Post Move Re-opening

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ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
Well, I've never tried AVE but am planning to. But I'm in no hurry so I'll just let the Boba's addicts get satisfactorily resupplied first so we spare the ER onslaught that is sure to otherwise happen. Besides, I'm the same sorta guy who let's the movie theatre empty out before I leave. I'm too old to be fighting these young whippersnappers anymore. A man has got to know his limitations. I do, and I still subtract another 20%.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2009
Arcata, Cali
When you've got a product like Bobas, which already has a large following and lots of repeat customers, you really don't have to discount it at all. If anything, you charge a premium for it! Anyway, I was personally quite happy once the discount came back online this morning, and so long as I enjoy the juice (I'm a first-timer with these guys), I'll gladly buy again from them. Hopefully by the time I'm ready to buy more, things will be running much more smoothly...

If you're really concerned with that extra 5%, you could do what I did this morning and *wait* a bit longer- but, is your time really worth an extra few dollars ($100 spent will only get you a $5 savings at 20%, with the 15% discount they're already running...):2c:
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2009
Arcata, Cali
eh, I'm gonna wait. That's a significant amount of money when you're spending a decent amount already. This really throws a wrench in things for me...I've been waiting since 8 and I'm quite disappointed.

Of course, it's all about balance- and your math skills *puts foot in mouth*


Super Member
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Aug 1, 2012
what the deal with AV i have been trying to order since Bobas came available, every time i go to the site they are close due to order capacity being reached, i mean for the past 2 days i logged onto the site at 8-8:15ish and there closed? what gives are they reaching capacity in the first 5 minutes of being open? I just wanna get some Bobas im going through withdrawal lol


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
When you've got a product like Bobas, which already has a large following and lots of repeat customers, you really don't have to discount it at all. If anything, you charge a premium for it! Anyway, I was personally quite happy once the discount came back online this morning, and so long as I enjoy the juice (I'm a first-timer with these guys), I'll gladly buy again from them. Hopefully by the time I'm ready to buy more, things will be running much more smoothly...

If you're really concerned with that extra 5%, you could do what I did this morning and *wait* a bit longer- but, is your time really worth an extra few dollars ($100 spent will only get you a $5 savings at 20%, with the 15% discount they're already running...):2c:

On the other hand, Boba's gins up a lot of interest for other AVE flavors/products. Might not want to price it too high at risk of turning off people from the get go. But I understand what you're saying. Seems Boba's could be priced twice as high and they'd get a rush.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2009
Arcata, Cali
On the other hand, Boba's gins up a lot of interest for other AVE flavors/products. Might not want to price it too high at risk of turning off people from the get go. But I understand what you're saying. Seems Boba's could be priced twice as high and they'd get a rush.

I thought the pre-move was 20%, and the post move is only 15% off.until full resupplied...that may be never the way Boba's is selling now.


But I know what you mean Bronze- the only thing better than a gold mine is LOTs of goldmines... ;)


Unregistered Supplier
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Jun 12, 2009
Lancaster, CA
I got charged full price too. Oh well at least I got more bobas coming! :vapor:

Anyone who had this happen hit me up with a help desk ticket. I'll verify and then refund you the 15%. It may take a day or two (loads of tickets at the moment) but you will get taken care of.
Anyone who had this happen hit me up with a help desk ticket. I'll verify and then refund you the 15%. It may take a day or two (loads of tickets at the moment) but you will get taken care of.

Thanks man, that's good service! And I doubt any of us will complain about having to wait a few days....


Unregistered Supplier
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Jun 12, 2009
Lancaster, CA
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