People have died from the nicotine patch & nasal spray, but not from e-cigs. Why doesn't the fda mention that??

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2009
The Secret Garden
I have never seen it mentioned by the FDA that people have died from using Nicotine Patches, and Nictine nasal spray. Which they have!!!!!!!! Documented fact! I even read during my reasearch people have been murdered by the nicotine patch. Sounds like a lethal weapon to me!!!! Interesting but off topic.

Some fools thought (as usual more is better) and they actually over dosed on the patches. In fact 2 people died during the trials of using the patch for 6 months and then switching over to the Nicotine nasal spray for a year. It is in the stats, but kinda swept under the rug. Where is that evidence in this whole mess???? Why aren't these being banned??

Why are nicotine patches still legal when there have been verified deaths from using them. While on the other hand I have not heard of one case of someone vaping and dying from it, or even getting critically ill. Even the FDA isn't claiming that. And we all know for a fact if they could say that then they sure as heck would.:evil:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2009
Thousands die every year from drug overdose. The reason the patch is legal is because the fda slapped an approved label on it along with small print (warning label). It has specific directions and dosages.

There's nothing wrong with the nicotine patch other than that it doesn't work.

Plus, look at it this way, you can OD by slapping too patches on yourself, you can also OD by downing a 5ml bottle of e-liquid. At 24mg/ml, that's over 100mg of nicotine at once.

It's a good thing to point out, but nothing to base an argument on.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2009
The Secret Garden
It wasn't just from ODing it was also from heart failure. The nic level was too high.
I know that. But it gets so fustrating. No matter what we do it just seems like our hands are tied behind our backs. It is difficult not to rant and rave when I know if the Ban goes through in NY I will have maybe 2 months left to vape, and this is after being smoke free for almost 7 months.
I came into the game too late to stock up. And don't have the proper amount of money to do it now. I know for a fact I am not ready to stop. I will just go back to analogs once my supply is gone. I have no relatives that live out of state. Lucky me no one wanted to really move that far away from our parents. Not having a pity party here just very ticked
off And wondering what the heck I can do to keep vaping. I am almost down to zero nic. Its the hardware I am concerned about.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2010
San Francisco
I honestly don't think it's a good idea to bring up the fact that people have died from other nicotine delivery systems. The counter to that will be see, people have died from those, and they are regulated. E-cigs therefore present at least as much threat, if not more, since the dosing is totally up to the user, and on top of that, the FDA claims to have found inconsistent nic levels in samples. What if the juice contained 3x as much nic as advertised? This is what they'll say.

- wolf
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