Online retailers should be more competitive!

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Ultra Member
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Nov 8, 2012
Hawaii, SAR,HongKong (Stanley)
So maybe OK to refresh this age old argument..but for O.P.- This is what the "review" section is all about.
Safe shopping means looking for a source proven trustworthy by others.
IF I were looking for a new purchase place online; first Id look at both Positive & Negative reviews here
by searching the subforums and suppliers by name.
I mean hey; 10 Million Cant be wrong. eh? LOL!

Uncle Willie

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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
So maybe OK to refresh this age old argument..but for O.P.- This is what the "review" section is all about.
Safe shopping means looking for a source proven trustworthy by others.
IF I were looking for a new purchase place online; first Id look at both Positive & Negative reviews here
by searching the subforums and suppliers by name.
I mean hey; 10 Million Cant be wrong. eh? LOL!

I thought his point was prices are too high .. ?? :confused:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
Peoples' Bucolic Republic of Maine
For me, there is a nagging problem with the the exclusive focus on price in the first post.

I like a low price as well as anyone, but I don't just exchange money for product; I seek value for what I spend.

In this vaping world, to which I am a newcommer, value has a few obvious facets:

1) Product quality—For the intended purpose, is the item going to give me the functions I want and need? Will it last? Will it perform without problems?

2) Vendor service—Will my order be fulfilled properly? Will it arrive in a reasonable timeframe? Will I be treated with courtesy if there is a problem with order fulfillment or a defective product? Will the vendor strive to satisfy my requests if they are reasonable, and overcome any unreasonable expectations I may have with information and patience? Will items be properly packaged to avoid damage in transit?

3) Price—Will the cost to the customer be competitive with the same or equivalent items available elsewhere, on similar terms?

Buying a battery or clearomizer or a bottle of juice is not just about finding the cheapest price, at least for me. The value of the transaction, including ease of doing business with a seller, matters very much to me.

Speaking of cheap prices, I was intrigued to learn about fasttech on these forums. The prices sure looked good. I placed an order.
Three weeks later, it is still sitting in a Hong Kong postal facility. I have no idea if or when it will arrive. This is not the vendor's fault; the local postal service is the cause, but my overall experience doesn't exactly have me bursting with enthusiasm to place another order with that company.

This morning I decided to add to my collection of vaping hardware. I bought some Kanger Protank IIs recently, and am very happy with them (and with SmokTek, the seller who provided me with them at a good price, with fine service). I wanted a lighter weight, lower capacity version. I learned here that the "Mini" shares many of the same good product attributes.

Browsing for something else, I noticed that Sweet Vapes was offering them at what seemed like a good price. I compared that with a few other well-known vendors. Their price looked good by comparison. I checked the Fasttech price, just as a reference point. It was, to my surprise, 15% or 20% higher! They are also out of stock on the item. Next I checked here and on a couple of other vaping forums for customer comments about the vendor's service. Everything seems good.

I placed an order.

Yes, price certainly matters to me, but not by itself. I can buy cheap clones that work badly from a seller that will give me heartburn. I can buy inexpensive clones that perform very nicely from a vendor I trust to treat me well. I can buy quality products at a fair cost from a good vendor. If cheap is all I'm after, I can have it readily, and suffer the consequences.

End of rant.

sent from my steam-powered armadillo


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Dec 29, 2009
I think it's reasonable to evaluate current costs; however with the abundance of online vendors, especially in the U.S., I see little reason to complain about prices of either hardware or liquid from individual vendors. If you don’t like their prices, simply shop at a different vendor.
Currently I purchase from approximately 30 online vendors both nationally and internationally. Being in Canada I purchase the majority of hardware and e-liquid internationally. My hardware purchases consist mainly of PV’s and RBA’s which usually are only available through the manufacturer and/or select or individual distributors, usually located outside Canada. The majority of my e-liquid are purchased internationally due to personal preference.

The most significant cost factor in online purchases is the multiplied shipping charges incurred by shopping at multiple vendors. Some of the reasons for consumers shopping at multiple vendors are beyond the control of the vendors, but there are definitely some factors that businesses are able to affect. No single vendor is ever going to stock every item on the market. This will always be the case both for hardware and for e-liquid. A significant cost factor which ‘is’ in the vendors power to change is stocking all relevant supplies necessary to the hardware they are selling and selling those supplies for a ‘reasonable price’

I do think that it is justified to complain that a vendor sells rba’s for example and either refuses to carry the necessary supplies for these rba’s or ‘greatly’ overcharges for those supplies. Case in point: SS mesh, wicking material, and wire etc. I see the majority of vendors that sell their rba’s at a reasonable price are overcharging on these supplies forcing the consumer to purchase their supplies elsewhere.

As I previously stated, the real cost of shopping at multiple vendors is the multiplied cost of shipping these individual orders.

In addition to multiple shipping charges, the rates that some vendors charge for shipping are exorbitant. This is more of an issue in Canada than the U.S. In Canada minimum shipping charges (ie: 5ml bottle) is almost universally $10.00. International rates from U.S. to Canada are often outrageous and alternative options are limited. Just last week I was charged $50.00 from a U.S. vendor to ship a small flat rate box weighing only a few ‘ounces’! The only other shipping option was $20.00 of which the vendor stated that he would not be responsible if the item was lost! Now I know that other options are available, so why aren’t these options offered to the consumer. I can purchase items overseas with ‘free shipping’ that have tracking numbers and the vendor assures delivery. I know there are other shipping options because other U.S. vendors offer them.

Here are a couple of vendors that offer reasonable shipping charges:
Here in Canada:
JRCustomTurnings (offers a small package rate of $3.75)
International (U.S. to Canada):
S&SMods (offers USPS (First Class Mail International Parcel for $8.55)

There are of course others but the point is that there are options that vendors can make available to their customers if they choose.

Again, the cost of shopping at multiple vendors is due to the multiplied ‘shipping’ charges incurred and the exorbitant rates that are sometimes charged. These costs which are borne by the consumer could be reduced by vendors carrying relevant supplies for the hardware they sell and offering those supplies at reasonable rates. In addition offering customers economical shipping options would give us the option for savings. Charging a markup for shipping costs and/or not offering economical shipping options is in my mind inexcusable! Is this ignorance on the part of vendors or is this something else?

Just my 2¢


Krazee Kat Laydee & Guru-X2.5
ECF Veteran
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Aug 3, 2010
SoCal, USA
I suppose the OP has never seen this thread here??? :unsure:
Where the members post all of the current Sales they find...

And maybe you would like to find some Coupon codes here: ECF E-Cigarette Coupons - ECF E-cigarette Forum Coupon Codes Directory

Or this one... with the Contests vendors are holding to give away FREE stuff??

In other words... Yes, they ARE competitive, you just have to know where to look!! :D
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