Should we go back to carto tanks?

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Sir Rod - MOL
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Jul 11, 2014
Tampa, FL
Im not going to tell you where I lost a Provari but it involved an invitation to come inside and several glasses of wine :)

Thank you for not sharing!! My mind has created a picture likely more entertains than the actual occurrence![emoji5]️

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Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Same here. Takes about a minute to prime, insert and fill. A few non powered puffs and I'm good to go.


Well, it takes me somewhat longer than that, but mainly just because of that one dry hit I got from a carto that I hadn't primed sufficiently -- OMG that was NASTY. So, I take my time; after I put the 1ml into the carto, I let it sit for about 5 mins, which makes sure the juice gets all the way down, and also gives it time for any leaking drops to show themselves. Then I insert it, fill the tank, and give it another few mins, while watching the bubbles float up from the holes... once they slow down, I give it a couple priming puffs, and have at it. Oh, I also turn the power down about 1 or 1.5 watts from my usual, for ther first few hits. Once I know it's going well, I turn it back to my usual 10w. Yeah, I probably could do it much faster than I do, but that one dry hit persuaded me that slower is better. :D



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Oct 27, 2014
It is hard to beat a well performing cartotank. I bought 3 Boge F17's this year (great tank, btw) thinking that this would be my new full
time setup.

But, then I bought a BVC tank shortly thereafter, and then another, and another, another, and another. Now my F17's, as much as I like them, they just sit.

Once primed correctly my BVC's just perform flawlessly. Seems like I always have to fidget with my cartos.

I firmly stand behind my quote above... BUT

Just for S&G's I decided to fire up a cartotank today (Boge F-17 + Boge XXL LR). Out of about 12 hours of use I have had two leaks and one dry hit. Which is just about how I remember them to be, fidgety. But, when they are "on" they are ON! Other than the few mishaps, I have really been enjoying this today.

I can't see me veering away from my trusty BVC's anytime soon, but it is kinda fun to revisit old gear.
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