Reo Mini with 14500 battery and LR Cartomizer. . . anything more powerful?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 20, 2011
South Dakota
I have a beautiful Reo Mini Woodvil that has recently taken the back seat to my Provari. I love vaping at 6v.

What is the most powerful setup for my mini woodvil? As far a I know it only accepts 14500 batteries and either a standard or low resistance atty/carto. Is there a low resistance atty or carto that is more powerful than just a Boge LR? Im looking to pump some more power out of my mod.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
I would highly suggest you visit the REO sub-forum. There are many members there that are able to give their input on this. As Creniker has already described. Buying a few sets of 14250's and some Cisco HR 3 ohm 306's would give you a HV experience with your woodvil:

IFR 14250 3.2v
Atomizers - Cisco Spec 3.0ohm High Resistance Atomizers - Avid Vaper

For 3.7V vaping. There are a few options for you. If you like cartos then this might be the perfect time for you to try out some resurrectors:

Crystal Clear Vaping


You can either get some LR 1.5 (for tobaccos) and 1.8 (for dessert/fruit) ohm cartos. Either 510 or 306 from ikenvape or avidvapor (Ciscos)

LR306 Low Resistance Atomizer 1.5 ohm (Cisco Spec) - Avid Vaper
Atomizers - Cisco Spec 1.8ohm Low Resistance Atomizers - Avid Vaper
IKV 510 XLR Atomizer 1.5
*Atties of choice for my personal set-ups.

That will DEFINITELY give you a better vape if your looking for more from your mini woodville. Hope that helps bro.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
Haven't heard of anyone use 15266 batts for their REO mini's. Never really heard of those batts overall truthfully. Congrats on getting a REO mini though Creniker! Unfortunately there isn't any 5V options for the mini. If you really want to have that option then try trading for a Grand IMO. That's if you vape more then 3ml and want the ability to switch from 3.7, 4.8, and 6V.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
Reo mini's are good to start out with. Hope that it meets your expectations. REO's aren't for everyone but, you never know. It might also become one of your favorite mods too. Personally, I really like the size so I can stealth vape with it and it still hits good too. Put up a bunch of atty/carto recommendations for the mini up top. I find those work the best for it.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 22, 2012
The only real atomizer that hit the spot for me on the REO mini was Avid's hh.357 1.5v. Until I go that atomizer, the mini was more of a backup or seldom used pv for me, now I use it every day, along with a 306 on my Grand.

So much this... Made my mini a beast.
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