Now It Is Confirmed- the FDA's Announcement on eCigs

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Robert T. Tan

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ECF Veteran
Nov 5, 2018
Thanks! I actually ended up looking it up. Looks like it is pulled from this:
CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System

You can actually look at state by state- although not all the fields appear to be populated. I threw this together for an article I am writing about a California bill that would effectively ban the sales of vape stuff in that state. There are tons of other risky behaviors listed but I thought these were the most relevant.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
If the Statistic for this category...

Usually Got Their Own Electronic Vapor Products By Buying Them In A Store
(such as a convenience store, supermarket, discount store, gas station, or vape store, including e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, vape pipes, vaping pens, e-hookahs, and hookah pens, during the 30 days before the survey, among students who currently used electronic vapor products and who were aged <18)

... had been say 50 or 60%, some of what the FDA says it "has to do" to combat Youth Use could almost be relevant.

But being what it is using this CDC Data, can a Real Argument be made that the FDA has control over how a Youth gets (or Doesn't get) an e-Cigarette?

And if the Argument is made, who is Listening to it?

Robert T. Tan

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ECF Veteran
Nov 5, 2018
And I couldn't even find the same question- how minors get items they shouldn't be able to legally acquire- for tobacco, marijuana, alcohol or guns. The closest thing was for alcohol- the question was framed as "usually get alcohol by someone giving it to them" (42% said they did). Pretty interesting, maybe the other 58% operate their own whiskey stills in the Sierra Nevada foothills or make bathtub gin in the guest bathroom.

Its a big survey, maybe I missed it. But if in fact they didn't ask how minors are getting booze, weed and guns, then this raises questions about why they included that inquiry at all. It is almost like they were on a fishing expedition, didn't get the answer they wanted and decided to blame stores not age verifying anyways.
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