Singapore - Request your help to understand more about e-cigarette

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Full Member
Aug 27, 2011

I'm current residing in Singapore and looking for a way for my dad to reduce his tobacco consumption. I got to know about e-ciga and its positive effect in terms of minimizing the nicotine intake and eventually quitting smoking. I want to take this chance to understand more about e-ciga and help my dad get rid of smoking as well.

I have a few questions and would appreciate if you can help enlighten me from your experience.

1) Does e-ciga really help in terms of quitting smoking? What steps should we take and how long does it take?

2) Does traditional ciga smoker find it easy for the transition into e-ciga and later on transition from e-ciga into non-smoking state? are there any side effects?

3) In Singapore, what brand do you recommend taking into consideration the convenience, the expense and the quality? And How should I start?I have skimmed through some websites and they seems to mostly residing in US and frequent shipping would be a big problem.

4) I understand that there is a thread for Singapore community in forum as well but it requires invitation. Appreciate if anyone can invite me for access.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I can't help with the "in Singapore" part, unfortunately.

1. Yes, much better than any other alternative. However, the person still has to want to quit or rather tansition to vaping.

2. The transition is easier if you get a model that better simulates the "inhaled feel" of a cigarette. The ones that look like cigarettes basically are not capable of doing that.

Rule of Thumb: the more it looks like the real thing, the worse the performance.

Models with batteries that last longer and are more powerful provide warmer vapor and thus better simulate a cigarette. They are the size of a slim cigar. At a minimum, unless your Dad only smokes 7-8 cigarettes a day (then any model might work), I would at least get a model with a battery that will last about 5 hours on a charge. I would look at the eGo/Riva type models and within that category, I believe the best option is the E-Power. Much lower cost to maintain with batteries that last 5 times longer than the eGo/Riva batteries.

I know you would rather buy in Singapore, but the reality is, 97% of us buy online. Two good suppliers that ship internationally and carry the E-Power are here:


Electronic Cigarette - Starter Kits - E-Power

If you get your post count up to, I believe, 5 posts, I think you can then post questions in the Singapore sub-forum.

Good Luck


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 18, 2011

I'm current residing in Singapore and looking for a way for my dad to reduce his tobacco consumption. I got to know about e-ciga and its positive effect in terms of minimizing the nicotine intake and eventually quitting smoking. I want to take this chance to understand more about e-ciga and help my dad get rid of smoking as well.

I have a few questions and would appreciate if you can help enlighten me from your experience.

1) Does e-ciga really help in terms of quitting smoking? What steps should we take and how long does it take?

2) Does traditional ciga smoker find it easy for the transition into e-ciga and later on transition from e-ciga into non-smoking state? are there any side effects?

3) In Singapore, what brand do you recommend taking into consideration the convenience, the expense and the quality? And How should I start?I have skimmed through some websites and they seems to mostly residing in US and frequent shipping would be a big problem.

4) I understand that there is a thread for Singapore community in forum as well but it requires invitation. Appreciate if anyone can invite me for access.

hi thaiduytrinh & welcome to ECF:) answer U base on my own knowledge as a recent user of e-cig

1) the time for smoker to completely change over to e-cig will depend on the user..for me it took a while because i did not have the right gear as i used the e-health kit that cannot satisfied my nicotine craving(i am 30+yrs smoker) only when i acquired my 510T with nicotine base e-liquids i did convert totally to using e-cig(now in my 5th months,vaping) using e-cig is much less harmful than on analogs(cigarettes) all U need to know about e-cig here .. U will see for yrself the benefit for smokers to switch over to using e-cig..not just the $$ saved but also less harmful chemical from smoking

2)as a smoker of analogs for over 30 yrs,i did not think e-cig could change me and was surprised to be able to accept and convert to using e-cig and now strictly vaping..yes there were symptoms initially when i use e-cig..i had blisters/ulcers in my mouth..took a few weeks to clear up(others here have alergies to PG or VG..U can read all about it,in the health forum here)Health, Safety and E-Smoking seek advice from veterans & members here if U do have any side effect,using e-cig..but few cases here if any that e-cig usage has any serious side effect

3)the most common type use,the commercial variety is the EGO-T

4)U know Singapore banned the sale of e-cig & e-liquids & import but its not illegal to own one and use(i read in Singapore forum)..U need to post-count at least 5 be4 U can post in other do join the SG Vapers members and veterans can show/assist U acquire yr gadget & e-liquids

hope yr father will find e-cig a better alternative to analogs when U can get him a starter kit with the right e-liquids..i am using 1100 mAh EGO-T(tank),18mg strength e-liquids and using 2 to 2 1/2 ml per day..regards mafig


Full Member
Aug 23, 2011
Hi, I used to live in Singapore.
I'm new here too but I'll PM you when I get to 5 posts!
As far as I know import and sale of e-cigs is banned in Singapore, ridiculous, I know.
I wouldn't recommend you buy a black market brand of cigs & liquids, after all you want your father to quit smoking not poison him. There are French, EU & US brands of liquids that claim to have met testing & safety standards I personally feel more comfortable with, perhaps it just packaging & proper labeling, still anything I would inhale, eat, drink I'd like at least a health warning & ingredient list on.


Full Member
Aug 27, 2011
Thanks for your respons wv2win.

2. Not sure I got what you were saying, trust that you are talking about the "feeling" of the e-ciga, as long as they mimics closely to the normal ciga then the transition should be smooth

3. Yes, my dad is smoking at least a pack a day, though he has been switching to lighter type of cigarette recently.

I have checked the links that you provided but it seems they don't do shipping to Singapore. not sure there is any other alternatives?
I can't help with the "in Singapore" part, unfortunately.

1. Yes, much better than any other alternative. However, the person still has to want to quit or rather tansition to vaping.

2. The transition is easier if you get a model that better simulates the "inhaled feel" of a cigarette. The ones that look like cigarettes basically are not capable of doing that.

Rule of Thumb: the more it looks like the real thing, the worse the performance.

Models with batteries that last longer and are more powerful provide warmer vapor and thus better simulate a cigarette. They are the size of a slim cigar. At a minimum, unless your Dad only smokes 7-8 cigarettes a day (then any model might work), I would at least get a model with a battery that will last about 5 hours on a charge. I would look at the eGo/Riva type models and within that category, I believe the best option is the E-Power. Much lower cost to maintain with batteries that last 5 times longer than the eGo/Riva batteries.

I know you would rather buy in Singapore, but the reality is, 97% of us buy online. Two good suppliers that ship internationally and carry the E-Power are here:


Electronic Cigarette - Starter Kits - E-Power

If you get your post count up to, I believe, 5 posts, I think you can then post questions in the Singapore sub-forum.

Good Luck


Full Member
Aug 27, 2011
Thanks magif.
2. Certainly I would want to minimise any side effects cuz He is already at retirement age and he is also not fit anyway.

3. Thanks for your recommendation but I have done a few searches online and again they seems not to do any shipping to Singapore.
hi thaiduytrinh & welcome to ECF:) answer U base on my own knowledge as a recent user of e-cig

1) the time for smoker to completely change over to e-cig will depend on the user..for me it took a while because i did not have the right gear as i used the e-health kit that cannot satisfied my nicotine craving(i am 30+yrs smoker) only when i acquired my 510T with nicotine base e-liquids i did convert totally to using e-cig(now in my 5th months,vaping) using e-cig is much less harmful than on analogs(cigarettes) all U need to know about e-cig here .. U will see for yrself the benefit for smokers to switch over to using e-cig..not just the $$ saved but also less harmful chemical from smoking

2)as a smoker of analogs for over 30 yrs,i did not think e-cig could change me and was surprised to be able to accept and convert to using e-cig and now strictly vaping..yes there were symptoms initially when i use e-cig..i had blisters/ulcers in my mouth..took a few weeks to clear up(others here have alergies to PG or VG..U can read all about it,in the health forum here)Health, Safety and E-Smoking seek advice from veterans & members here if U do have any side effect,using e-cig..but few cases here if any that e-cig usage has any serious side effect

3)the most common type use,the commercial variety is the EGO-T

4)U know Singapore banned the sale of e-cig & e-liquids & import but its not illegal to own one and use(i read in Singapore forum)..U need to post-count at least 5 be4 U can post in other do join the SG Vapers members and veterans can show/assist U acquire yr gadget & e-liquids

hope yr father will find e-cig a better alternative to analogs when U can get him a starter kit with the right e-liquids..i am using 1100 mAh EGO-T(tank),18mg strength e-liquids and using 2 to 2 1/2 ml per day..regards mafig


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2011
E-cigs are a great alternative and, yes, many (dare I say most) find it an easy transition. I am not sure that you buying them for your father will be as effective as if he were to try them after making the decision to quit smoking. If he has expressed interest in quitting though perhaps it will be wonderful for him.

Just one more post and you can go to the Singapore sub forum to ask about the vendors available there.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Thanks for your respons wv2win.

2. Not sure I got what you were saying, trust that you are talking about the "feeling" of the e-ciga, as long as they mimics closely to the normal ciga then the transition should be smooth

3. Yes, my dad is smoking at least a pack a day, though he has been switching to lighter type of cigarette recently.

I have checked the links that you provided but it seems they don't do shipping to Singapore. not sure there is any other alternatives?

Hi all,

I came through this website and I am not sure you guys have any reviews on their products The Vapor Experience - Electronic Vapor Cigarette Store - The Vapor Experience - Electronic Vapor Cigarette Store . Thanks

I'll try to clairify. There are models (like the one from "The Vapor Experience" you asked about) that "look" like a cigarette but do not "perform" like a cigarette. Most people trying to transition to vaping need what I call the "inhaled feel" of a cigarette: warm vapor that over the life of the battery charge stays fairly consistent. The batteries on the small battery models just cannot heat the atomizer enough to provide warm vapor very long or hardly at all. And that is especially true with auto batteries models because they don't even turn the battery on until you begin to inhale. Plus the auto battery models do not have "sealed" batteries, so liquid will leak into the battery and kill it. Manual batteries where you press a small button, even before you start to inhale to heat the atomizer, provides much warmer vapor and control and are sealed, so liquid cannot leak into the battery compartment. Plus with how much your Dad smokes, he would need to change those small battery model batteries every hour and put on a fresh battery. That get's very old quickly.

With a model like the E-Power, you will generally get fairly consistent "warmer" vapor for about 5 hours of use. And the batteries are manual, thus safer and perform better.

I am very surprised that Liberty Flights does not ship to Singapore. They are based in the UK. I would email them and specifically ask that question. And I know that currently, MadVapes ships to about 20 countries outside the US. I would also email them.

Anyway, good luck.


Full Member
Aug 27, 2011
Thanks wv2win for your clarification. Yes, I would take your advice on the E-power, they seems to be more convenient and economical to maintain in the long run as compared to the vapor experience which appears to be quite like instant noodle.

I was overlooking to shipping choices for Liberty Flights, yes they do offer shipping to Singapore and I will order from there.

Just one more question on the E-liquid as I am a non-smoker: I intend to pick LUXURY BLEND (TOBACCO) for my dad but not sure what the appropriate "content" 14mg/18mg/24mg. As said previously, my dad is smoking around one pack of light cigarette a day.

Really appreciate all your responses

I'll try to clairify. There are models (like the one from "The Vapor Experience" you asked about) that "look" like a cigarette but do not "perform" like a cigarette. Most people trying to transition to vaping need what I call the "inhaled feel" of a cigarette: warm vapor that over the life of the battery charge stays fairly consistent. The batteries on the small battery models just cannot heat the atomizer enough to provide warm vapor very long or hardly at all. And that is especially true with auto batteries models because they don't even turn the battery on until you begin to inhale. Plus the auto battery models do not have "sealed" batteries, so liquid will leak into the battery and kill it. Manual batteries where you press a small button, even before you start to inhale to heat the atomizer, provides much warmer vapor and control and are sealed, so liquid cannot leak into the battery compartment. Plus with how much your Dad smokes, he would need to change those small battery model batteries every hour and put on a fresh battery. That get's very old quickly.

With a model like the E-Power, you will generally get fairly consistent "warmer" vapor for about 5 hours of use. And the batteries are manual, thus safer and perform better.

I am very surprised that Liberty Flights does not ship to Singapore. They are based in the UK. I would email them and specifically ask that question. And I know that currently, MadVapes ships to about 20 countries outside the US. I would also email them.

Anyway, good luck.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Thanks wv2win for your clarification. Yes, I would take your advice on the E-power, they seems to be more convenient and economical to maintain in the long run as compared to the vapor experience which appears to be quite like instant noodle.

I was overlooking to shipping choices for Liberty Flights, yes they do offer shipping to Singapore and I will order from there.

Just one more question on the E-liquid as I am a non-smoker: I intend to pick LUXURY BLEND (TOBACCO) for my dad but not sure what the appropriate "content" 14mg/18mg/24mg. As said previously, my dad is smoking around one pack of light cigarette a day.

Really appreciate all your responses

Based on the type of cigarette your Dad smokes, I would recommend you get a bottle of Liberty Flights' "Home Counties" flavor in the PG version which is similar to a smooth, light tobacco. Understand, no eliquid tastes just like a cigarette. I would also suggest you get a bottle in 24mg nicotine strength and 11mg strength of the same flavor. The most common strength used is 24mg. But if your Dad finds he prefers less nicotine, then you can mix some of the 11mg strength with the 24mg strength and come up with a lower nicotine level.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
but i thought singapore banned e-cig? so how to buy it? unless smuggle in or import in?

Are they able to open up every package coming into the country from other country's? When I recieve bubble padded packages from Liberty Flights I don't even think it has their name on the package, just a return address.
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