Tell the FDA how ecigs have impacted your life!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 29, 2011
Chicago, IL
The FDA Seeks Your Opinion
on Electronic Cigarettes

The FDA has announced its intention to issue regulations deeming electronic cigarettes to be within the scope of FDA jurisdiction under the tobacco Control Act. These regulations may affect the manner in which electronic cigarettes are sold and could have the effect of making these products more expensive and/or less accessible.
You have the opportunity to have your opinion heard regarding this matter.

The FDA is accepting public submissions via the Internet through next Wednesday (January 16th, 2013).

If electronic cigarettes have had a positive impact on your life, we encourage you to share your story with the FDA and to urge the FDA not to take any action that would make these products more difficult or expensive to obtain than they are currently.

All you need to do is follow the link below to have your voice heard on this important topic.

To submit a comment electronically:

Go to

Comments are limited to 2,000 characters. If your comment is longer, you can upload a file to fully share your story.

Your opinion does matter, and we know that collectively our voices will be heard.

Share your story and share this with other vapers you may know!
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