"I vape wherever I want" mentality detrimental to the community?

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ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2013
Browsing through personal accounts on ECF as well as other e-cig related forums has got me thinking about this whole "I vape where I want" mentality. I've been reading stories about people who vape in movie theaters, indoor hallways in schools, restaurants, etc. Basically places where you usually couldn't smoke.

I get that second-hand vapor is near harmless. I'm pretty sure most of us on ECF are well-aware of that. I think the issue with the public is that most people are uninformed and this is still a relatively niche hobby. Don't get me wrong, I see vapes WAY more often than I did 6 months ago, but not enough to say that a majority of the public is educated on vaping. Even when I vape on campus (I try to do it inconspicuously in an outdoor area), people still fan their hands in front of their faces when they walk by.

I feel like we have a responsibility here to give vaping a good name while the community faces all these initial issues with legislation and federal regulation. That being said, I'm a strong advocate for considerate vaping. Not strictly saying that I'll vape only where I would be able to smoke, but that I use common sense and take into consideration the comfort of those around me.

How do you guys feel about it? Just trying to get the popular ECF-approved opinion here :)


Vaping Master
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Jul 27, 2013
I'm sure Ruby Bridges and many fighting for civil rights (yea..vaping is truly a civil right, just not one based upon the "taboo" subjects of race, sex, or disability driven) probably heard this too..."just go along to get along" "don't rock the boat it will just make things worse"

It took courageous people to stand up, square their shoulders and push forth...civilly at every opportunity, but with ferocity and determination where needed...

We need people to educate those who don't know but they also must realize OUR RIGHTS START WHERE THEIRS STOP and we too have every right for "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" that they have, people really need to just start saying "Do whatever floats your boat...as long as it doesn't sink mine"



Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2011
under the blue sky
I do vape wherever I want. No one has ever even looked at me twice except a fellow vaper who was curios about my REO. -- My employer encourages vaping so I can vape not only at my desk but anywhere in the facility I want. I live where most people like to mind their own business so if I take a puff or two in a store or other public area, no one even notices and if they did, they would probably never even consider complaining about it.

I'm not harming anyone's image. I keep my nose out of other people's business and they keep their nose out of mine. It's unfortunate that other areas of the country (and the world for that matter) have so many nanny-staters and busybodies, but I'm thankful they haven't settled in here yet.


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Jan 17, 2013
I agree with you whole heartedly. However, educating people who don't care or already have an opinion is impossible. It makes me think of people who chew... they can do it wherever they want, they spit everywhere and I think its disgusting, but I don't go harass and ridicule people who chew so why cant it be that way for people who vape? I've basically started ignoring people who wave their hands or cough because its their own ignorance that is the problem... so its their problem, not mine.
I don't know...I kind of get the frustration of establishments, etc. that don't allow vaping. I mean it *looks* like smoking, especially from a distance. You're puffing something in, something smoky-looking is coming out. Imagine being a restaurant owner or an usher at a movie theater and having to go and check every single time you saw that plume to make sure it was an e-cig and not a cig-cig...distruptive and a pain in the ...., probably.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have the right to vape, just that I get why most people would just put their foot (feet? Ugh, I hate how that phrase works out grammatically) down and say "nope, nothing that looks foggy coming out of someone's mouth, period."

The goverment often has its own agenda, I won't comment on that, frankly I don't know enough about the tug-of-war yet to comment on this factor intelligently (just not something I've researched much).

Now if cigs were made illegal and anyone with vapor coming out must be a vaper, then it would be no problem. :D (wink) We'd certainly all be healthier, too. :D

But anyway, I personally am not vaping in public. Perhaps that makes me "a sheeple" or someone not standing up for a cause but e-cigs really are comparatively new, not a lot is known about them, and education will take time...it's happening, it's getting out there, but it will take time.

That's how I see it, I don't propose that other people follow my lead. If you feel strongly about it then vape in public and take things one establishment at a time with education how you see fit.


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Apr 5, 2013
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