Seriously, it can't be this easy.

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Oct 8, 2013
Milledgeville, GA
I tried one a week or so in, and couldn't finish it. A week later, I confirmed that cigarettes taste bad and that was that.
And also you'll be able to smell an ashtray from 3 blocks away! After about 3 months into vaping I was able to leave my house (bed ridden from spine surgery) and I went to Walmart to grab a few things. While walking to the front door I could literally smell the .... can thing from 50 feet away! It almost knocked me down by the time I got to the door.

My wife saw the look on my face and said " you see why I made you wash your hands and brush your teeth when you would come back inside from smoking?!?" "You smelled just like that!"

I immediately told her how sorry I was. LOL! It was absolutely sickeningly horrendous!! I think though it may have been healing, overreacting senses or ive gotten used to the smell because it's not as bad as it was, but still terrible.

Youll see what I mean!

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 30, 2012
The Woodlands, TX, USA
I've been smoking 45 cigs a day for 35 years, tried several times to quit with patches, gum, drugs, therapy/counceling.... with no luck. Got my starter kit yesterday morning, read the directions, put it together and haven't touched an analog in 36 hours. Actually have no desire to smoke. Doesn't sound like much but it really is a big deal.

Yes, it is that easy. When it happened to me I literally cried tears of joy. Haven't touched a cigarette in almost three years after more than 40 years smoking 1 1/2 pad. Enjoy your new freedom! Congratulations!


Super Member
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Nov 17, 2014
1) Welcome. Glad to have you here.
2) It IS a BIG deal. It's a great big giant-honkin'HUGE-freaking deal!
3) vaping works to keep away from the "stinkies" and this community is fantastic at supporting each other. Any and everything you want to know and talk about is inside these boards: Stories of strength. Strategies to stay away from analogs. Advice for upgrades. Etc.... etc...

Hang around. You'll find good folks here and a united group to stay "quit".

What're ya vapin?


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
I was equally amazed at how easy it is. And at first, when I was vaping a tobacco flavor that reminded me of the cigarettes I smoked, I'd be taking a hit and suddenly stop, all freaked -- "Oh god, I'm indoors!--Oh wait, I'm ALLOWED to do THIS indoors!" :D

Now I vape sweet, fruity, and/or pastry flavors, and I remain amazed that vaping something that tastes this good can actually keep me off cigarettes -- from even WANTING a cigarette. It's by far my favorite technology... and that's really saying something, considering how attached I am to my PC -- for 25 yrs now. :D


Steam Turbine

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2013
Montreal Quebec Canada
It's pretty cool when you realize you have found the one thing that will get you off the smokes. Your story sounds a lot like mine when I first started vaping, congrats on getting off the cigs. :thumb:

Same here, I quit over night.... I wasn't even planning to quit.... My girlfriend didnt want me to smoke in the appartement so I decided buy myself a crappy eGo an awful top coil long wick ce style clearo and disgusting juice.... Never looked back.

But apparently, if you read the news, ecigs are not very good to quit smoking.

Welcome to ECF :thumbs:
I was at 21 years, and I picked up an eGo twist and a Nautilus, on a whim on a random Friday on my lunch break. Finished the last cigarette in a pack as I pulled up the the shop, with 3 more packs waiting in the car. Ended up giving the packs away, and have been good for over 2 months now. I also made the spreadsheet, but I'm so far in the red right now that I almost wish I hadn't. My word, this is one fun hobby, and can get expensive if you let it. Congrats, and look forward to the day when your first thought when getting into a nic fit does not, in any way, involve wanting a cigarette over a vape. It's a strange and delightful feeling.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2014
Hays KS
That's awesome man!
Finally off those cancer sticks!

I remember Used to smoke a pack a day. Been thinking about getting a vape just to try it out. One day I finally broke down went to a local vape shop and picked me up a starter kit too. I was off those nasty cigs immediately! Been 9 months since I smoked a cig. I can smell, I can breathe, I don't get tired or winded easy anymore either.

Since then I've upgraded to a mvp v2 and a evod.

Got a VTR for xmas and I'm so happy.

Tried to convert my parents and.. Ya no luck yet but I'm not giving up.


Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2011
Knoxville, TN USA
Congrats on the switch! Beware of the newbie tax that is compounded by hanging around ECF. The newbie tax is self-inflicted when the realization is made of all the sparkly, shiny newest next best things come out every week or so. Toppers, batteries, juices, oh my! There are infinite variables of e-cig configurations and ways to improve your vaping experience according to what you like. Hella more involved than lighting a tobacco-filled paper tube, but immensely more satisfying.

Just wait until the food starts to taste good again. Takes a little while for the olfactory senses to fully recover from the abuse of smoking, but it's pretty awesome. Funny thing is, when you can fully smell again, you'll regret ever smoking when you catch a whiff of someone who smokes lol! "Gawd, that was me?? Eww!"

Here's to a healthier life! :toast:
It is an awesome feeling and it really is so much better than smoking. I quit many times throughout the years and always ended up smoking again during workups and deployments. Vaping is what finally got me away from smoking for good. Now I hate the smell of cigarettes and I always knew I stunk, but never really thought it was that bad. I was terribly wrong and I just feel 100 times better. Stay with it and learn as much as you can.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2013
Kansas, USA
Hi, cayenne, and big congratulations on your quit!!! It's almost miraculous, isn't it?!!

Any attempts I made to quit were abject miserable failures until I tried a small convenience store eGo device. That was Sept. 2013, and I've never had another cigarette!! I am still amazed!!

Best of luck to you, and keep us informed on your journey!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
Hi, Cayenne, Welcome to ECF!

I think you probably set a record for "most likes within the first 5 posts"!

It's great that you've gotten off the cigarettes and found the e-cig so helpful.

Not to be a wet-blanket, but do be aware that often you will get cravings a while after you stop smoking; people talk about the "threes" - 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months. So be prepared if you find the urge kicking back in, it's a very normal and common occurrence!

Anyway, glad to see you here, and keep vaping on!
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