Opinions please...

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
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Sep 1, 2014
I bought him a T3S and gave him one of my 1st spinners, menthol juice in 6 mg and so far so good! My family suggested I buy him 0 mg juice but I didn't think he'd buy that because after all, he can read. He's using it, not smoking so all is right in my world for the time being. Although he did try and talk me out of my mini ProTank 3 to which I told him forget it! It's my favorite!
Great advice...Thanks everyone!!!
This is the kid that stayed on my back for years to quit smoking. He said he started because of stress and anxiety. I've asked him about vaping and he said he was willing to try. I have a couple of spinners that I'm not using so I think 1 of them will become his. All I need to do then is get a couple of tanks to go with it. The juice is going to be the hard part. I think he's probably only smoking maybe less than 10 cigarettes a day so I probably would try to start him out on a 6 or an 8 mg nicotine and see where he goes from there. The local vape shop(small town, only one) would probably card him so him going with me is out. He and I will have to sit down and figure out what his tastes are and go from there. He has a couple of friends that vape too so that will help.

Ash, that ship sailed a long time ago. Of my 2 kids, my son is the one most like me....stubborn as a mule and does not believe fire burns and hard headed to boot! Lol

If he's willing to try it I would go with what you said and seeing that he has friends that vape too will defiantly help. I'm like you I wouldn't take him to a vape shop, here you have to be 18 just to enter one and call the cops. I started smoking at 13 and my parents didn't find out until I was 17, the lecture didn't help esp. when both had a cig in their hand. I mention this because I told them I had only been smoking for a year when it had actually been 4 and I did buy my own cigs as there is always someplace that will sell them.

Set a good example with your vaping and hope he takes it up and drops the cigs because the more you try to get him to quit the more he will do it behind your back. If you can find a flavor he really likes it will certainly help. If you can try to find out what is stressing him out and causing the anxiety, if you can help reduce the cause you might have more luck. Hope everything works out for you both.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2014
Coloma, MI, USA
I know this is a tricky topic. If ecigs had been around when i was 16 and started smoking, i probably would have tried them also. It wasn't so much the smoking and nicotine at that age, it was the simple fact that I was doing something that I knew I shouldn't be doing. If ecigs were around and I would have had to be 18 to buy them, i would have found someone to buy the stuff for me. With that being said, he needs to want to quit smoking, if not he is going to continue doing it behind your back. You could just get him a cheap starter kit, give it to him, and see how he does with it. Vaping is leaps and bounds better for him than smoking, as you already know. The biggest thing for me to switch was a good tobacco flavor,so try something like that. The only way you are going to get him to switch is to just be supportive. Allow him to vape around you! It doesn't sound like he is smoking around you.
This is not tricky at all, unless there are laws about use of PVs by <18 year olds that I don't know about.Harm reduction doesn't care how old a person is. Since he is willing to try, you are definitely doing the right thing. Just don't push the "must quit smoking" aspect. Let it happen (or not) natually.

I would set up either of my sons who smoke in an instant if they expressed the slightest interest, although they are 22 and 23 years old. And an aside I too am quite interested in how you get him to clean his room. Its too late for the two older ones, but I still have a 17 year old daughter and 13 year old son at home.
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Full Member
Sep 26, 2014
Norman, Oklahoma
This is a tough question. Right now there is no regulation against providing this to your underage son, but this is not something that you should advertise that you do. Personally I think that as a parent you have to do what you know is in the best interest of your child and not pay attention to the ANTZ who demonize vaping with unfounded conjecture when you make your decision as a parent.


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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
My 17 year old son smokes and has for over a year. I'm debating on buying him an electronic cig to replace the cigarettes. He's underage so I'll have to do the buying and I have friends who tell me that by getting him ecigs I'm contributing to his nicotine addiction. My friends say I should just make him quit. My mom tried to make me quit when I started smoking at 15 but 43 years later we see that didn't work. He has his own car and job so I can't control his every move. He's been getting cigarettes ion his own for over a year so I don't feel bad about buying him electronic. I figure the ecigs are better than the real ones. Weigh in everyone! :)

Make him quit? LOL I thought that was pretty funny.

Of course buy him an ecig. He is smoking, vaping will be better for sure. You aren't contributing to his nic habit, he is doing that by smoking, and will continue to smoke if he wants. you can offer him a healthier alternative.......and IF he chooses he can step down his nicotine when and if he is ready at some point. :)


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 1, 2014
This is not tricky at all, unless there are laws about use of PVs by <18 year olds that I don't know about.Harm reduction doesn't care how old a person is. Since he is willing to try, you are definitely doing the right thing. Just don't push the "must quit smoking" aspect. Let it happen (or not) natually.

I would set up either of my sons who smoke in an instant if they expressed the slightest interest, although they are 22 and 23 years old. And an aside I too am quite interested in how you get him to clean his room. Its too late for the two older ones, but I still have a 17 year old daughter and 13 year old son at home.
How do I get him to clean his room? I carry his car insurance..no clean room, no car. I'll drop his insurance in a skinny minute if that room ain't cleaned and he knows it!! Lol


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 1, 2014
do what YOU feel is right NOT what ANYONE else thinks is..

I did! Now the same "family"members is giving him the juices that they don't like at 12mgs of nicotine and I said oh hell to the NO on that one! If you want to give him your stuff, fine but make sure it's 6mg or less! Sheesh! I was one mad mama when he told me.
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