RN4072 Issues

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Dear Experts,

I have two RN4072s. One I got on the classifieds here, and the other came from MyPVShop. I wanted more vapor, bigger carts and longer battery life than I get with my J118. The RN4072 definitely delivers on all of those points. After much fiddling to get somewhere between “leaks like a sieve” and “sucking a golf ball through a straw”, I use blue foam (Marineland U) in the carts. (1.5x cart width and 2x cart length, folded and stuffed fold side down) There is a very small window between those two extremes. On the whole the RN4072 is good, but there are a couple of issues that drives me back to the J118, even with the constant cart filling and battery changing it requires and to analogs.

The first problem is noise. This is very disconcerting when trying to enjoy a quiet evening with a vape and a book. It is not the gurgling of a flooded atty. It is more like paper or a leaf caught in the wind. Think of when you get a piece of cellophane stuck in your vacuum cleaner hose. Strangely, this only happens if I have gone a minute or so between drags. If I chain vape (inhale at every breath) only the first hit makes noise. The new carts fit very tightly in the atty. I am assuming it has something to do with the inner cart or the way I have stuffed it. If I change the size of the cart stuffing, it either leaks, or has no airflow. I need my quiet time, but can't have it with the RN4072.

The second problem is leaking. Not a lot, but enough to get juice on my lips. This happens if I pick it up after letting it sit for a while or if I have been chain vaping. If I vape normally (at a human frequency) I either get juice in my mouth or constantly have to take the cart off and wipe it with a kleenex.

The third issue is not so much a problem, but a curiosity. I go through tons of juice with this PV. It burns (vaporizes) twice as much in a day as compared to the J118, even though I am vaping the same amount of time. Why is this?

Thank you for any light you can shed on this subject.


Sun Vaporer

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2009
Hi Angel,

The RN4072 is a "801 Penstlye" atomizer. It burns hotter then its counterparts, hence the fact that it is a "juice hog".

As for the sound and leaking, it would appear that these are indications that you are in fact using the wrong cartridges. You say they are a very snug fit which leaves me to believe that you are using 801 cartridges for your RN4072. The RN4072 is more narrow in width and has a very low arched shaped bridge. The RN4072's cartridges are slightly thinner and longer then the 801's.

Using the wrong cartridge in the RN4072 may in fact cause leaking as well as the sound you describe. So be sure you buy cartidges made for First Union RN4072's. Your Supplier's should know if their cartidges are made for the RN4072 or the 801's.

Hope that helps.

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