Reverse Taryn spin to drain a carto

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Vaping Master
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Dec 2, 2010
Mesa, Arizona...USA
Yep, I love this method, too! I had no idea it was called the Taryn Spin... I've been calling it the 'twirly bag' method! rofl Sorry, Taryn, wherever you are!!! And the reverse.. I've been doing the spin for 6 mos, and it never occurred to me to do it with upside down carto to save juice. Awesome when you load up a nice new carto, and discover its dead right out of the box, or to get rid of water after cleaning.

BTW, for all those of you who are (like me!) challenged when it comes to tools and handy dandy holder dealies, I modified this a bit to use just stuff I had around the house. Takes a mini ziplock baggie (or a larger one cut or folded to size and taped), stapler, some semi flexible wire, or plastic zip strips.

I just use a mini ziplock bag, 2 lines of parallel vertical staples about carto and a half width apart on either side of the middle of the baggie. This creates the perfect 'channel' for your carto to go into, plus holds it upright so it doesn't tip onto side while spinning. Punch or cut two holes right below the ziplock line, a little further apart than the staples. I like plastic zip strips, but you could also use any sort of flexible wire or stiff ribbon stuff. String the baggie thru the holes onto your wire or two zipstrips zipped together end to end. Then close the wire or zipstrips so you have a handy dandy little baggie threaded onto a wire loop. That's your bag made... I've been using the same one for 6 mos.

To fill carto, you just take off top condom and white cap, stick it halfway into the baggie (right between your staple lines in its little channel), fill all around the edges with liquid till it stops soaking in easily. Stuff the carto all the way into the baggie. Put your index finger in the big loop of wire you've made. Then wing it/twirl it around your finger for about 5 seconds. Pull the carto out halfway and you'll see how totally dry the filler on top is. You've driven all the liquid into filler with the twirling. Repeat adding liquid along the sides and twirling until liquid doesn't get driven in any more. Done!

I'm so thankful to Taryn, whoever she is, for coming up with this! I've been getting close to double life out of my boge cartos since I started this.


Ultra Member
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  • Feb 26, 2010
    Hampton, VA
    orachel, I love the Taryn spin, too. I silently thank her every time i use that method. And I just use the little cloth bag that came with my batteries; drop a partially filled cart into the bottom, hold the string and twirl, open up the drawstring and remove the cart. Works like a charm. If you don't have any of the cloth bags, ask for one the next time you order a new battery.


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    Feb 24, 2011


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Feb 21, 2011
    Under Down Under
    Coincidentally I was reading up on Reverse Taryn Spin yesterday. Sick of throwing cartos away after 4 refills, I want to again try cleaning them. Drying them is my problem, so I want to try reverse spinning them. I do have hand problems so am not sure how I'll go. I'll want to be able to do a few at a time though, so need to come up with a neat holder for 5+ cartos.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Dec 2, 2010
    Mesa, Arizona...USA
    Coincidentally I was reading up on Reverse Taryn Spin yesterday. Sick of throwing cartos away after 4 refills, I want to again try cleaning them. Drying them is my problem, so I want to try reverse spinning them. I do have hand problems so am not sure how I'll go. I'll want to be able to do a few at a time though, so need to come up with a neat holder for 5+ cartos.

    Give my ziplock bag a try...that may well work for multiple at once. I wouldn't do more than 3 or 4, though, or the weight plus force of swinging it around might make it tear. Only thing is, instead of making 'channel' w vertical lines of staples to fit one carto between em, you want to make multiple.... So, line of staples, (carto), line of staples, (carto) etc etc. And you might want to punch more than 2 holes right under the ziplock line to thread your lanyard thing thru, otherwise it'll droop weird. Make sense? And if for some reason it doesn't work (though been working great for one at a time drying and filling for about 6 mos with same bag) then all you're out is a baggie and some staples. ;)


    Vaping Master
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    Dec 2, 2010
    Mesa, Arizona...USA
    BTW, I just did the 'half spoonful of baking soda in top of carto, fill w white vinegar, cap top of carto w thumb to force liquid to bubble out bottom, (repeat if needed), then rinse very well with water (w little bit of lemon juice if smells remain)' cleaning method with a bunch of cartos and dried em with taryn spin (reverse) and it was amazing. Worked better than any method I've tried. ;)


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Feb 26, 2010
    Hampton, VA
    BTW, I just did the 'half spoonful of baking soda in top of carto, fill w white vinegar, cap top of carto w thumb to force liquid to bubble out bottom, (repeat if needed), then rinse very well with water (w little bit of lemon juice if smells remain)' cleaning method with a bunch of cartos and dried em with taryn spin (reverse) and it was amazing. Worked better than any method I've tried. ;)

    That sounds interesting. I use baking soda and white vinegar for all kinds of things around the house (I have 4 dogs), but I never thought of cleaning my carts with it. I'll have to give that a try. How did you come up with this idea? And, if you could post a picture of your bag, that would be great, and very helpful.


    Vaping Master
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    Dec 2, 2010
    Mesa, Arizona...USA
    Oh gosh, I WISH I could take credit for that cleaning idea! I saw it here (of course!) and people were raving about it for cleaning all sorts of cartos and attys. I think it was in the general ecig area? VERY popular thread, and it couldnt have been more than a week ago that I saw it, so guessing its in first few pages. I'd maybe do search for 'atty, baking soda, lemon' and see what pops.

    Ok, so i took 2 photos of my little baggie. But a) I'm a rotten photographer, and b) you'll be using a larger baggie with a lot more vertical lines of staples to separate different cartos if you want to do more than 1 at a time. Each carto should rest between two parallel lines of vertical staples to keep it from tipping sideways. But hope this gives you an idea, anyway. ;) Oh, and instead of a lanyard, I use two zipties connected end to end, bag threaded onto them thru the holes (you can see in images) and then closed to make a loop. Then i just stick my index finger in loop and twirl it around (like the 'she's crazy!' gesture, only finger pointing to sky). Now if ANY of that made sense, I'll be amazed. rofl Hoping these aren't gigantic! Sorry if they are! System here doesn't seem to resize.
    IMG_20111117_174117.jpg IMG_20111117_174139.jpg

    AHA! Here's the link for method to clean attys and cartos...
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