Sad and disappointed

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ECF Guru
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Aug 12, 2010
in the nj woods
REOs and CARTOMIZERS ...... WIN !!

I kinda feel like I ushered in the era **read shameless pat on back**

When I got my first REO (a Grand) 49 weeks ago :) no one was using cartos on them.
I saw a few people ask back then and some regulars gave it a shot to pass on the info if they worked or not.

I always loved Boge Cartos pre-REO so it didn't take long before I was giving it a go.
I had a different bottom feeder that had a spoke for juice and that killed the airflow on a carto dead in its tracks.

I still like the clean flavor of a fresh atty over the carto but as soon as I got my second grand I kept a carto on at least one almost full time.

Fast forward to now and with the exception of the HH-357 I tried for a day and a 3.5Ω 510 atty at 6v for a few days its been all cartos for me.

I still love the fresh taste of a new or clean atty over a carto, but that taste only last 3-5 hours usually for me.
That just sucks.

I've said before I'll take cartomizors that taste 90% as good 100% of the time over ......
atomizers that taste 100% good 10% of the time.

I'm not saying they are for everyone, but like all vape stuff I feel everyone should try as many different products as they can afford.

But its nice to know that if I never try anything else new I have a winning combo that can "do it" for me.

REO / 6 volts / Boge 3Ω Cartomizer / and one of my 3 best juices.
( my fourth favorite juice does not work at 6v)

And for the record cartos work out to be much more expensive for me but I still think they are worth the extra price for convenience and consistency.

I get the Boge for 6 bucks a box with free shipping so $1.20 each. I get 3-5 days usually if I use it full time.
I've always kept attys for over a month with proper care so they work out much cheaper in the long run.

A carto on a feeder mod is nothing like a carto you have to top off. They work so much better when they are always wet.

If you have a problem with the "cheap carto" stigma think of them as a vertical coil atomizer with a big wick :D
Now go out and give one a shot today.

I love em too...I love the dc @5 v's ...:)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 1, 2009
Queens, NY
So I got Resurrectors and some Fluxomizers coming in soon, feeling good again to try something new. Anyone have any experience with using Fluxo's on a Reo Mini?

Rob - Thanks for the reply, I'll send you my semi-broken Reo for repairs pretty soon but I want to try out these cartos first before I do :).

Mlinky - Sweet god! That thing looks really sexy...
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