PLEASE HELP! Short of Breath and Tingling Fingers

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Full Member
May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Ok, so I have been completely analog Free for 3 weeks. I have had periods of Trouble Breathing, Tingling in the Fingers and Lightheadedness at times.

I began with 100 PG, then after a few days switched to a 50/50 (PG/VG) a week from that time I had an episode where I became very short of breath and had tingling and lightheadness. I assumed this was to PG as they commonly speak of allergies with this. So I switched to Virgin Vapor's 100% VG. That same night and for one solid week I had NO problems what so ever.

Then all of a sudden again I had the same symptoms of Short of Breath and Lightheaded so on. Still only vaping 100% VG from Virgin Vapor.

This has lasted 5 days now and comes and goes. I have no other symptoms other than this and I know that it is definitely NOT Nicotine poisoning as I know what that feels like and that only lasts a small amount of time.

I have gone to my doctor and my Lungs, Heart and everything are fine and in good shape. Soooo my question to all the veteran vapers......DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THIS COULD BE?

If it is an allergy why would it be fine for a week then, not.....then fine for another week then not again.

PLEASE DO LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS! Please helps as I dont want to got back to cigs and I love vaping.

Thank you!!!!!!! :)


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Sep 20, 2012
London UK
I have had issues in the past and most certainly overdosing on Nicotine must not be overlooked. It may also be one of your juices. The way to rule out vape related issues is to cut your nicotine level by half at least but better to go straight to a 6mg flavour and just smoke that for a few days and see how you feel. For me it was a ChocoBana juice that had me almost passing out every time i vaped it -it took me a while to figure it out. It is possible they got the nic levels wrong or I just didn't agree with the flavoring. Remember also that different attys will give you different nicotine exposure. Go back to basics is what I am suggesting. A low nic level juice, clean out your equipment and cut down your vaping and see how you feel. I still get tinnitus if I vape too much even with 6 mg juices -that is 100% nicotine related.

One last thing -drink more water and add a isotonic mix if you can. Vaping really dehydrates you.

Ok, so I have been completely analog Free for 3 weeks. I have had periods of Trouble Breathing, Tingling in the Fingers and Lightheadedness at times.

I began with 100 PG, then after a few days switched to a 50/50 (PG/VG) a week from that time I had an episode where I became very short of breath and had tingling and lightheadness. I assumed this was to PG as they commonly speak of allergies with this. So I switched to Virgin Vapor's 100% VG. That same night and for one solid week I had NO problems what so ever.

Then all of a sudden again I had the same symptoms of Short of Breath and Lightheaded so on. Still only vaping 100% VG from Virgin Vapor.

This has lasted 5 days now and comes and goes. I have no other symptoms other than this and I know that it is definitely NOT Nicotine poisoning as I know what that feels like and that only lasts a small amount of time.

I have gone to my doctor and my Lungs, Heart and everything are fine and in good shape. Soooo my question to all the veteran vapers......DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THIS COULD BE?

If it is an allergy why would it be fine for a week then, not.....then fine for another week then not again.

PLEASE DO LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS! Please helps as I dont want to got back to cigs and I love vaping.

Thank you!!!!!!! :)
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Full Member
May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I have seen a doctor (As mentioned in the original post). I have had Lung Capacity Tested, Chest X-Rays and an Eco-Cardiogram. All results are Tip-Top and Totally normal and healthy. In fact my doctor has said that I am in better shape then I should be for having smoked analogs for 17 years. I have only been vaping for 3+ Weeks.

So seeing as though I have a Clean Bill of Health.....any Ideas dear veterans????


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
You don't say if you're inhaling the vapor or just holding it in your mouth. I am having a bad allergic bronchitis spell for the last month with lots of mucous and hacking (and it does cause a bit of numbing in the finger tips btw) and have had to get nic via mouth and nose as my lungs won't tolerate vapor now. I see you have neen checked out so.... yes, it could be temporary problems vaping. My inability to inhale vapor also comes and goes by the day or through the day. The bronchials do begin to narrow with smoking cessation and its a process so things won't be the same day-to-day. Mayo clinic says that at 6 to 8 months not smoking, the bronchials have narrowed considerably or to what is "normal" size. I am at that mark along with seasonal allergic bronchitis and all of a sudden if I try to inhale vapor its the violent couch of a noob... but not always. Trying to say, each of us are individuals physically and just have to experiment with what works to keep us off the smokes.
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Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
You saw your doctor about THIS issue? If not then do so this is scary stuff.

If you have seen your doctor about this issue here are a couple of ideas.

You might be vaping more and getting too much nic that way so reduce the amount of nic in your juice or vape less
headrush when you take a puff? then you definitely have too much nic and need to reduce the amount of nic in your juice

Tingling fingers
For me turned out to be RSI from too much computer time. See your doctor specifically on this one. I had to change my chair, desk edge padding and mouse to get my arm at a proper angle to stop the edge of the desk from compressing a nerve.


Full Member
May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Thanks for the suggestion. I am currently on 18mg 100% VG Virgin Vapor juice. I did not think it was Nicotine OD as I have no nausea or sweats. I was able to chain vape this same juice for a week practically and now its just tightness in breathe and lightheaded. It even happens when I am not vaping. I usually smoke like I would analogs.

When at work it is every 2 hours for about 10 minutes straight. Then once home every hours or so. Could this still be Nicotine OD??


Full Member
Jun 4, 2013
United States
I think your best bet is what everyone else has said. Try lowering your nicotine amount and try getting juice from a different vendor. Also, drink plenty of water. If it is nicotine related, that will help with the side-effects. Your best bet is to just try different combinations of eliminating things like you were doing with the PG and the VG, then the nicotine, and venders. Hope you are able to narrow it down!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2013
I have seen a doctor (As mentioned in the original post). I have had Lung Capacity Tested, Chest X-Rays and an Eco-Cardiogram. All results are Tip-Top and Totally normal and healthy. In fact my doctor has said that I am in better shape then I should be for having smoked analogs for 17 years. I have only been vaping for 3+ Weeks.

So seeing as though I have a Clean Bill of Health.....any Ideas dear veterans????

It may be a side affect of quitting cigarettes. Tingling or numbness in the extremities can indicate that your circulation is returning to normal. If that's the case it should be temporary. Note the "may", "can" and "should". I'm not a doctor and your symptoms could be due to something else.

Keep a close eye on it and let us know what happens.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 23, 2013
London, UK
I have had issues in the past and most certainly overdosing on Nicotine must not be overlooked. It may also be one of your juices. The way to rule out vape related issues is to cut your nicotine level by half at least but better to go straight to a 6mg flavour and just smoke that for a few days and see hu ow yofeel. For me it was a ChocoBana juice that had me almost passing out every time i vaped it -it took me a while to figure it out. It is possible they got the nic levels wrong or I just didn't agree with the flavoring. Remember also that different attys will give you different nicotine exposure. Go back to basics is what I am suggesting. A low nic level juice, clean out your equipment and cut down your vaping and see how you feel. I still get tinnitus if I vape too much even with 6 mg juices.

The only way to rule out vaping related issues is to stop vaping altogether.

To the OP: I know you have seen a doctor already, but I strongly advise you to go back and disucss the matter further. You could print out the following thread and take it with you:

Your symptoms are not typical of tobacco withdrawal, nor are they typical of known vaping side effects or nicotine overdose/poisoning per se.

I think it is far more likely that you are experiencing some symptoms of anxiety related to quitting smoking, but only your doctor can confirm this.

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Full Member
May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I do agree jSquared The symptoms do not seem A-Typical of Nic withdrawl (or any withdrawl), nor OD, and allergy would be weird as it was good one week and then not for a few days, then good and no problems for another week.

I do completely realize that no one here can truly diagnose the issue 100%. But I am simply looking for those that may have had similar issues and to see if they found a way around or through it.

Also as I am new if you guys can point in the direction of some other VG liquid vendors that would be great.

Thanks again!


Senior Member
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Sep 20, 2012
London UK
I guarantee you if our OP drinks more water and cuts down his nic content and stops chain vaping - he will be able to rule out vaping related issues. Anxiety is not caused by quitting smoking it is caused by feeling like you might die from symptoms you are experiencing from vaping that are new to your body. I got over mine and vape happily
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Full Member
May 24, 2013
Los Angeles

I do drink quite a bit of water a day normally, almost a gallon easy. I am very used to High Nicotine Cigarettes, as I smoked the American Spirits for years. Now what is true is that I am TOTALLY unfamiliar with how Vaping feels and reacts with me, as I have only been doing this for less than 4 weeks.

I am on an EGo-C Twist, at 4.8v with a Kanger Protank (2.2ohm) 100% VG

Out of curiosity ColinD: What was your issue that you were having that you got over? & How long did they last and How did you get over it?


Senior Member
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Sep 20, 2012
London UK
My original post was not directed to you ;-0 and was edited to a more positive reply. Just so you know :)

It started first with ringing in the ears (tinnitus) which I had NEVER had before. A few days later I almost passed out at home with massive tinnitus -more of a buzz -and without doubt extreme panic. I have never passed out in my life-I had no doubt it was vaping related - I hadn't researched enough about nicotine and PG and VG causing dehydration. Before I go any further I will add I have Celiac Disease which is a gluten intolerance. So everything affects me in a different way. My immune system and vitamin and mineral levels as well as hydration are always compromised so things like this affect me and perhaps other people in different ways.

I was definitely, overdosing on nic, there was one juice which was worse than others and without question I was dehydrated.

I now vape happily at 6mg -make my own juices, 100% VG and always drink water throughout the day. I still get tinnitus sometimes if I am chain vaping. If this happens I just stop vaping or go to a 0 nic camomile extraction that I made that makes me feel really relaxed.


I do drink quite a bit of water a day normally, almost a gallon easy. I am very used to High Nicotine Cigarettes, as I smoked the American Spirits for years. Now what is true is that I am TOTALLY unfamiliar with how Vaping feels and reacts with me, as I have only been doing this for less than 4 weeks.

I am on an EGo-C Twist, at 4.8v with a Kanger Protank (2.2ohm) 100% VG

Out of curiosity ColinD: What was your issue that you were having that you got over? & How long did they last and How did you get over it?
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