Oh no! I might be allergic!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 6, 2010
Hey everyone. As you may know I started vaping this week and was able to make the switch from analogs without a problem. I've been vaping heavily since I got my PV, much more than I ever smoked. I've been mixing my juice at 12mg.

I'm not sure yet, but I think I might be allergic to PG. Last night I started itching and my arms looked like they were about to break out in hives. I did some research and found that hives can also be caused from overdosing on nicotine so I stopped vaping right then and there. About an hour later it seemed like the itching and redness was going away and I went to bed.

Everything was fine when I woke up this morning, but everytime I take a vape from my PV it feels like its making me itch. I'm not allergic to anything that I know of so I'm not sure what to make of this yet. It sounds like a reaction to the PG but I'm not ready to jump to any conclusions.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know what's happening with me and I will keep you all up to date on this as I continue to figure it out.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2010
Brooklyn, MI
I read a post in here once by someone else who had an allergic reaction (that's sure what this sounds like) and when he went to the doctor they told him to apply vegetable glycerin to the effected areas. I thought that was kinda funny. PG allergies are pretty rare. Looks like your one of the lucky ones though. JK
VG switch should not only solve the problem but may also cure it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 6, 2010
It's been four days now and I'm beginning to think the redness/itching/slightly visible bumps I got may have just been an initial reaction or was maybe caused by the excessive vaping I was doing the first few days after receiving the PV. I haven't gotten any of the redness that I did before although I do seem to be itching myself slightly more than usual and I have had some dandruff the last couple days which is odd because I never get dandruff. We'll see it goes but right now I think I'm okay to keep on vaping!


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 13, 2009
It's a funny thing. I was using just PG when I first started. It was the default type of juice (and what did I know). When I started complaining that the vapor wasn't visibly satisfying, people told me to try a VG mix.

It was great the first day, then my tongue started "burning" and the next morning the top layer of my tongue and mouth would scrape off. Since I was new, I wasn't sure what was happening. So I kept up with it to see if it was a temporary thing. Nope it wasn't.

I assumed that maybe the juice maker was adding something that wasn't agreeing with me, so I ordered from a different vendor and went back to my original juice (Johnson Creek, BTW). The condition stopped.

I got my new order and the same thing happened again.

Contrary to most people's reactions here (being allergic to pure PG), I seem to be allergic to a VG mix. :?:

Bottom line, nobody here experienced what I had (I posted about it) and it wouldn't suprise me if there are other stories about people experiencing things that most others haven't. So I would try different vendors and different mixes to see what works or doesn't. Unfortunately, some people just end up being allergic to it regardless of what they try.

So unfortunately for me, I am pretty much stuck with Johnson Creek, as most other juice vendors use a PG/VG mix exclusively. Doesn't bother me as JC has a decent amount of flavors and fortunately, of all the ones I have experimented with, I like the JC flavors the most. :D

Good luck.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
oooh taht does sounds like some kind of allergic reaction - poor you :(
Other posters are correct though - maybe even cutting PG with VG will alleviate your issues - do remember that many flavorings are made from a PG base - so hopefully you dont have a full blown allergy to PG, just a sensitivity to 100% PG as your carrier. I doubt its too much nic, but if you can establish a PG tolerance at any time you might want to experiment with that next. (If you do both at once you wont know WHICH is affecting you)
There is a list around the forums, somewhere (lol), showing suppliers who do - or CAN do - an all VG liquid.
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