Report: Janty Stick conversion to 510

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 26, 2009
Jo'burg, South Africa
The JS was my 1st PV and although it gave some trouble and needed exchanging a couple of times, it cured me of smoking and changed my life, earning it a special place in my heart. Because of the breakdowns, I decided I needed a back-up PV and bought an M201 which, because of the amazing way it brought out the flavour of my e-liquids, almost immediately became my full time vape. Also, because the M201 can't break down, a back-up was not needed and the almost tasteless JS was retired.

Wanting to bring my JS back into service so as to justify spending so much on it, I bought an 801 to 510 Stick conversion adaptor, a 510 atty and some blank carts. Today was my 1st day with a JS 510.

At first, with the brand new atty, there was little flavour, but as it settled down the flavour started to come through. Finally, after several hours, the vape has become quite pleasant indeed. On a scale of 1 (tasteless 801 JS) to 10 (very flavourful M201), the JS 510 now scores about 7/10.

Flavour related mission accomplished.

Other positive aspects of the conversion:

- A harder, more satisfying draw. The 801 was too easy, like sucking air through a straw, some back pressure was needed.

- No loss of power through the adaptor that I could detect.

- A soothingly warmer vape.

Some negatives:

- Significant vapor reduction, not much more than half that of an 801 JS.

- Can't make long vapes until JS cutout, vapour and mouthpiece get unpleasantly hot.

- Low capacity carts requiring frequent top-ups. With the M201 I just take a spare batt with when I go out for a few hours, the JS will require taking liquid as well.

My JS 510 is in service but has a specific role for now. It will stay next to my computer where liquids are readily at hand for top-ups, it can be vaped while USB charging and won't roll off my desk.

I can recommend the conversion for those not satisfied by the low flavour from the standard JS.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 26, 2009
Jo'burg, South Africa
In addition, it has less leaking problem. Even if it leaks, it is easier to clean up
because the leaking juice is trapped in adapter not into JS body. ;)
Absolutely, that is something I've learned over the last few days, I'm saving a fortune on paper towels. :D

As for the carts, I can see why there are so many mods posted for them, they really are silly little things. A few good vapes, followed by several 'lean' vapes and then poof, empty. Not a significant problem in it's 'stationary PV' role though. My M201 will remain my 'carry PV'.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 26, 2009
Jo'burg, South Africa
I tried the blue foam (that k lady very kindly sent me from the US), in the big 801 carts in my JS but it didn't work well and also tasted a bit off, so I shelved it. The standard filler works well enough and is more efficient.

As mentioned, the 801 to 510 conversion for my JS, much improved the taste, but dropped the amount of vapour quite a bit. So, I tried the blue foam mod on it.

I can see why there are so many mods for this tiny cart, they're very temperamental. The blue foam works great!! Vapour is huge on the JS again and quite economical, only a small analog-type puff is needed for more than enough vapour. Taste is ever so slightly less than with the standard filler but still much better than with the 801 cart.

So, yes, horses for courses and now I'm riding the right horse to get the blue foam mod benefit.
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