If the REO is your first mod (what you will need)

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 22, 2010
Thanks everyone...I was just deciding if I wanted to get a Mini as I love small, but hate messing/worrying when my batteries will die...How many hours would someone say a mini battery lasts?

4-5 hours. Actually, I don't go anywhere without a back up kit (atty, battery (1 or 2), 3 ml juice in one of these: Nylon battery case) so it is no big deal. I am a Mini gal and like small. The battery is easy to switch out. I think if you vape 3ml or less per day, a Mini is perfect. If you are a heavier vaper, get a Grand.

ancient puffer

EX PV Collector
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Mar 8, 2011
Virginia, USA
Just a suggestion, FWIW, these "what you will need" threads wind up getting pretty large to sift through for new users. Any chance we could consolidate then into ONE thread, that simply lists the items needed, neatly and consistently for each model, then sticky it and close it so the new REOnauts will have an easy way to find out if they have all their stuff?

When new information needs to be added, the original can be copied into a new one and the old one deleted.

Just an early morning, nicotine OD induced, caffeine shortage aggravated, thought. :)

Rhapsodies Fire

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2010
Bow, WA, USA
Just a suggestion, FWIW, these "what you will need" threads wind up getting pretty large to sift through for new users. Any chance we could consolidate then into ONE thread, that simply lists the items needed, neatly and consistently for each model, then sticky it and close it so the new REOnauts will have an easy way to find out if they have all their stuff?

When new information needs to be added, the original can be copied into a new one and the old one deleted.

Just an early morning, nicotine OD induced, caffeine shortage aggravated, thought. :)
Yep :) I'll start working on this a little this weekend. It will take some time to go through all of it.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2012
Clearwater, Florida
Hello all, I have a newly acquired mini and I love it. I have a new VV 18650 lavatube, and an Kicked Xhaler, and about 5 other APVs. The mini is the one that goes everywhere w me. Battery question, AW IMR 14500 600mAh, or AW protected 14500 750mAh? I have both, is there a reason I cant use the protected for longer running time? I noticed at the beginning of this thred the IMR is recommended.
Any input is appreciated,
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