Puresmoker Classic or 901?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2009
I'm thinking the majority of people will probably go with the penstyle. There's not too many downsides compared to the 901.

Longer battery life, larger cartridge capacity, and several respected vendors sell them.

Penstyles aren't too popular for taking out and about due to their size, but, for home, I would think it would be a nice fit.

perfect...I might just get both but im tryin so hard not to!:p


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2009
Orange County, CA

its my first e-cig and i'm thrilled with it- my batteries last all day, and i get tons of vapor.

before mine came in my hubby was convinced he wanted a super mini, but after trying mine he said "get me one of thoooose!" :)

we'd like to get a couple pilots in the future for going out and such, but for now we're loving the penstyle. and the retro style suits me, thats actually one of my favorite parts :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2009
Lufkin, TX
I Just received my pilot and as far as looks and feel, 10/10!

I'm now in the market for a Pilot or a 401/402. Still doing research.

After that, though, I'll be rounding out my collection with a penstyle.

I'd be lying, though, if I didn't say that I'm not excited about getting some Gamucci Disposable Cigars for my wedding party, though.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2009
Nashville, TN
I wish you the best of luck with everything, Curtis.

It's always going to be trial and error finding the one that works best for your lifestyle, but you've always got an available resource for reviews and advice here!

Just make sure to come back and tell everyone how things are going!

I have smoked 1 analog since getting my 901 batteries charged up, and that's been a week. I was a pack a day smoker, and, I can honestly say that, so far, it's changed my life.

Always remember to stock up on extra parts and juice. Best advice you can get.

Thank you kindly, D_Struct. Everyone here is so nice!

I'm still waiting impatiently for my penstyles from Mr. Yang. (He's nice too). I'm also lurking on the Puresmoker website, hoping I can snag a couple of Pilots before they sell out again.

Like I've seen others say on this forum, I'm already loving this and I haven't even vaped yet!
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