please nicely lol help me understand the fda rule

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Aug 7, 2010
new york
this might not come out the best way but instead of buying my favorite ejuices from big tobacco because you know what's coming next right big tobacco is gonna try and buy the best ejuices. copyright it get it approved then sell it for a ridiculous prices. so instead of that happening can someone please get some great recipes out online because i dont think they can ban individual ingredients right? please please anyone that reads this i am not being mean just trying not to buy from big tobacco again also keep in mind when lorillard (big tobacco company) brought blu ecigs a laughed because i was so far past blu pen style ecigs i thought they can have them i'll never buy them anyway but with this new possible fda rule the blu will be fda approved right?


Ultra Member
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Jul 30, 2014
New York City
means there will be costly paperwork for each product that most companies cant afford (from the articles i've been reading)
means ecig products will become potentially as expensive or more expensive than traditionally analogs (my opinion)
means less innovation compared to the past 6-7 years, even though i feel like we are at the epitome of vaping right now, i honestly dont know whats next as vaping right now for me is near perfect and very enjoyable (excellent vapor, excellent flavor) (my opinion)
if nothing is being done, it is basically kicking out all the small players and leaving the big players the rest of the pie (my opinion)

Essentially fda is saying: i wont flat out ban it since it will create an uproar but i will word it in a way that says "it is prohibited from being sold unless u got too much money like big tobacco to spend big bucks on getting ur product approved"
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Resting in Peace
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Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
this might not come out the best way but instead of buying my favorite ejuices from big tobacco because you know what's coming next right big tobacco is gonna try and buy the best ejuices. copyright it get it approved then sell it for a ridiculous prices. so instead of that happening can someone please get some great recipes out online because i dont think they can ban individual ingredients right? please please anyone that reads this i am not being mean just trying not to buy from big tobacco again also keep in mind when lorillard (big tobacco company) brought blu ecigs a laughed because i was so far past blu pen style ecigs i thought they can have them i'll never buy them anyway but with this new possible fda rule the blu will be fda approved right?

Recipes galore here in this section. Read, learn, be safe. Ask questions in that area and members will gladly answer them. Don't ask questions in the recipe thread, makes it hard to search if there are non recipe posts in there.

DIY E-Liquid


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Jan 6, 2015
Henry County Georgia
You nailed it.... Big tobacco just wants to totally control it...they're missing out on a billion dolkarba year industry. So they will force out the little players. ..come out with FDA approved juice and will all be good again....but only they will have total control on product and the $$$ we pay for it. This us such a joke but what isn't a joke anymore.
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Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Simple - nothing unless approved by the FDA
Give FDA Millions Per application
Pass or Fail
Final Decision determined by FDA regardless of Pass or Fail

Final Results


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1.21 GigaWatts!
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Feb 26, 2016
ejuice recipe dot com (or just google ejuice recipe) has a plethora of vaper created recipes and if you do a quick search in their website for the ejuice you want it will show up if someone has cloned it.

I tried the OMG W-T-F clone on there...according to my 13 year old smokers taste buds it was a 7/10 similar.

[edit] I didn't read through the entire 499 pages but I think there were 2 main take-aways from the ruling.

1. age restriction since any vaping related product is deemed a tobacco product now

And the middle finger to us vapers 2. $$$ / paperwork requirement for any vaping related product, which as mentioned will basically decimate the industry as we know it today which is comprised of mostly small businesses and leave it in the hands of a few, legalizing a vaping oligopoly.


Super Member
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Aug 4, 2013
north Carolina
Simple - nothing unless approved by the FDA
Give FDA Millions Per application
Pass or Fail
Final Decision determined by FDA regardless of Pass or Fail

Final Results


Yeah, except not really. The exorbitant costs associated with PMTA (pre market tobacco authorizations) doesn't go to the FDA. It's spent on clinical studies, extensive product testing and evaluation, and a crapload of billable lawyer hours.

The FDA doesn't collect any fees associated with PMTAs.

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 4, 2013
north Carolina
this might not come out the best way but instead of buying my favorite ejuices from big tobacco because you know what's coming next right big tobacco is gonna try and buy the best ejuices. copyright it get it approved then sell it for a ridiculous prices. so instead of that happening can someone please get some great recipes out online because i dont think they can ban individual ingredients right? please please anyone that reads this i am not being mean just trying not to buy from big tobacco again also keep in mind when lorillard (big tobacco company) brought blu ecigs a laughed because i was so far past blu pen style ecigs i thought they can have them i'll never buy them anyway but with this new possible fda rule the blu will be fda approved right?
DIY eliquid requires a little bit of research, some basic safety considerations, and some start up gear.

In a nutshell, this is what you'll need:

Nicotine liquid - can be PG based, VG based, or some ratio of VG/PG. Strength varies from low to 100mg/ml (10% nicotine). Higher strengths require much less in a recipe. This is good, since nicotine liquid and flavorings are the most expensive components. However, nicotine is highly toxic in strong concentrations. Just spilling too much on one's skin can cause serious injury or death. Be careful with it. Percentage of finished product depends on original nicotine liquid strength and desired nicotine level.

Flavorings - I recommend researching some recipes to figure out what flavors you'll need. Capella's flavorings and The Perfumer Apprentice have a steady following and show up in a lot of recipes. Many are good all on their own, without mixing of different flavors, ratios, etc. Along with nicotine liquid, it's more expensive than other components. Have an idea of what flavors you may be interested in creating, and pick up a variety of flavors in small amounts. If you're not sure whether or not you'll use it much, don't get more than 15ml of a flavor. Typically 5-15% of finished product, but that varies.

Propylene Glycol / Vegetable Glycerin - make sure it's USP grade, 99% pure or higher. Generally composes 70-90% of the finished liquid. It's cheap and widely available. PG/VG ratio is pretty subjective. I prefer 80%/20% VG/PG, some prefer 70/30, some like 50/50.

Mixing tools - rubber gloves (because liquid nicotine), a way to measure your ingredients, and something to mix it together in.

Some simply measure the amount of drops - not very accurate, and can lead to inconsistency, but it works. Most use graduated syringes with blunt needles to measure, which is somewhat more accurate, but extra cleanup. Some mix by weight using a precision scale that measures down to 0.01 grams. That's very accurate, involves very little cleanup, but requires a recipe measured by weight and a properly sensitive and calibrated scale.

Containers are available cheap on Amazon or other vendors, in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials.

Getting all this stuff may be a little expensive initially, depending on the quantity you get. 500ml of 100mg/ml nicotine base costs around $40-60, but it's enough to last a very long time. Liquid prices vary a lot, and you may want a wide variety to experiment with. In many cases, the flavorings will be the most expensive portion of a recipe. PG and VG are pretty cheap; a liter or quart (~1000ml) typically costs around $10, and lasts quite a while. Some buy it by the gallon since it isn't too expensive.

However, running costs are extremely low. If you start off with plenty of nicotine liquid, PG and VG, you'll rarely need to get more. flavors are generally around 5-15% of the liquid, so a 15ml bottle can make 100-150ml of finished liquid.

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Bad Ninja

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2013
God's Country
Yeah, except not really. The exorbitant costs associated with PMTA (pre market tobacco authorizations) doesn't go to the FDA. It's spent on clinical studies, extensive product testing and evaluation, and a crapload of billable lawyer hours.

The FDA doesn't collect any fees associated with PMTAs.

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Its about market control, not fees.

The exhorbant costs prohibit small businesses from playing at all.

They used junk science to justify it.

Its pretty obvious whats happening here.

Just look at how it works in other industries the FDA controls.

New class action lawsuits every week over FDA approved drugs doing more damage than the illness they supposedly treat.

Imho we should drop the petitions asking for rule changes.

We should go for the crooks that run the FDA and demand to have them removed.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2011
I really think the people are waking up. This constant banning of everthing is getting old. It has gotten to the point when they see .gov pouring their hard earned tax dollars into their friends companies so they can soon go bankrupt and keep their ill=gotten gains is BS. Us little people have no more say anymore. Remember the only people who count... are corporations
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