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Apr 12, 2013
Ughhhh to the girl that was at walmart on beach boulavard about 30 minutes ago. Im standing in line at the check out and shes vaping on her provari while her things are being checked out. I was two people behind you, watching you blow plumes of vapor. I was about to introduce myself and show you my set up until the lady behind you asked if you didnt mind not blowing that around her kid, and you said" its not a cigarette, its water vapor" and continued to blow about 10 more huge plumes until your stuff was all bagged. I mean common!!!!! Couldnt you have waited until you left the store??? That lady even asked you nicely because she didnt want it near her child. Im new here and all, but man that was outta line to me. I think this type of action and attitude about vaping is was gives ammo to people wanting to ban or regulate vaping..im not sure if you are a member here, but I hope in the future, you having a litle more cosideration for others. Sorry guys I had to really get this off my chest..


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Jan 3, 2013
Lakeland, Florida
I totally agree to tread lightly while vaping, since we are merely treading water right now, but on another hand, some people, I think get off on antagonizing total strangers. It is like a rush to them or something. I can see why smoking was banned from most indoor places. Employees are tired of sweeping cigarette butts off of floors, washing ashtrays (gross), burned furniture, the odor, people burning each other in tight places, many smokers were very disrespectful. Not to mention the vandalism caused by lighters! Remember going into public restrooms and seeing yellow smoke spots and cigarette burns on toilet seats (ewwwww!) sinks, and toilet paper dispensers? E cigarettes, to me, eliminated all of that, there is no "cherry" to burn passers by, there is no odor, and if there is, it is not cigarette smell. There are no butts to burn in a garbage can, so there is no liability, IMHO. I still think these are ex smokers who are jealous of us having it easy. I never knew there were rules on the race to quit smoking.


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Jan 24, 2013
Somewhere in the US in my RV
On one hand, after years of being treated as the scum of the earth because I smoked, I understand a certain rebellious spirit that vaping inspires.

I was in a casino not long ago, smokers everywhere. I settled in on a slot machine and was vaping away happily, not missing the cigs a bit. Then a woman sat down at the machine next to me. As my vapor floated in her direction, she started the very familiar, very irritating "wave-and-fake-cough" we smokers have all seen, way too many times. Remember, this was not only a smoking-permitted environment, but I was there first! I have to admit, I took a bit of evil glee in telling her (a bit more loudly than necessary) that what she saw was NOT smoke, just water vapor. Then I waggled my eGo at her. "See, no fire, no tobacco -- NO SMOKE! It's butterscotch!" She huffed and moved away anyway. I smiled and kept right on vaping.

A certain insistence on our rights is warranted, I think -- seasoned with a bit of education, if the person is teachable. Unless vaping is expressly prohibited, maybe we should assume we can vape as freely as the next guy can chew gum or pop a tic-tac in his mouth. We're not hurting anybody and we're not doing anything illegal or immoral.

On the other hand -- that reaction to a mother's polite request on behalf of her kids? Not cool. Just a little more cooperation and explanation would have been much more appropriate. But I guess just as not all anti-vapors will be willing students, not all vapors will be good teachers, either. Maybe next time, you could be the teacher?


Senior Member
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Apr 26, 2012
Richmond, VA USA
I would have explained further that I had quit smoking by using a vaporizer, and that there is no smoke involved (possibly showing her the atomizer that evaporates the liquid). If she was still insistent, I would just "stealth vape" from that point on. "Stealth vaping" is a good way to show people that it's not smoke, as long as you are not hiding your PV. (since you can't "stealth smoke")

If you hide your PV and "stealth vape," it sends a message that what you are doing is wrong or illegal.



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Aug 9, 2012
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
we all know it's not "just water vapor", and the girl was kind of obnoxious to be blowing vapor indoors in the first place, let alone in front of kids. common courtesy goes a long way here, and since vaping is already a misunderstood topic by most people, that kind of behavior is going to make some people very angry. i'm not trying to take away anybody's right to vape here, but whenever you exercise your rights, you also need to exercise the responsibility that comes with having that right.


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Mar 18, 2013
hopkinsville, ky
im sure i will get a ration for this but i understand both sides of this. we are fighting to be accepted where smokers arent. that wont happen unless we stand up for ourselves and show there is a difference between smoking and vaping. she quickly explained its not smoke. the place of business obviously didnt have an issue with her vaping in line. ive had children playing and kicking my cane while standing in line at the grocery store. politely told the children to stop. told the parent to stop the child. mostly i get blank looks with no reply from thhe parent to me or the child. have actually had one parent ask me to not talk to her child. that she didnt believe in telling her children no or not to do something because they are just being children.

on the other hand vaping may be safer than smoking but we dont have any idea just exactly how safe it is. if im in a place that doesnt allow vaping im not going to push my luck and do it in front of other ppl just to prove a point. just because there are ppl that arent respectful of others by piling on the cologn or turn their music up so loud my windows rattle, doesnt mean i have to be one of them.

if that store allows vaping the parent could take it up with the store owner or just not shop there. we have been posting names of places that allow vaping specifically so we can frequent those stores to be able to vape while shopping or dining.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jan 12, 2010
Houston, Tx.
Ughhhh to the girl that was at walmart on beach boulavard about 30 minutes ago. Im standing in line at the check out and shes vaping on her provari while her things are being checked out. I was two people behind you, watching you blow plumes of vapor. I was about to introduce myself and show you my set up until the lady behind you asked if you didnt mind not blowing that around her kid, and you said" its not a cigarette, its water vapor" and continued to blow about 10 more huge plumes until your stuff was all bagged. I mean common!!!!! Couldnt you have waited until you left the store??? That lady even asked you nicely because she didnt want it near her child. Im new here and all, but man that was outta line to me. I think this type of action and attitude about vaping is was gives ammo to people wanting to ban or regulate vaping..im not sure if you are a member here, but I hope in the future, you having a litle more cosideration for others. Sorry guys I had to really get this off my chest..

That's the behavior that will get vaping banned in even more places. If you can't smoke there you shouldn't vape there (there are exceptions, ofc).
Acting that way puts our whole community at risk.


Chihuahua Queen
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2013
Be prepared for an onslaught of flag wavers. I know that girl, and that girl is an IDIOT. WHY antagonize people for NO REASON other than "because it is not smoke, and I vape wherever I darn want to?" This one of the reason that businesses are limiting the act of vaping. It doesn't MATTER what the REALITY is, it is the PERCEPTION that we need to combat. Being rude is NOT the way to accomplish that.


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Apr 24, 2013
Sandston, Virginia, United States
Oh, come on! Why oh why did she do that! Respect, people! I know if someone is standing next to me smoking, it really bothers me now! I know now, what other people put up with when I smoked. Did anyone else learn that when you stopped smoking and started vaping? That feeling of "oh wow, I was really nasty!?" And when their are kids involved!! I have vaped around my granddaughter, but someone else's kids? I don't know if I could without their consent. I don't think I would attempt it. And, her answer! "Oh it's water vapor", aside from not being completely true, could have left a little more to be desired. I would have said "Oh, sure! It's ok, it's water vapor...." to make sure they didn't feel like their child was exposed to something, and quickly explained a little. The woman with the child may not have wanted an explanation, but as a vaper with rights (currently, anyway) I probably would have told her anyway. But, I would have stopped. Sounds to me like this woman was looking for someone to say something, just so she could say "it's water vapor". Puhleese! If your self esteem is that low, that you have to use vaping to get attention, you've got bigger problems than a woman in line asking you to stop. Ok....stepping off of my soapbox...Thanks everyone, I feel better now..... :closedeyes:
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