Smelling smoke on clothes...

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2010
This was truly weird for me. Yesterday morning I woke up and kept smelling cigarette smoke in my room. I never smoke inside however. For the last few weeks vaping I have gone outside for an analog 1-3 times an evening. I know, it's bad, but much better than a pack a day. Anyway, I smelled this smoke, so I went over to the pack of analogs and could smell it there simply because I often smoke half at a time and put it back int he pack for later. But that was not the source of it. Then I went to put on the shirt I had worn the previous evening prior to getting in the shower, and there it was! It was my own clothes! No matter how much I've smoked before, be it indoors or out, whether I was forced to wear the same clothes for more than a day or two, I've never smelled it on my own clothes, or anyone else's for that matter.

This, coupled with my friend and his wife commenting last week that they were pleasantly surprised that I didn't smell like smoke for a chance, puts me in a somewhat better mood about all of this. Now, if I could kick this pleurisy and shoulder pain when I take a deep breath I would be much happier. I have been off work for over a month because of pain and I finally told my boss I am ready to come back and suddenly the pain returns. I deliver pizzas, so I can't take pain killers since I will be driving all day, and no one else is available to drive, so I can't get work in the kitchen for a couple weeks. It really sucks because if this doesn't let up tomorrow I am going to have to tell him to cover my shifts... AGAIN... and hope I don't wind up getting canned over it.

anyway, that's the depressing part. Back to being happy about my sense of smell getting better and other's senses of smell not getting offended. ;)
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