Opinions please...

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ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
My 17 year old son smokes and has for over a year. I'm debating on buying him an electronic cig to replace the cigarettes. He's underage so I'll have to do the buying and I have friends who tell me that by getting him ecigs I'm contributing to his nicotine addiction. My friends say I should just make him quit. My mom tried to make me quit when I started smoking at 15 but 43 years later we see that didn't work. He has his own car and job so I can't control his every move. He's been getting cigarettes ion his own for over a year so I don't feel bad about buying him electronic. I figure the ecigs are better than the real ones. Weigh in everyone! :)

Well if you are already vaping and he likes your setup and he lives at home with you............. time to get a backup, and if he uses that instead of cigarettes, Great!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
Do try. It's good parenting to try to keep a child from smoking.

Since he's only been smoking for a year (at least as far as you know) it may be possible to wean him off nicotine. You don't say how much he smokes, but if he is still a light smoker, he could lower his nicotine gradually until he's down to 0mg. You would need to look for e-cigs that allow you to adjust the nicotine level of the liquid.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
My 17 year old son smokes and has for over a year. I'm debating on buying him an electronic cig to replace the cigarettes. He's underage so I'll have to do the buying and I have friends who tell me that by getting him ecigs I'm contributing to his nicotine addiction. My friends say I should just make him quit. My mom tried to make me quit when I started smoking at 15 but 43 years later we see that didn't work. He has his own car and job so I can't control his every move. He's been getting cigarettes ion his own for over a year so I don't feel bad about buying him electronic. I figure the ecigs are better than the real ones. Weigh in everyone! :)

Obviously your friends haven't realized a fundamental truth: that you cannot MAKE another person do anything, and certainly not a 17 yr old with a job and car of his own. I suppose if you got tyrannical you could MAKE him leave, for someplace where people aren't trying to control his every move.

By all means, buy him an e-cig -- any loving and caring parent should do that, in this case, and if it's a good one, maybe it'll even work, and he'll quit the smokes.

I've said for a while now and I'll keep saying it, if an underaged person smokes, then they should have access to e-cigs; it's harm reduction. Smoking is even worse for the young than it is for adults.



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personally, id say to leave it be. hes a kid and everyone does dumb stuff when they're kids. alot of my friends smoked at 16 and dropped it after a year or two. some are still smoking, most quit or are vaping now. but they gotta make their own decisions/mistakes and if hes resisting you now, what says hes gonna get into vaping. or worse you give him a hobby related to nicotine and it becomes a real habit. If it continues when hes older then I'd say go for it. but interfering now will more then likely end in frustration.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
I'm over 50;
I 'smoked' cigarettes a few times when I was young.
Never interested me.

Then there was a long rough period in my life, and my theory is there was some depression involve.. and yeah it involved a girl, and one day I was out for a walk with a friend walking the dog and he smoked and there was snow on the ground and it was cold and I was freezing, so I asked for a cigarette.

And that was it.

Years later I tried to stop, and couldn't. If the option to vape was available - damn! I wouldve been able to get away from the stinkies.
I guess however you look at it, your son is in a better time in that regard; if he wanted to stop smoking sometime over the next few years, there'd be the option. Oh.. yeah, one BIG motivation for a young man to not smoke stinkies is..... girlfriend. Pretty good chance at some point he's going to try to stop smoking cigs, and having vape as an alternative is a huge plus.


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Aug 27, 2014
Chicago, IL
Personally, for me, I'm against underaged kids delving into addictive things (or illegal things) all together. But, that's not what this is about.

You're his mom. You know him best. Is a strong talking-to going to make a difference or has that ship sailed? If it has in fact passed, then I think vaping is a legitimate option to consider -- but you should talk to him first. At 17 years of age he's making his own decisions and you can buy him all the set-ups in the world, but if he doesn't like the experience or WANT to vape you could flush that money down the toilet all the same. However, if he's serious about wanting to try -- then try.

If it were my kid... I'd probably let him if he was interested with the perimeters that we're going to start at X level, but we're going to ween lower and we're going to look at this as QUITTING, not exchanging one habit for another. When he turns 18, if he chooses to continue or wants to explore different nic levels, set-ups and what not, that's fine -- but my money/my rules.


Resting In Peace
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Sep 1, 2014
Great advice...Thanks everyone!!!
This is the kid that stayed on my back for years to quit smoking. He said he started because of stress and anxiety. I've asked him about vaping and he said he was willing to try. I have a couple of spinners that I'm not using so I think 1 of them will become his. All I need to do then is get a couple of tanks to go with it. The juice is going to be the hard part. I think he's probably only smoking maybe less than 10 cigarettes a day so I probably would try to start him out on a 6 or an 8 mg nicotine and see where he goes from there. The local vape shop(small town, only one) would probably card him so him going with me is out. He and I will have to sit down and figure out what his tastes are and go from there. He has a couple of friends that vape too so that will help.

Ash, that ship sailed a long time ago. Of my 2 kids, my son is the one most like me....stubborn as a mule and does not believe fire burns and hard headed to boot! Lol


Ultra Member
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Sep 21, 2013
. . . except go to school and clean his room.

Compared to some age-mates, he's almost docile ;) ...

Jesting aside, sayin 'no' is gonna be counter-productive.

'Forbidden fruit' are always more tempting - been like that since dawn of time. Ask Adam and Eve, former residents of Eden ;) ...

Given the 'choice' between an under-age smokes and an under-age vaper...

Or, if his 18th isn't too far away, you could lure him with a deal: He stays off things smoking AND vaping and you gonna present him with some nice cool vaping gear on his b-day...


Super Member
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Sep 18, 2014
Texas, Near Randolph Air Force Base
Personally, for me, I'm against underaged kids delving into addictive things (or illegal things) all together. But, that's not what this is about.

You're his mom. You know him best. Is a strong talking-to going to make a difference or has that ship sailed? If it has in fact passed, then I think vaping is a legitimate option to consider -- but you should talk to him first. At 17 years of age he's making his own decisions and you can buy him all the set-ups in the world, but if he doesn't like the experience or WANT to vape you could flush that money down the toilet all the same. However, if he's serious about wanting to try -- then try.

If it were my kid... I'd probably let him if he was interested with the perimeters that we're going to start at X level, but we're going to ween lower and we're going to look at this as QUITTING, not exchanging one habit for another. When he turns 18, if he chooses to continue or wants to explore different nic levels, set-ups and what not, that's fine -- but my money/my rules.
Yep, my daughter refuses to even try to vape. She did take a starter kit I bought her, that she Never used. After about 7 months without asking me to fill her tank, I discovered she'd lost it.


Full Member
Sep 19, 2014
Bardstown, KY
From a legal aspect, we can't condone the purchase of a controlled product for an underage minor. However, if I were in the situation, I would ease into the topic lightly.. maybe let them try mine a few times to see if it is right for him. As others have mentioned, the health aspects alone warrant the switch. This is a very touchy subject and I hope you come to a common ground with your son soon.


Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
You've got that right! I haven't been able to "make" him do anything since he turned 14 except go to school and clean his room.

You get your son to clean his room :ohmy:

You must tell me the secret :)

If PVs had been around 30 years ago and my parents had given me one it would likely have saved me thousands upon thousands of dollars as well as saved me from the effects of 30 years of smoking. My :2c:, encourage him to look into vaping as an alternative. Buy him a set up and see where it goes. Vaping is not a magic cure for smoking so don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen right away but at least he will know that there are alternatives.

Thinking about it and remembering (faintly) being 17, tell him chicks will dig it :D
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