Rant: Why push the envelope?

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Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
People actually stopped going to bars and restaurants when the smoking bans passed? I know that was the argument against the bans, but the evidence proved otherwise. Turns out many people who had stopped going to bars and restaurants started going again after the bans, because they no longer had to tolerate second hand smoke. Those who smoked who stopped going, ended up going back after a while and simply smoked outside.

I think once Big tobacco's involvement in e-nic is in full swing and after $millions spent on media campaigns, things will change in favor of e-nic.

You know I am not sure if I would object to vaping outside provided we were not forced into vaping in the stink infested smoking area. Give us a smoke free place to vape and I probably wouldn't object. After all why should we be forced to breath second hand smoke? Why is that ok?


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
You know I am not sure if I would object to vaping outside provided we were not forced into vaping in the stink infested smoking area. Give us a smoke free place to vape and I probably wouldn't object. After all why should we be forced to breath second hand smoke? Why is that ok?

I'm not forced to vape anywhere.
I think there will eventually be vape-zones, sponsored by BLU or NJOY or other brands in the big Tobacco-owned e-nic market. They will supply bars with e-nic disposables at wholesale prices, which the bars will sell to customers, who will be allowed to vape in designated areas.


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Mar 18, 2011
To OP (having not read any other responses). I still haven't seen a single vaper in the wild. All I read are rants about people behaving this way. Is it even a real thing? I responded on the starbucks thread and said I would indeed stealth vape there, but I have maybe been in one of their stores once in my entire 37 years, so really that was a hypothetical (and I am very good at stealth vaping and it goes well with coffee ;)


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Jul 4, 2013
Southwest Ohio
I will vape and you will like it!!!!!!!



Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I think there will eventually be vape-zones, sponsored by BLU or NJOY or other brands in the big Tobacco-owned e-nic market. They will supply bars with e-nic disposables at wholesale prices, which the bars will sell to customers, who will be allowed to vape in designated areas.
I can't even imagine this happening.

If you mean indoors, I don't see it happening, they will either let us vape or they won't.
If you mean outdoors, and if that really comes to pass, then the world will have proven itself a lost cause.

At that point I'll probably just shoot myself and won't worry about where I can vape and where I can't.


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Jan 15, 2011
I was OK with not smoking near non-smokers. I was always, what I considered, a considerate smoker. In fact, I try to be considerate in whatever activity I'm taking part in. I don't want to sound all prideful, and self righteous, but I think that's an important virtue. "Do unto others", and all that. That said, I see a lot of people in the vaping community that insist on pushing the envelope in public places, and with smoking restricted areas. While we, as "vapers", are fairly convinced that vaping is far, FAR, less dangerous than smoking cigarettes, the general public may not be as convinced, or they may not be familiar with e-cigarettes in general, and therefore apprehensive as to the effects it may have on their health. In my opinion, it's important to educate these people about what we're doing, and why we're doing it. BUT, is it irresponsible of us to just walk around indoors, in restaurants, on the bus, on the train, etc., and force people to accept what we're doing as "OK"? Or, would it be better to get the word out some other way? I'm not sure what the best approach is, but I know that when someone else's activity infringes on my comfort zone, I become defensive. I think that that's a natural reaction that we, as humans, have ingrained in us. And, I don't think that forcing our vapor on others is going to produce a different reaction in "outsiders".

Like I said, I don't know what the best approach is, but I do see a lot of you that take the time to ask before you vape, which I think is the considerate thing to do. Then there are those that walk into Starbucks, and start puffing away like they're trying to start a revolution. I guess it comes down to this: does anyone REALLY need to vape that badly, that they can't wait until they're bus ride is over, or until they have an opportunity to go outside? People are still going to see your device, and will most likely ask questions, if they feel comfortable. They're NOT going feel comfortable, and will probably just get defensive, if you're going to blow it their face, so to speak. I think we need a positive message, and an educational one, if our habit/hobby/common joy is to be accepted by others outside of the vaping community. And, it may go a long way in our fight against severe regulation. Brute force never yields that kind of message.

So, I would just like to prevail upon people to consider how they want to be seen as a vaper. The "I don't have any .....s to give" attitude isn't helping anyone, especially you, and the rest of the vaping community.

<end rant>

Have you ever seen anyone doing this?


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
I can't even imagine this happening.

If you mean indoors, I don't see it happening, they will either let us vape or they won't.
If you mean outdoors, and if that really comes to pass, then the world will have proven itself a lost cause.

At that point I'll probably just shoot myself and won't worry about where I can vape and where I can't.

I think bars will eventually allow indoor vaping. BLU and NJOY will push the issue. People vaping in bars buying disposables would be a huge revenue stream. BLU has already sponsored smoke/vape zones at amusement parks. I even see cross advertising with beer companies.

I recently returned from our semi-annual vacation in Prague and really like their attitude. If a bar, restaurant or club wants to allow or prohibit smoking it is their prerogative. E-nic, on the other hand, is allowed just about everywhere. Maybe not in museums, but I could be wrong on that. No one even blinks or looks twice at someone vaping at a restaurant or cafe. Every bar I have been to allows smoking, yet more and more I see people vaping.

The population is so used to smoking- as the majority smoke, e-nic doesn't bother them at all. Open containers and public intoxication- no problem, as long as one isn't causing a disturbance. Roll a J and walk down the street smoking it- no problem. Want to gamble in a casino or visit a brothel? Why not? Want to launch unregulated fireworks at ground level on New Year's Eve?Go for it. Have an allergy to peanuts or milk? Deal with it.

The Czech Republic is very relaxed, as far as personal freedoms; probably a reaction to decades of rule by Nazi Germany and then the Soviet Union. They have regained their freedom and don't want a nanny state, like we now have.


Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
I think bars will eventually allow indoor vaping. BLU and NJOY will push the issue. People vaping in bars buying disposables would be a huge revenue stream. BLU has already sponsored smoke/vape zones at amusement parks. I even see cross advertising with beer companies.

I recently returned from our semi-annual vacation in Prague and really like their attitude. If a bar, restaurant or club wants to allow or prohibit smoking it is their prerogative. E-nic, on the other hand, is allowed just about everywhere. Maybe not in museums, but I could be wrong on that. No one even blinks or looks twice at someone vaping at a restaurant or cafe. Every bar I have been to allows smoking, yet more and more I see people vaping.

The population is so used to smoking- as the majority smoke, e-nic doesn't bother them at all. Open containers and public intoxication- no problem, as long as one isn't causing a disturbance. Roll a J and walk down the street smoking it- no problem. Want to gamble in a casino or visit a brothel? Why not? Want to launch unregulated fireworks at ground level on New Year's Eve?Go for it. Have an allergy to peanuts or milk? Deal with it.

The Czech Republic is very relaxed, as far as personal freedoms; probably a reaction to decades of rule by Nazi Germany and then the Soviet Union. They have regained their freedom and don't want a nanny state, like we now have.

I was in Prague in 1981 it was a very different place when it was behind the iron curtain. My 16 year old self was terrified the whole time we were there.


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Jul 2, 2013
OP says: Nope, I haven't seen it first hand, but I read A LOT of posts, in several different forums. I've just seen a lot of talk about "they can't stop me, I'm going to do whatever I want", and "I vaped here, and they didn't like it, so f them". All that's fine and dandy. And, believe me, I'm all for being seen, and heard, and treated like a first class citizen. I also don't agree with the level of political correctness we're required to operate under, and the constant threat of "we need to regulate this and that" . I hate the nanny state, and I hate that our society accepts and even propagates that degree of confinement. I'd be the first person to support anyone doing what they want to do, when they want to do it, as long as it's not harming themselves or others. That said, we all have something here, that's incredibly important to all of us: our right to use Personal Vaporizers. And, while I'm all for our right to vape wherever we want, whenever we want, we have a long battle ahead before that becomes a reality - if it becomes a reality. I agree that we should do it wherever it's responsible, like walking down the street, on the beach, in restaurants and bars that are amenable to it, etc. Anywhere that will draw interest and positive attention, and will give us the opportunity to educate those who are apprehensive or fearful about it. It's unfortunate that our culture has become one where we all need to walk on eggshells around each other, in fear of offending someone. But, those are the cards we're playing now. We need to be smart, and work within that hand, in order to gain ground for our cause. I know, I'm making this sound like some kind of revolution, but it is, in a way. Vaping is a right we want to keep, and shouldn't be taken away from us for any reason. Let's just make sure we're doing whatever we can do to display it in a positive light. That's all. I don't think it's an issue of "don't tread on me", it's an issue of "I don't think I deserve to be tread upon, and this the reason why..."


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Mar 18, 2011
OP: I think you have the right idea and that your heart is in the right place. My opinion after 2 years here is that there are a lot of posts about people vaping out in public, and there are probably more than a majority of libertarians here. Point is, the people that actually bother to post are the ones who have actually had an incident. Other people are just quietly going about their lives, whether they can make it through a grocery store or not (and was a previous poster actually serious about asking people not to go out in public if they have a severe nicotine addiction? Isn't that one of the reasons so many of us turned to vaping?) I don't think that just because there are posts, that we can assume that even a significant fraction of people here are jerks. I read the reddit post...the guy works at a place where people drink and that probably leads to poor judgement in the patrons.
Yes, there needs to be a balance of non-douchebaggery and non-cowering-to-uneducated-ANTZ. I think most of us DO take a middle road and choose to exercise our freedoms in a non-confrontational manner. Personally, I stealth vape if I need to vape while out in public. Never a vapor cloud escapes. My pretty pink bolt may produce some whispers but that is ok with me. I see it as no different than somebody putting a pen to their mouth while thinking.


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Jan 20, 2012
I agree with the OP but only to a point. I started smoking at age 16 & the legal age to buy smokes thing wasn't enforced in my state until I turned 18. But I never got to smoke in a movie theatre even though I saw it in the movies & it looked totally awesome & like something I would love to do while watching a good movie. So I just never did. Then I wasn't allowed to smoke in the coffee shop which WAS totally awesome & a complete disappointment when that was taken away. Then I couldn't smoke in front of the building I worked in & had to go somewhere & hide. Then I had to sneak around on campus so people didn't whine about my smoke blowing in their faces in the doorway of the building when it used to be fine & people just knew which door the smokers hung out at & if they didn't smoke they avoided that door & lived with it.

So...the point of me saying all of that is that now I vape and it's a new world. I CAN & DO vape and the movie theatre....because I can....and it IS awesome just like I thought it would be. And I DO get to vape at the coffee shop and that's awesome too & frankly the way it should be cuz nicotine goes awesomely with caffeine & reading & writing. And I not only don't have to go hide when I want to vape in some building I can vape where ever I happen to be & not have to find some discrete place to do it (although I try to be a little discreet just because I'm not trying to be a big attention getter). And If I want to vape by some doorway I don't have to worry that my vapor is going to gag someone walking through the door & expose them to my second hand smoke (although I'm sure there are plenty of people who would do that gag & cough thing waving their hands dramatically like I'd just released some deadly disease on them).

Some of these things I'll outgrow as time goes by & waiting till I get outside won't be a big deal as it might just feel like good etiquette. And other things like vaping while I have a coffee at the coffee shop I will probably never outgrow cuz I just love that. And maybe I will push the envelope & continue to vape at the theatre even though my head might be telling me it isn't good etiquette to vape where many strangers are watching the same screen & sitting right next to me having paid the same good money I have to do it. But maybe that envelope needs to be pushed just a little & i will probably be a pusher for a while.

But personally I think that's ok because I put up with people "pushing" my around for the entire time I smoked. The way I see it I'm just taking some of my freedom back (hm I guess that was a very well chosen slogan for Blu lol).
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