Phantom from horizontech??

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Hightech Redneck

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 27, 2015
Anybody else seen the posts on this? There don't seem to be Alot of details out yet. Sounds very interesting. The highlights are multi chamber for juice, side fill?, mechanical cooling? Liquid recycling?......
I'm very curious about it, anyone else have thoughts/insights.

Here is the manufacturers link

Big Me

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2014
Grimm Green did a first impression on this in his vlog this week. He said he loved the stock coils but wasn't quite so keen on the tank itself, especially how long it took to fill it.

The section on the phantom tank begins around 41 minutes in. I can't link to it as there's a tiny bit of swearing in the video and ECF don't like people using naughty words. ;)

The review is a fair few weeks away so we'll have to wait to get the full picture.
I bought this tank a few weeks ago. Absolutely no spitback because of the baffle/mechanical cooling system. It has pros & cons... I ramble a lot. This post is long.

On par with my Aspire Atlantis V2 with a V1 5ml tank on it. Has 3 oblong slots that adjust from fully open to fully closed. No indented positions.

Side Fill:
I like the side fill, just not when using a dropper or cold e-liquid. A 5ml capacity blunt syringe would be ideal for filling any 5ml tank IMHO. But any unicorn type bottle with a tip that you can stick down in there is good. It has a gasket and doesn't leak, but you will probably have to wipe the tank one you rotate the port closed.

.2 coils only available ATM from Horizon Tech. Parallel Space wrap stainless steel coils. Not compatible with Arctic Tank coils.
I have seen Ni-200 coil heads online @ .2 and .15 resistance

Like I've heard about Arctic tank coils, you should probably boil them and let em dry before vaping. First few tanks were kinda funky. I blame the organic Japanese cotton Horizon Tech uses...

Build deck:
Only 2 feed holes. Doesn't fully take advantage of the liquid recycling feature of the tank. But I'm sure some drips fown the offset hole up top. Could use larger holes in the bottom for airflow. Does not match the airflow of the premade coil heads with a vertical build. Especially if you use the supplied dowel for your wraps.

It appears to be set up for a horizontal build, I have not tried one in it yet even though they supply a premade spaced coil. Vertical builds are possible if you use a larger dowel to wrap your wire & cotton around. Its easier if you use 3/4" or longer coil leads since one comes out the top & the other out the bottom. Leave the top one long if you plan on changing out the cotton... The bottom one I folded & let stick out the bottom for direct contact with the tanks center pin. Figured one less link in the chain.

I had a nice spaced-parallel Ni-200 .15 build in there with a 3/16 or 3/8 i.d. 75w @ 375°-400° F. Seemed OK but I'm still experimenting with TC builds. Once again the supplied cotton had a funky taste to it. I yanked the coil out thinking I had burned the cotton. But @ that low of a temp setting, I didn't.

At lower wattages (20-40) & chain vaping with long hits of 5-10 seconds the tank itself gets hot enough to trip the overheat sensor on my Sigelei 75 TC. The vapor produced never gets too hot IMO. But that heat will transfer to the supplied drip tip even though it has heat fins. I'm now using a derlin/stainless steel tip where the derlin is a tight press fit and the stainless steel doesn't touch the tank. 510 threaded heat sink adapters would be a great addition for chain vaping.

When I upgrade to a dual 18650 bat mod I'll try 50-70 consistantly and see if the shorter duration inhales, or temp control feature will keep the heat down.

All in all I still like the tank and coils. Vaping now @ a full 75w in power mode on my Siegelei. Something I thought I'd never do coming from an eLeaf 20w and Aspire Nautilus/ Kagertech GeniTank.

Now I gotta see if I can get more build deck heads to modify for more juice flow with my vertical Ni-200 parallel coil builds.
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