Shaking the tree - terminology...

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Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
Just trying to offer a few responses to the OP that I have thoughtfully considering since last night. I can assure you that I was not trying to start or continue any pattern of negative behavior.

I like your reply very much indeed. :)
Thank you! :)

And this is precisely the way I started out as well:

..when I purchased my first set up I was told that all I really needed was a battery, a tank to hold my ejuice, and the ejuice itself. Then I was told that there is a wide variety of options but in an effort to keep things simple and not too overwhelming, that it is a great place to start. Should I wish to learn more, there is plenty to learn about, but if the basics work for you, great.

Vaping is not rocket science, after all. And it is most definitely not difficult to learn the basics. And then, when one is ready / willing / eager to advance, one can "advance" one step at a time. Or not. It is a matter of choice.

I like your posting very much. :)

And actually, I personally find it very nice and very refreshing that a new vaper takes the time and makes the effort to write a thorough and well though-out response. :) Thank you!
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Janet H

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Sep 3, 2011
re: cartos, attos, etc.
But they are all the same, in the beginning. As I clearly said, the difference comes later. There are people who prefer each of those - so why presume that any individual will prefer one over another when they start, or expect them to understand the difference from day 1? People have to understand the concepts before they can get into the details of the execution.

repetitive snark

BTW, you get credit for 1/2 a cogent response.

Mike you sound like you're very frustrated and are openly criticizing people who have been around long enough to be familiar with all the different devices related to vaping and their terminology to distinguish them. When you jump in like you did you should expect to get snarked at. Why don't you just use whatever terminology you're comfortable with? Or maybe hold your criticism until you're more familiar with why they are used? We were all new at one time and we got here just fine. My experience since I started 2 years ago is that EVERYONE here has been helpful and considerate and never once made me feel stupid for not knowing. It's been a wonderful experience.


Senior Member
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Sep 17, 2013
Irving, TX, USA
I dunno about re naming juice Melvin.
Melvin works in my machine shop, he gotz mad smarts and is a one hell of a great guy, but, I can't even imagine wanting to vape some Melvin, matter a fact it sounds down right disgusting to me.

I have to agree! Melvin might be great for females, but not us males. How about some Penelope?

This is some awfully good Blue Moo Penelope! :vapor:


Vaping Master
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Mar 28, 2009
Willamette Valley, PNW
Easy, I single-handedly changed the lingo from e-liquid or juice to Melvin. Everyone complains about e-liquid or juice (joose) but no one has complained about

One is not meant to "understand" Melvin. One merely ACCEPTS Melvin.

*looks all wise and mysterious and junk*


You did that, eh? Like it.
I've some crispity clean unflavored Melvin going just now. snicker.... she said Melvin... heh-heh heh-heh heh-heh


Vaping Master
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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
My best pickup line ever: [smile] "Hi. I'm Melvin."



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 19, 2013
Saint Louis, Missouri
Melvin, omg.

Where I'm from, a Melvin is what you got on the playground for being too big for your britches, also known as a wedgie.

(rotf lmao)

That's what I thought of too!

I guess I'm OK with Melvin. Just don't call it Ralph. That's what we used to call a big ol burp or barf. Blech.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2013
I'm puzzled you don't peeve about atomizer. I had a beef with that one at first ;)
Why? Atomizer is probably more accurate than vaporizer. What's produced is an aerosol, not a gas. Straight off the heat source, it may be vapor, but that quickly condenses into an aerosol. My understanding is that early e-cigs used an ultrasonic atomizer, where vapor would have never been produced.

Perhaps "nebulizer" would better than either, but that has drug connotations, which it behooves the industry to avoid.

Unless you're thinking of "atomization" as breaking molecular bonds, which is a less common, alternate meaning.

Ref Minor

Ultra Member
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May 11, 2013
Why? Atomizer is probably more accurate than vaporizer. What's produced is an aerosol, not a gas. Straight off the heat source, it may be vapor, but that quickly condenses into an aerosol. My understanding is that early e-cigs used an ultrasonic atomizer, where vapor would have never been produced.

Perhaps "nebulizer" would better than either, but that has drug connotations, which it behooves the industry to avoid.

Unless you're thinking of "atomization" as breaking molecular bonds, which is a less common, alternate meaning.

Atomisation IS breaking molecular bonds, why are you OK with the cosmetics industry using a slang term to make it easier for people to differentiate between particular products but against it for the world of vaping?


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Jan 24, 2012
Central Coast, CA
OK, I'm a newbie. Picked this up as about a month ago as what I believe to be a better alternative to smoking tobacco. I've spent much more time than necessary understanding what's what. All I read/hear in the "vaping" world reminds me of all the BS in the audiophile world of subjectivity over objectivity, form over function, obscure terminology for obfuscation instead of understanding.

The terminology just seems to be part of an exclusive, private club. You're either in or out, and it's a bar to entry.


"Vaping." OK, I understand the desire to differentiate from smoking tobacco, I really do. But please understand that "vaping" is likely to convey (illegal) drug connotations to the general public, right or wrong. I can't pretend to have come up with something better, but "smoking alternative" or "vapor smoking" is probably better received, whether it looks like a cigarette or not.

"Analogs." Just call them cigarettes, which is what everyone else does. If you want to make people think they're not part of the club, calling them analogs is a good start.

"Cartos." "Attos." "Clearos." "Glassos." etc. They're all atomizers/vaporizers (pick a term). I get the whole custom/differentiation thing, but lose the cuteness and use one all encompassing term to refer to this part. Groucho, Harpo, Chico, and Zeppo are OK.

"e-juice," "e-liquid." It's not the juice of anything. It's not electronic ("e") in any way. It's a liquid, just call it that. Or maybe "e-cigarette liquid."

... does "mod' mean? Perhaps it at one time meant modified. But, if you can buy a "mod" off the shelf, it's not modified, is it? Just call it a battery. Maybe it's fancy. It doesn't matter, it's a battery (holder).

VV/VW. VV is really CV - sure, you control (vary) it, but you're telling it to deliver a Constant Voltage. VW is the same only different, it's actually Constant Wattage. Plain batteries with no electronics provide VV/VW - the Voltage/Wattage varies as you drain the battery. And that terminology come from a long history of professional, lab grade, voltage sources/power supplies, don't try to change it. But it is, first and foremost, a battery.

Having said all that (and I'm sure I could think of more), I don't expect to change the industry. But many here seem to want to encourage this to go mainstream faster than it already is. The whole terminology thing makes that hard, and presents a barrier to entry - fundamentally there are only three things involved - a power source (call it a battery), a liquid, and a vaporizer. Don't make it harder than it is, that comes later. If you try to get someone into it, tell them to get a battery (and charger), a vaporizer which fits it, and a liquid which tastes good to them - the detail comes later.

Or, don't. But expect that big tobacco will make it easy to understand/buy/use, and that's where the market will go. This industry is its own worst enemy.

Now, get off my lawn.


You need to be in the exclusive online gaming club to get that one.

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