to what this manufacturer has stated, instead of just coming here in pure denial, and throwing out rude attacks.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2011
No, Smokeless Image NEVER contacted me to find out who I talked to. Smokeless Image contacted me several weeks ago after I was commenting in the 808D forums. I was asking about the manufacturer because there are now other vendors claiming they are selling the same bats as Volt, yet as Steeljan said, they are not performing the same. I was commenting mostly about the battery stats. Imagine PM'd me to give clarification on the stats. Never once did anyone contact me about this thread now. So I don't know where you get off saying they contacted me to find out who I talked to, and I instead insisted they tell me the manufacturer. You want to talk about slander? I think you just defined it.

I also never got upset when they PM'd me lol. Infact I said I WOULD be buying from them. Not sure where SI came up with that from. I did however say that I felt like their secrecy was causing other vendors to start selling things and claiming it was the same as Volt, yet it really wasn't. Never once did I say I would not buy from them. In fact I asked them about their juices and where they were sourced from, and never got a reply back.

Just a reminder....

That would be sir lol, sorry, I know you asked in another post and I overlooked it. I've had one die on me after about a month. I used it on a dedicated usb hub, plugged into the wall, per steeljan's recommendation on one of her videos, so that it would get the correct power. I find that the 5v runs simply too hot for my carts whether they are v4l, smoov, or bloog. I know Smokeless image has one that's 3.6 now, but frankly I'm not giving them my business due to some PM's I received from them.

Leaford over at Bloog has talked about making one, but still doesn't have anything yet, at least that I am aware of at this time. Would be nice if we could get more than just one vendor to carry them.


Super Member
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Jun 25, 2011
Long Beach, Cali
I would think people would be more interested in finding out if there is any merit to what this manufacturer has stated, instead of just coming here in pure denial, and throwing out rude attacks.

You mean like "Smokeless Image, Bloog, etc... making false claims"... ???

Again, if you have a question because some random person who may or may not have anything to do with anything put some thought in your head you have three choices:

1) Ignore it; especially since you apparently (based off your initial post) think it would be such a minor, non factor anyway

2) Investigate the situation, including maybe doing things like learning about batteries in general and probably contacting the companies involved to find out what they say is maybe going on

3) Make a slander post claiming some of the most popular and best performing products on the market are lying and ... Well, lying and it doesn't really make a difference in the world based off your initial post; but still lying...

See, number 3 above is just stupid, beyond compare, and about the least logical thing a person could do. Yet here you are...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 3, 2011
Yeah, I see that now. I don't really remember why I said that other than I thought it was a little shady of Imagine to have not replied... that being said though, this is really nit picking at this point.

This thread is about my contact with a manufacturer, and I posted the emails for anyone who didn't believe what the manufacturer had to say. Everyone wants to attack the messenger, and not look at the facts. :)


Sir Vapes A Lot
ECF Veteran
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Apr 17, 2011
Where I usually am
Just a reminder....
Dang your fast:laugh: I was just going to point that out:p
Hopefully this thread can go away now and NEVER come back:blink:

BTW,,...Iball :laugh: love the pie hole pic


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 3, 2011
You mean like "Smokeless Image, Bloog, etc... making false claims"... ???

Again, if you have a question because some random person who may or may not have anything to do with anything put some thought in your head you have three choices:

1) Ignore it; especially since you apparently (based off your initial post) think it would be such a minor, non factor anyway

2) Investigate the situation, including maybe doing things like learning about batteries in general and probably contacting the companies involved to find out what they say is maybe going on

3) Make a slander post claiming some of the most popular and best performing products on the market are lying and ... Well, lying and it doesn't really make a difference in the world based off your initial post; but still lying...

See, number 3 above is just stupid, beyond compare, and about the least logical thing a person could do. Yet here you are...

You pretty much lost any credibility when you tried to twist around what was said, and lie about my conversation with Imagine. I have nothing else to say to you.

I posted screens of the email. You don't like what the manufacturer said? Take it up with them.

By the way... notice my title has a ? at the end. I never made an accusation, it was a question. At some point, you should probably learn the difference.


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Jun 3, 2011
LOL! Yeah, that seems about right...

Just one big credibility issue after another with this person who really, just wants to help with "reviews" on products they, well, apparently simultaneously promise they wont buy... :facepalm:

Yeah, I have no credibility... even though I posted screen shots of what the manufacturer said. I guess that doesn't matter though. Because I haven't given the name, it some how means anything I say is not credible.

Even if you had the name... you don't know who their manufacturer is. So how is it going to somehow make it more credible for you?

It's more like, you all want to know and because I haven't stated it, you throw out baseless accusations that I'm somehow not credible. Not credible based on what? Your own twisted opinion?


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Jul 22, 2011
The Desert
  • Deleted by oldsoldier
  • Reason: nice try ...


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2011
Yeah, I see that now. I don't really remember why I said that other than I thought it was a little shady of Imagine to have not replied... that being said though, this is really nit picking at this point.

This thread is about my contact with a manufacturer, and I posted the emails for anyone who didn't believe what the manufacturer had to say. Everyone wants to attack the messenger, and not look at the facts. :)

Okay....Chinese English is very hard to read here is what I have....

Manufacturer response:

"As for the specification of the battery, it is 180mah for 65mm, 280mah for 78mm, 380mah for 102mm. So i don't know why Bloog and VOLT make them be more larger. But it's ok, because they just have small difference for that capacity. And all the batteries are regulated to stay working at 3.7volts."

My interpretation of this (based on dealing with China and even 1st generation Chinese Americans)....When this rep stated the specs of the batts, it is their basic batt what they manufacture for ANY reseller. Then they went on to say they don't know why Bloog and Volt MAKE theirs in they don't understand it b/c in their opinion it plays no role in the effectiveness of the battery. I took it as confirmation that Bloogs and SI's batts are bigger than the standard batts that they make. Both Bloog and SI have different specs requested for their batts. Bloogs requested specs are also different than SI's requested specs.....they have taken a base battery type (being the 808 regulated) and added something personal to it so that they are different from the other (even if it's a minute difference).

Think of it in terms of buying a computer....say from Dell. They have their Standard set up that you can buy outright. They also have the option to take that Standard set up and customize it to your own needs. That is how I am interpreting the Manufacturer response to your question....Bloog and SI have customized the manufacturers standard to fit what they want in their batts.

Does that make sense?
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 3, 2011
Okay....Chinese English is very hard to read here is what I have....

Manufacturer response:

"As for the specification of the battery, it is 180mah for 65mm, 280mah for 78mm, 380mah for 102mm. So i don't know why Bloog and VOLT make them be more larger. But it's ok, because they just have small difference for that capacity. And all the batteries are regulated to stay working at 3.7volts."

My interpretation of this (based on dealing with China and even 1st generation Chinese Americans)....When this rep stated the specs of the batts, it is their basic batt what they manufacture for ANY reseller. Then they went on to say they don't know why Bloog and Volt MAKE theirs in they don't understand it b/c in their opinion it plays no role in the effectiveness of the battery. I took it as confirmation that Bloogs and SI's batts are bigger than the standard batts that they make. Both Bloog and SI have different specs requested for their batts. Bloogs requested specs are also different than SI's requested specs.....they have taken a base battery type (being the 808 regulated) and added something personal to it so that they are different from the other (even if it's a minute difference).

Think of it in terms of buying a computer....say from Dell. They have their Standard set up that you can buy outright. They also have the option to take that Standard set up and customize it to your own needs. That is how I am interpreting the Manufacturer response to your question....Bloog and SI have customized the manufacturers standard to fit what they want in their batts.

Does that make sense?

This does make sense, and I have heard the argument from Imagine, that every manufacturer makes different requests. However... going back to Jayson from Elite Vaporworks. He states this: "Also, one fact I forgot to mention, these cells, including the Volt cell have 1.05Wh printed right on them. These are lithium polymer cells. So 4.2V at the cell fresh off the charger. 1.05Wh / 4.2V = 250Mah 1.05 / 3.7v = 284Mah. The manufacturer of the cells themselves lists them as 280Mah. So it seems that Halo has the most accurate advertising of all the vendors purchasing these batteries."

You can find that post on page 8.

That being said... he's cut open a battery from Volt and the cell itself is saying 280, not 320. He is ordering batteries from the same place that Volt gets theirs from.

So while you're post makes sense, it's also not a hard fact that she meant that in her statement to me. I have emailed the manufacturer again asking for clarification on the batteries.


Retired ECF Forum Manager
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Dec 17, 2010
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Against my better judgement, I will now reopen this thread. Many posts were deleted for various reasons, not all were deleted because the poster did something horribly against the rules.

Pro tip: Do not quote and reply to any post you think is in violation of the TOS or is likely a trolling post. By doing this you are in effect becoming part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Final warning: Attack the post, not the poster. If you cannot formulate a response that follows this basic rule, maybe you should refrain and revisit the thread at a later time. It is entirely possible to disagree in a civil manner that falls within the forum rules.

Play ball!


Idiot Guru
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Jan 2, 2011
Outside DC
Am only going to add this one last piece, even if each battery is coming from the same place doesn't mean they're all the same. Think of it in terms of computer processors. Each processor is made in the same facility, but some batches don't perform as well as others. It's why you'll find hardcore overclockers looking for specific batches of certain chips. Batch a might be able to only run at stock no matter what you do, batch b shows that most people can get a 33% overclock or more out of them. They're technically the same chip by all accounts, but batch b is superior. Certain shops, builders, etc. will get access to these better chips than others because of their standing with the said manufacturer.

In other words if I was the maker of gen 2 kr808 batts my best performers would go to my best sellers, my lower binned batts would go to everyone else. Why would I do that? Want to make sure my best customers are happy so they will continue to be my best customers. Doesn't mean anyone lied, just means the manufacturer is playing favorites based upon who brings in the most money. Every maker of an ati or nvidia video card is given the same chip technically. Certain companies because of their standing with ati or nvidia are given the best chips, which is how they're able to put out highly overclocked versions of the cards. In essence their the same card, but again, they're not...
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Ultra Member
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Jul 18, 2011
Bozeman, Montana
Thank you OP for changing the title of the thread, seems more appropriate.
I recommend purchasing the batteries you want to compare/review and live with them for a good amount of time, and please actually use them rather than just tear them apart to look at their guts and possible labeling. Get a good digital multimeter and learn how to use it well, to verify what you think you're experiencing. Then document the heck out of the time you spend with each battery; charge times, charging setup, useage times, cartomizers (brand, ohm rated, ohm tested), everything. Now compile your findings and put them out there for the vaping community to evaluate.
Don't rely on what you've heard/read/emailed. If you can backup your conclusions with solid factual information there's no room for disagreement. Making conclusions about products you've never actually used is also a dangerous path to travel, regardless of how many people say they are the same.
Best of luck with your quest.


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Jun 5, 2011
I have exchanged emails with one company that I heard was making Bloog and Volt batteries, and this was the answer they gave me:


I am so sorry that we have to protect the information for all of our customers.

Yes,we are professional e-cig developer and manufacturer,if you have any need in e-cig,we will do our best to help you.

We have battery with rubber coating , and they are regulated at 3.7v."

This seems like the answer you would get from the manufacturer for big companies, right?
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